black ops 2 impressions

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#1 Tue, 11/13/2012 - 22:10
yaok888's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
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black ops 2 impressions

this is just going off the combat training bootcamp stuff


gameplay feels pretty fluid and not very laggy - although I had 4 bars most games

textures/Skins and animations are pretty good

default beginner classes are pretty good - although the Skorpion with Ghost is kinda OP at close ranges

Maps are decent of the ones I played but i have not played them all yet

some people say the tiny map on the yacht sucks and I didn't think the train station map was good

create a class offers much more choices although now you have to use your unlock tokens to unlock everything but weapon attachments.  Those are like MW3 where each gun levels up and unlocks attachments seperately.

Knifing is kind of tough to do, no more 10 foot knife lunge like MW2



Sound is kind of muddy, you can't really hear footsteps at all

The guns kind of feel the same because they went with low recoil and low bullet damage

except for shotguns and snipers - everyone sprays and strafes

Maps seem kinda small so most people run SMGs as there is really no range advantage for ARs

(maybe better on some of the bigger maps I haven't played yet)

Everyone is running UAVs as their killstreak and ghost is the last perk unlock, so if you take a launcher you can get alot of points for shooting down UAVs.


I have only played TDM so i can't say how objective games go.

I'm out for supper so I'll update later, probably after I've tried all maps and done som Obj games.






Tue, 11/13/2012 - 22:17
yaok888's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
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I forgot to add.

You can do Combat training and play the Bootcamp mode (TDM only) up to level 10 and get real XP.

You can also do COmbat training with Objective mode but you only get 1/2 XP.  you can be higher than level 10 though.

I highly recommend beginners do Bootcamp first to learn the maps and test out all the starter guns.


If you really want to work out the gear,  go to LOCAL instead of Xbox live and do combat training there.

You get NO xp, but all the gear is unlocked so you can try out all kinds of combinations and choose the map you want to try.

NOTE:  you will find out some combinations are illegal like you cannot have 2 different sights on the same gun, equip grenade launcher and other stuff gets blocked from use, etc.


PS - for those that want all the dirty details, someone has a weapons data chart on Den Kirsons forum:

(real numbers instead of the in-game bar charts that don't describe sh*t)

just search that thread for the Image of the weapons chart.

Wed, 11/14/2012 - 02:37
CProRacing's picture
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Thanks for that.


I need to make a choice between Halo 4 and COD

Wed, 11/14/2012 - 07:01
scratchski's picture
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The guns kind of feel the same because they went with low recoil and low bullet damage

except for shotguns and snipers - everyone sprays and strafes

Maps seem kinda small so most people run SMGs as there is really no range advantage for ARs "

This is true. An SMG with  a laser sight makes run n gun really easy, but it helps with the built in drop - shot mechanic ( dumb idea ! ).

It's fun, but I don't know if it'll still be fun in 6 months time - otherwise I  agree with most of your points.


I did really enjoy the  hardpoint games.It's a good way to learn the maps.

TDM is a bit weak in my opinion, which is unusual for me to say, 'cos usually its my preferred game mode

Wed, 11/14/2012 - 08:35
Cerberus4417's picture
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Currently Playing: 

So I played for about 5 hours last night.  My thoughts so far:



- The new gadgets are nice to have, and nothing feels too over powered.  Its a real bitch to get a high score streak will all the shit flying around like hunter drones. 

- you can really hear the gun fire and the direction it is coming from.  

- the Perks seem spread out pretty well.  If you want to get the ultra fast lightweight/extreme conditioning or the cold blooded/ninja set ups you are really going to give up other perks. 

- The Pick 10 is nice.  Different way to set things up.  I have been dropping the secondary weapon and just picking up one.  

- Some Score Streaks are non-counterable.  Ex VSAT, you can not hide from it which means less campers, or you at least know where they are. 

- **** Best new feature***** in the lobby you can hit "X"  and select "Mute all players except Party".. ....Not kidding best new feature I have seen and that is not a crude remark, its awesome. 



- Connections.  I will give it the benefit of the doubt and say its launch week, but holy crap were things off. 

- Sniper Rifles are way too over powered.  I started sniping myself to test it out and it is easy kills.  The quick scopers are going to have a field day.  Doesn't matter body placement, but a hit anywhere will be a 1 shot kill. 

- Footsteps are real low.  You will not hear anyone moving.  (I have not tried the perk that makes footsteps louder)




- Maps.  Nothing special.  ordinary COD maps.  Nothing stands out and really blows me away in the map design.

- I have not made a decision on this but accuracy really seems to take a big part.  If you start hitting a guy in the arm, and they have you in center body, you will drop first.  At first I thought this was connections, but then I noticed that I was hitting low and losing.  I lowered my sensitivity and noticed that I was getting more kills by shooting higher on the body.  Its a good thing because twitch shooters have a lower chance of getting you. Bad part is if you have a shitty connecting it increases you handicap. 

- Damage is higher, so building off my above accuracy point, you drop real fast if they have a good bead on you.  There is not much of a "Im getting hit, take cover" you see red and then die.  This is frustrating as you learn the maps since you have no idea where the spawn points are.  

- Silencers work again.  your range drops, but you will not be heard with it on.  Great for run and gun classes with smgs.  

Wed, 11/14/2012 - 08:58
Whiskey's picture
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re-posting my thoughts from the 2old2shoot general, I agree with most of the comments above


So far I'm liking it, but not quite loving it.  Connection issues aside yesterday (apparently there were over 2 million people on simultaneously across all platforms), I think Treyarch is going to have to spend some time tweaking and re-balancing the weapons.  Snipers right now are @$%&ing annoying as hell, and do seem too powerful.  C4 is now able to be thrown a long distance, so people are using it as a nade.  It's not quite as fast as MW3, but it's close.  I preferred the speed of Black Ops 1 better.  Some of the maps are nice, but there are so many damn angles to get shot from.   And as bynx said, the lag compensation will sometimes have you die after having run behind cover.


On the plus side, the Pick 10 system is a lot of fun, and once we're able to get in better groups away from the pub kids, the whole experience should be much better.  Some of the new equipment and pointstreaks are fun (and powerful) too.  If you like shotguns, you will enjoy this.  They are back, and got a pretty big buff.  Hardpoint game mode is fun, however, the rotation of the capture points is not random, so some teams will already be waiting at the next point and cap it seconds after it goes live.


My honest opinion - If you didn't mind MW3 too much, then this is probably worth a purchase.  If you absolutely really hated MW3, then you might want to give this a pass until they roll out more fixes and people comment on them.

Wed, 11/14/2012 - 09:46
Markus's picture
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Even though I played a fair amount of MW3 I can't say I ever loved it.  I felt I was constantly being shot in the back, the map flow was too chaotic, I couldn't overcome lag comp, and the spawns were just wonky.  To me BLOPS was a far superior game.


But so far (only 14 games) BLOPS 2 seems okay.  My original fear was that they were going to over complicate the franchise, but although there certainly are way more options it is no where near as bad as I thought it might be. I think I am going to like this game.


Anywho, Pros:

Lots and lots of choices

Better rewarded for playing the objective

Decent weapons right out of the gate

Mute all but team.  I didn't know about this, but it sounds phenomenal.

Ranking up in combat training. Again, I didn't know and wish I had checked it out.

Shorter learning curve (for me) than any other CoD game.



Plays way faster than Black Ops. Not awful, but I really liked the pacing of the previous version.

Still a bit chaotic, in part from the speed of the game, spawns aren't great, and map flow - while better than MW3 - isn't as restrictive as BLOPS.

Quick scoping is worse than ever

I've already seen more corner camping than months of playing MW3

Sometimes the plethora of choices can be too much to handle.  Almost no chance to set up a new class between games.

Career summary and weapon stats were way better in BLOPS.

Elite – Got it late but thought it would work the same with BLOPS 2 and I would get at least the first couple of map pack releases for free. FML.



Lag comp so far seems a tiny bit better than MW3, but really too early to tell.



Halo 4 lets you see how many people are in a friends party. Great fucking feature.


Thu, 11/15/2012 - 01:29
yaok888's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
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updated impressions:

my comment about low recoil and low bullet damage really applies to SMGs.

I have figured out that Damage dropoff over range is pretty steep with SMGs so that is why they take alot of bullets to kill even medium range.

So there is some use for ARs, but mainly on bigger maps because there are so many corners, doorways, windows, alleys, etc that 90% of your 1 v 1 will

be at close to medium range.


Connection is VERY important.  If you have 4 bars and Host (see the "awaiting challenge" message) - you will be a killing machine.

vice versa - if you have a Low bar connection,  you will die even though you think you shot first and fired a full clip at your target.

The bars are not really accurate either, I wish they had used a Ping count instead.

Matchmaking and host migration needs tweaking.  For some reason matchmaking likes even number teams and full teams of 6 each.

Even when the lobby is full, it still says "searching for players".

Host migration blows up at least 1/2 the time and you either end up at the main screen or worse, your game gets "stuck".

I have read horror stories from the PS3 players that their matchmaking is pretty broken - even leading to Game freezes and system lock ups.


I have now played all the maps and I gotta say they are not quite as good as Black Ops 1 maps, even though they look nicer.

Looking back I think COD4 and MW2 maps were pretty much the best even with all their glitch spots.

That BO2 Yacht map called Hijack is just a stinker - way too small and bottlenecked.

I hope they have decent DLC map packs.


PS - you can play Combat Training "objective mode" even though you are higher than level 10 - BUT you only get 1/2 xp.

   It will fill in missing players with Bots so it is a little easier to play on once you get to level 11 and beyond.


However If you really want to level up quick - play the Nuketown 2025 playlist.

It's basicly the same Nuketown from BO1 - just with a different skin, so the action is really fast.



Thu, 11/15/2012 - 09:16 (Reply to #8)
ekattan's picture
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yaok888 wrote:
Connection is VERY important.  If you have 4 bars and Host (see the "awaiting challenge" message) - you will be a killing machine.

vice versa - if you have a Low bar connection,  you will die even though you think you shot first and fired a full clip at your target.

The bars are not really accurate either, I wish they had used a Ping count instead.

This was my issues with Black Ops. I can't remember who bailed from Activision but the game changed after MW2. The connection issues were really bad. Sometimes ended up with you shooting an entire clip into a guy and then just dying, but the kill cam showed you what really happeend. This happened in MW2 but not 4 or 5 times per game like Black Ops. So I gave the game away. And I don't have these issues with Halo or other games like Battlefield. 

Apparently many people are still complaning abou this still in Black Ops 2. I'm just reading around to see what everybodys opinion is, because I really want to buy the game. \

I agree with the Ping. 

Thu, 11/15/2012 - 11:59
Markus's picture
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Some people (like me) are doomed to almost always have a poor connection.  If you have a history of lag on recent FPS then you will probably have problems with Blops 2.  If you have not had problems in the past then your connection will probably be fine.


Edit - Those 3 little sentances took me five minutes to post cause I couldn't stop staring at E-Kat's sig.

Thu, 11/15/2012 - 12:57
mnvikesfan's picture
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I didn't notice any issues until we had a group and went to Ground war.. Normal games so far, I have had no issues.

BTW- Didn't have any issues with any of the other games (except Ground war)

While I think the game should work out of the box, that has not been the case for any COD title. The good thing is

Treacrch seems to fix things a little quicker IMO.


It will get better

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 15:17
yaok888's picture
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re: blops2 map design - I know that the new design trend is to make small maps with lots of alleys and corners for quick encounters.

this is to keep the main 12-year old audience happy with constant run and gun action.


However for those that can remember - Treyarch USED to be able to create decent BIG size maps.

like COD3 multiplayer Eder dam, Poisson, Merville, etc where you could even drive Jeeps and Tanks and motorcycles around like BF

even World at War had decent sized maps like Airfield, Asylum, Downfall, Outskirts, Seelow, etc


I hope somebody makes a WW2 Shooter for console again that has vehicles and decent sized maps and no overpowered perks and killstreaks.

this would be such a good change of pace from the current spawn, run, shoot, die games.


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 15:27
Whiskey's picture
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I liked the BO1 maps.  So far, I can't say the same for most of the maps in BO2.  Seems design has shifted to the Infinity Ward style of allowing people to be shot from 9000 different directions.


Ones I do like so far are Standoff, Overflow, Cargo, Express, Raid, Slums.  

I think Plaza (dubstep nightclub floating resort) is utter shit.  2nd only to COD4's Shipment in terms of ass.

Mon, 11/19/2012 - 10:22
Duckman's picture
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Just got started late last week with this game and so far I'd grade it a B.  The maps are all pretty small and cluttered but most people like that so who am I do disagree.  Agree that it is connection issue game as when I was host I rocked and when I had 3 bars I sucked B-A-D!  It is the first game in a while that I actually look forward to playing again though, that has not happened since Black Ops.


Oh and Whiskey I'm sorry but I loved Shipment lol

Mon, 11/19/2012 - 11:07 (Reply to #14)
YellingYeti's picture
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So far, really enjoying the game, much better than MW3 imo...


The gripe I have is that I have been having problems with hit detection/connection in a lot of games, which can be frustrating in a 1v1 gunfight. Sucks when you unload half a clip center mass into another player at point blank range and still get hit markers!46

In a hardcore match, I snuck up on a player(literally 3 feet away) camping in a corner on the Bullet train map, placed the barrel of my SWAT556 3 round burst rifle right at their head and got hit markers, which in turn alerted him/her to my presence and me dieing...a real WTF moment.134

All the weapons seem to be pretty well balanced so far...imo. Shotguns can be alittle crazy in their range.

Quick scopers are back with a vengence, not really sure how some of these kids AIM so DAMN FAST, you don't even see the ADS, you just die...I did read about some new modded controllers that combine the ADS/fire trigger into one button which is Fu%$ed up!

Everything considered I am pleasantly suprised and having fun in DOM which is my main gamemode.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 02:00
KamakazeTaco's picture
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 I just can't listen to Harper talk without thinking he needs a knife hand.

Tried playing Grief last night with some buddies, this may be the worst thing ever. From the way they described the game before release I was expecting survival maps like the first game had with ways to make the zombies attack the other team. Instead you're just two teams that happen to be on the same map and can't shoot each other. I was expecting you'd get to lock a door behind you and trap the other team or have a bait grenade to lure zombies towards the other team or something. Instead it's just typical survival. The only thing "grief" about it is you can tea bag the other team and when they're down you can push their reviver away if you knife them, but that's it. I don't see myself playing this ever again, which is really disappointing considering how much fun tranzit is.

Grief is good though if you wanna cheat the system and get a full party of 8 together to play survival. Since there's really nothing you can do to hurt or hinder the other team it'd be a good way to see how far you can get just surviving.

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