BF4 Class Re-balancing

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#1 Wed, 06/12/2013 - 09:13
YEM's picture
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Wed, 06/12/2013 - 20:14
Cardiac_Wolf's picture
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I noticed in the Multiplayer reveal video that a recon applied the C4 on the tank that was dropped in from the road above.  I think this is the way it should be.  

I wonder if the commander mode will support smartphones, or is it only tablet. 

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 02:49
CiaranORian's picture
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Sweet. Recon+shot gun+c4+motion sensor=unbeatable

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 13:58
xBIGWIGx's picture
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Aw, I always play Support and I enjoyed having C4 to be able to blow up tanks/buildings/trees/etc. But I understand their thinking. Me as Support with C4 had an unlimited amount of explosives and could bring down that skyscraper right away. Would it be cool? Absolutely! But it wouldnt have been very fair. Also sounds like they are doing away with the Mortar, which is a little annoying because it was good for getting Snipers out of tough to reach areas. But the class will gain that rifle with the programmable explosive ammo, which sounds like a lot of fun to use.

Fri, 07/12/2013 - 04:35 (Reply to #4)
CiaranORian's picture
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xBIGWIGx wrote:

Aw, I always play Support and I enjoyed having C4 to be able to blow up tanks/buildings/trees/etc. But I understand their thinking. Me as Support with C4 had an unlimited amount of explosives and could bring down that skyscraper right away. Would it be cool? Absolutely! But it wouldnt have been very fair. Also sounds like they are doing away with the Mortar, which is a little annoying because it was good for getting Snipers out of tough to reach areas. But the class will gain that rifle with the programmable explosive ammo, which sounds like a lot of fun to use.

I remember in BC2 playing recon and c4ing the mcomms. The good thing was you couldnt spam it without an assualt dropping you ammo.  So yeah unlimited ammo+c4 isnt really fair.

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 15:07
SoulTerror's picture
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Not happy about recon getting  C4. Most of them are off in lala land and that C4 will not be getting used for anything.

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 20:10 (Reply to #6)
Cardiac_Wolf's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

Not happy about recon getting  C4. Most of them are off in lala land and that C4 will not be getting used for anything.

I was hoping that it would encourage them to play closer to the front lines, but it will probably only encourage a few more people to play the class for the purpose of using C4 while the traditional snipers will still stay back and snipe. It may be better to switch it to the engineer class.   

Fri, 07/12/2013 - 09:22
YEM's picture
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In BFBC2 I would run the assault class with the galil (I think it was the galil) and that would allow me to run C4 too.... MCOMS didn't stand a chance  :)

Thu, 07/18/2013 - 15:46 (Reply to #8)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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YEM wrote:

In BFBC2 I would run the assault class with the galil (I think it was the galil) and that would allow me to run C4 too.... MCOMS didn't stand a chance  :)


This is exactly why I loved BFBC2. Sneak your way into the enemy base with some C4, demolish all the popular sniper hiding buildings and blow up the MCOM before anyone knows you're there, made it quite a bit of fun.

Then the crybabies got to the game and made BF3.

Wed, 08/14/2013 - 13:16
Ammodawg's picture
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I miss BFBC2 recon.  BF3 introduced the headlight-scope, because all scopes reflect light like a freaking mirror apparently.   That and the flare ammo that our rifles fired.  But sniper aka campers are hated for some reason, because as we all know if you aren't running and gunning your a needless noob camper :)   /sarcasm  Sorry couldn't resist that last part. 


Sat, 08/17/2013 - 10:29
Rau's picture
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Which platform is everyone getting BF4 on?

Sat, 08/17/2013 - 13:42
yaok888's picture
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actually I think Dice revised their plan and now BOTH Recon and Support get C4.

I think that is a bad idea.  Classes should have unique stuff - no duplicate gadgets

all kit weapons are ok,  but not sure on Carbines being all-kit.

might be unbalanced with everyone running with Carbines like they do with SMGs for COD.

still waiting for late Sept Beta.

IMHO, unless you're not going next gen right away,  It would be better to get BF4 on either XB1 or PS4 due to the better graphics and higher player count.

Gamestop also has that Curr-gen to Nextgen upgrade for $10 for it's Powerup rewards members.

so In theory,  you can get BF4 for 360 or ps3,   play until you have enough $$$ for XB1-PS4,  then pay $10 to trade up for the NExt-Gen PS4 version.

there's a thread i think in Off topic or General on this Gamestop trade up offer.

I don't know if Premium works across both Current and NExt gen.



Mon, 08/19/2013 - 22:13
yaok888's picture
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Here is the thread by YEM in Off-topic about the Gamestop Power Up trade up to next gen offer;

you have to buy the current gen version within 30 days of release and offer ends 12/31/13

NOTE: appears to be XBOX 360 to Xbox one only at this time.

  NO ps3 to ps4 upgrade.

NOTE2:  there is a $15 Power Up membership (where you get the Gaming mag)

  but there is also a FREE power up membership as well.

also, Amazon is offering a similar 360 to XB1 trade up for certain games:


Sat, 08/17/2013 - 15:35
Cardiac_Wolf's picture
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I will be playing it on PC.   I don't think I will be getting next gen consoles for a while.   

Sat, 08/31/2013 - 17:57
bunsen27's picture
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One thing I  noticed from the Gamescon coverage was that each class still has their unique weapons sets, but also access to three categories of all kit weapons.

Assault = Asault Rifle

Engineer = PDW

Support = LMG

Recon = Sniper Rifles

The all kit weapons break down as:




If you watch from 0:40-2:00 and pause at key points you can see what each Class has available:

ComaRose is viewable @2:08

It's a much more fluid and user customizable Class system.  I like it.

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 18:03 (Reply to #15)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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That just shows the names of the guns they get, no kinda hints about what equipment. Go to 8:15 and you can watch him go through the gadgets for assault. There's a bunch of stuff for the underbarrel weapon and like 12 different knives to pick from.

9:55 he does the engineer. 6 different kinds of RPG, Wall-E and the claymores are back as well, not as many knife choices as assault though.

Sniper at 13:28. All the same gear from BF3 as well as C4 and claymores. You also get a PLD and SOFLAM that seem to do the same thing, can't tell what the difference is. Sadly he never does support so I couldn't see if they get C4 as well.

THe new kill cam looks terrible. It highlights the guy who killed you in orange so you can see him through walls and see exactly where he's going.

Not really seeing much else to write home about, the guy playing kinda sucks so the video is mostly the respawn screen or sitting in a vehicle doing nothing.

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