For some reason my password won't stay saved so I keep having to reset it. Yes I click submit to save it. Anyone else experiencing this or am I special?
I'm good unless I shut it off, and then the software cleans it all up.
Nothing like that running, but it's not a cookie thing. It's if I actually log out, when I try to login it says I'm not using the correct password. It just started like this a couple hours ago.
Already sent off a message to Doodi so I'll wait to see if they were having any kind of DB issues today or not.
Must be you bro. Might wanna message doodi & have him take a look at your profile.
Yeah I'll send a message. If I log out, I can't log in again.
No CCleaner or anything running?
I'm good unless I shut it off, and then the software cleans it all up.
Nothing like that running, but it's not a cookie thing. It's if I actually log out, when I try to login it says I'm not using the correct password. It just started like this a couple hours ago.
Already sent off a message to Doodi so I'll wait to see if they were having any kind of DB issues today or not.
Yeah, that's def you. Nothing like that on my end.
nope your not on your own this happens to me any time i dont log in within a couple of days. no idea why......