BF3 Close Quarters site-wide mixer!!
Thu, 06/14/2012 - 13:03
BF3 Close Quarters site-wide mixer!!
On Friday June,29th @ 9pm Central will be the BF3 Close Quarters site-wide mixer! By this time the Close Quartes DLC will be available for everyone. We will be mixing up the game modes for that PWNtastic variety! It will be held on 2o2plays public server with extra servers on standbye if needed.. All 2o2play members and clans are invited.. Please sign up in this thread , and see you on the Battlefield!!
Sounds cool, these maps look like pure chaos. Should be a lot of fun. I'm in.
This will be an insane evening.These maps are crazy fast.
I might be a little late but, i'll be there.
Fat count me in... i can also live stream the mixer on the 2old2play twitch channel. Love the new maps so far...
Thanks Hitman! I like the maps as well, fast and furious!
I'm in but will be a little late.
2fat. Have you sent a write up yet so this can get posted on the Front Page?
You can do it. Scroll over 'Content' at the top of the page and click on 'Division News'
I see it on the division tab, but we should also get something on the main tab.
PM Doodi or EleKtrafi and they will get it up.
I also pimped it on the VidCast yesterday.
I'll try to come along and hopefully with time differences I catch some of you for a while.
I will put my name in as a possible. I'll have to see how that particular Friday evening plays out.
I know about 2 servers for 2o2p, (hardcore & "normal"). Are there more?
Friday? damn you man.
I will try to make it.
aha, getting killed at short range, sounds like fun.
i'll try and get some games in with you all.
(euh, what time is that for us europe dudes)
9 pm Central US time should be Saturday Morning at 3am GMT
If anyone else is in the same boat as me and hasnt had the time to max everything out yet, just know that these maps are a pure goldmine for points. Even without double xp I average around 5000 per game and the games are very quick compared to a standard conquest game.
In unless son has baseball game.
That should be 10 EST not 8!!!
So it should! That's what I get for throwing shit together after pulling the night shift. I'll fix it later this afternoon.
Bowl, that is awesome !
Shit 3am GMT. Listen if anyone wants a few "warm up" games earlier that evening or afternoon I'll be on the 2old2play server.
I'll be on around 8 ET a usual
I usually jump on after I get home from work. I'll be sure to head to over to the 2old2play server straight away.
Same here.
Take 2
If you don't mind i'll use this picture for the 2old2play live stream when we go live that day...
But for the record, I'll probably be on at 8 anyway.