BF4 beta impressions

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#1 Tue, 10/01/2013 - 23:33
yaok888's picture
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BF4 beta impressions

about as expected for me - it's BF 3.5 / CODafield

not finding too much to like about the beta. (speaking Console only, not PC)

yes - people say it's still BETA, but even if it's 4 week old code, there is less than 1 month b4 release and not much time to change basic features.

Weapons seem to have less recoil and kind of "samey" quality that COD weapons have.

TTK seems pretty low b/c you can spray without having to deal with recoil.

You can't move as fast as in BF3 so makes dying even quicker.

The controls SUCK - you cannot duplicate the BF3 layout even on "Veteran"  option.  Stupid battlelog is mapped to the "back"  button now.  We DONT NEED a dedicated battlelog button - map it to one of the Select button options or set it to use Between rounds only.

Same with Vehicle control layout - DICE messed up the good BC2, BF3 layout.

Map is horrible washed out color and layout promotes roof camping.  Half the teams are on roofs instead of capping flags.

Grenade launchers seemed to be OP once you figure out how to use them.

Maybe once I get used to the sucky control layouts I'll feel better about the beta but my thoughts are this is a bad sign for the release.

Battlefield gets closer to Call of Duty with each new version.



Wed, 10/02/2013 - 16:15
bunsen27's picture
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BF4 is going to be almost a complete waste of time on the XBox 360 and PS3.  The game is REALLY being designed around 64 or 32 player maps for PC and Next Gen.  Some of the smaller scale gametypes like Defuse and Obliteration "should" work on current gen as they are lower player count.  Conquest not so much.  Now on PC/Next Gen it should be quite good, but I agree it is still drifting towards CODafiled.

It sucks that this itteration is hitting during a hardware change-over in the console cycle.  It really only gives you(as a console player) three viable options:

1. Become an early adopter of the Next Gen hardware.  Remember the RRoD debacle and how many games online MP didn't work until four months after launch? (COD2)

2. Wait 9-12 months to see if any major defect issues arise from the first wave of next Gen hardware and or shortages subside.  Then jump to next Gen around Sept 2014 for all the 2014 Q3 & Q4 releases.

3. Jump ship and join the PC ranks.


For now I've choosen option #3 and will likely be enacting option #2 next Fall for Destiny.




Fri, 10/18/2013 - 14:50 (Reply to #2)
SoulTerror's picture
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bunsen27 wrote:

BF4 is going to be almost a complete waste of time on the XBox 360 and PS3.  The game is REALLY being designed around 64 or 32 player maps for PC and Next Gen.  Some of the smaller scale gametypes like Defuse and Obliteration "should" work on current gen as they are lower player count.  Conquest not so much. 


I couldn't agree more. I'm hoping to be able to afford a Xbone in the spring.


They have already went over a few things from the beta that should be addressed for the final release.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 18:40
Chuppernicus's picture
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yaok888 wrote:

 layout promotes roof camping.  Half the teams are on roofs instead of capping flags.

Battlefield gets closer to Call of Duty with each new version.

Thats the problem with trying to reach a broader audience, you get guys form COD worried about their almighty KD that they dont PTFO.


I'm getting it on the One. Thought about doing the 360 then upgrade option but I think i'll just wait. Too many other games to play before the new systems launch. I plan to give the beta another try tonight. Couldn't get into a match in the small window I had to play games last night. End game was the best set of maps for BF3, I hope DICE isn't trying too hard to court the COD kids this time around with the launch maps.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 22:56
scratchski's picture
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More players = exponentially more asshat in my experience.

My PC servers are regularly 24, max 32 players.

Beta was fine untill it got laggy, but honestly, for $60, I think I'll get bored of this really quick.

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 04:57
Blimey's picture
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As I played on the 360 last night I kept getting the feeling it reminded me of MOHW.......scary thought. I live and breath battlefield but the gameplay on this one doesn't feel right(looking beyond the beta issues) I'm going to play some more over the next week but I'm starting to get bored with it after two days. I actually quit after only two games last night. That never happened with the BF3 least I will have Killzone to look forward to.

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 22:30
scratchski's picture
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revised opinion - still not blown away, but it was nice to play with Bunsen and Cardiac and actually have a vested interest in my squad, and having someone watch my back ( sometimes ).

So for now it's a maybe. I like the weapon handling, the lack of recoil and the vulnerability of vehicles. It keeps the pace up. I might hold fire and see what the other maps look like.

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 13:51 (Reply to #7)
bunsen27's picture
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scratchski wrote:

revised opinion - still not blown away, but it was nice to play with Bunsen and Cardiac and actually have a vested interest in my squad, and having someone watch my back ( sometimes ).

So for now it's a maybe. I like the weapon handling, the lack of recoil and the vulnerability of vehicles. It keeps the pace up. I might hold fire and see what the other maps look like.

Agreed It's nice having a tank gunner to handle all the infantry along with a squadmate!  We just need to get you a mic setup for PC.  I'm running a wired X360 controller and headset as my mic.  The voice chat plays through my speakers though.  I need to figure that part out.

Sorry for the wonky tank driving last night.  I'm still getting used to WASD for tank controls and my frame rate was stuttering HARD at times.

Speaking of tanks they are a lot more vunerable to infantry than previous BF's.  I'm not sure how I feel about a T-90 or Abrams being susceptible to M320 grenades slightly less than a SMAW or RPG (15 vs 25 hit points) and a faster reload time on the M320.

Two other things I noticed were that tank machine guns chew through infantry quickly, but the AP shells have a very limited splash damage.  Also, there is a new dynamic on tank shells.  You only have 3 shells that reload at your standard speed then once those are depleted you have a time period before those three replenish.  I don't have the exact details on it but I found this out the hard way in the middle of a 2 on 1 tank battle when I needed my fourth shell.  Also I read or heard somewhere that tanks only hold so many rounds total.


Fri, 10/04/2013 - 05:15
KamakazeTaco's picture
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The graphics are shit. Now, this is possibly just because our download is so small. Apparently the beta on PS3 is like 6gb, they may have gotten the HD pack.

Guns handle like COD now. This is no fun for me, barely any recoil or anything to worry about. Spray and pray all ya like.

THe ammo packs are stupid. They only give some ammo for your primary weapon and don't restore explosives at all. What's the point of being support if you can't support?

Counter knifing is a free kill for the enemy. They get like 3 seconds to press B, you have no chance to knife someone from the front anymore.


If you like Battlefield you'll like this simply because of the title. But the more the series goes on, the closer we get to COD with health packs.

Sat, 10/05/2013 - 06:49
PitifulBean's picture
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I just played a game of conquest and really enjoyed it.  It wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed it enough to add to my pre-order list.

Sat, 10/05/2013 - 16:21
bunsen27's picture
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I got into an empty server today with Cardiac and we tested out the tank and IFV ammo reload and regeneration.  You actually have 5 shells for the tank and 36 (12 per salvo) for the IFV.  Reload time is 3.5 seconds and regenerate time is 15 seconds per shell for tank and per salvo for IFV.  :

Example for the tank"

Time zero is when you fire the 1st round

Time = 3.5 seconds fire 2nd round

Time = 7 seconds fire 3rd round

Time = 10.5 seconds fire 4th round

Time = 14 seconds fire 5th round

Time = 15 seconds 1st round regenerates

Time = 18.5 seconds 1st round finishes loading, fire 6th round, 2nd round regenerates

Time = 22 seconds fire 7th round

Time = 25.5 seconds 3rd round regenerates

If you run down to zero there appears to be an additional 3-5 second delay in regenrating shells.

That's a BIG difference from the one round every 3 seconds model of BF3 (20 rounds per minute) versus maximuim 11 rounds in 1:05 min in BF4!  As a tanker it forces you to use the machine gun more on infantry and save the shells for the opposing armor.  I like it!  Also IFV's take 3 hit's for critical damage and tanks take 4 hits from the 120mm cannon.  Shot placement effects are not totally clear right now.


Sun, 10/06/2013 - 01:36 (Reply to #11)
bunsen27's picture
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This is how you take care of those pesky roof campers!!


and how to get on the rooftops via elavator:

Sun, 10/06/2013 - 21:49 (Reply to #12)
scratchski's picture
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bunsen27 wrote:


This is how you take care of those pesky roof campers!!

GREAT FIND ! THis really makes a difference and the bitching from the roof campers is priceless. I've already been called a hacker !!

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 11:53
Ders.'s picture
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Massive framerate/rendering issues on the 360 so far, and I need to get used to the new control schemes.

That being said, the core mechanics still feel the same, and I'm sure the final product will be enjoyable.  The roof campers are annoying, but easily dealt with IMO.

Wed, 10/09/2013 - 09:05
stungun504's picture
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Thu, 10/10/2013 - 04:54 (Reply to #15)
Blimey's picture
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stungun504 wrote:

Obliteration mode added to Battlefield 4 beta

Played a couple of games of Obliteration. I enjoyed the game play.

Fri, 10/11/2013 - 19:56
bunsen27's picture
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command line for displaying FPS in game:  "~" key opens line editor then type in perfoverlay.drawFPS 1  1 = on 0 = off

Fri, 10/11/2013 - 20:02
MrGuster's picture
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I still have to give this a go on PC but on the 360 my main complaint is the hit detection. It's awful but, it's also a beta so it's expected. It works most of the time but there are times when it doesn't register a hit, even when my friend was standing still right in front of me. He then killed me with 2 pistol shots. I'll blame that on Karma for sniping them off the roof continuously.

I'm still waiting to try the PC one, should be able to give it a go in the next day or two.

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