bought some cords last night

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#1 Tue, 03/27/2012 - 13:49
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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bought some cords last night

Got a composite(?) for the xbox and an HDMI for my PC/monitor since I got a vid card a week or two back, plugged in the xbox last night and ......watched my 312P run around Nurburgring on a replay from the weekend...woooooooo000000000000000..........


tonight I do the HDMI.

Is the HDMI on the xbox any more of a leap than the one I just took?

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 14:16
M3Rocket's picture
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Composite or Component? Big difference! HDMI is incrementally better than Component. Both will kill Composite!

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 00:56
skiwinv's picture
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Component is 5 connectors total - 3 RCA connectors for the video and 2 (Red/White) for the audio (or optical if you have that connection available).

HDMI is a single connector that includes audio and video.  Both provide HD capability, just one is analogue and the other digital.  My eyes can't tell the difference, so my 2c worth is you likely won't notice the difference between component and HDMI.  There was a huge difference between these and S-Video or the original 3 cable composite (Yellow-video, Red & White audiio) connection.


(Edited - my mistake no coax on the Xbox

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 14:30
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have the 5 cord Red/grn/blue) on the xbox now, much better than the three cord (red/yellow/white).

I'm hooking an HDMI to my monitor from PC, currently it's VGA/SVGA or whatever...

I'm wondering if HDMI is worth bothering with on the xbox? the 5 cord is beautiful compared to what I had.

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 14:45 (Reply to #4)
M3Rocket's picture
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Sounds like you currently have Component video connections to your TV. HDMI should be slightly sharper, but that's about it. Depending on the TV size, resolution and viewing distance, it may or may not be noticeable.

BTW--don't pay for expensive HDMI cables. HDMI is digital, so the cable either works or it doesn't. Monoprice is a great place to buy cables online.

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 15:08
zedarchitect's picture
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I buy my cables at I have had luck with them.

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 15:13
SnappyDee's picture
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The HDMI will blow your mind.  Trust me. 

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 13:24
Troysloth's picture
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I used to use HDMI for the xbox, but went back to Component cables.  HDMI is only an improvement for a true 1080p signal.  Even though the xbox can put out a 1080p signal, it is still upscaled because the games are not 1080p.  You might see a difference, but it will be very slight if anything.

Now for PS3 or any Blu-ray DVD player you will notice a difference between component and HDMI.  HDMI will be much clearer when playing a Blu-Ray DVD.

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 15:57
SpinningHat's picture
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Guys, he's running this thru his PC. He more than likely will not see a huge improvement over what he's currently running. 

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 18:03
psybertech's picture
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I think he has two different things going on... PC and Xbox.

If the question is will HDMI on the XBox be better than component, the answer is yes.

Digital > Analog.

Any cabling issues (noise from other power or signal cables) will degrade an analog signal which is visually noticable. Noise can't be helped without proper care and cable routing and good shielding, but at least with digital it can't be seen. It either works or it doesn't. Analog will work pretty much all the time but noise can impact the visual quality.

In a perfect setup with no noise, digital still looks better. Too many variables with analog compared to digial. - $5 or less for HDMI cables depending on length. Worth.Every.Penny. cool

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 21:12
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Yes, component on the x-box, HDMI on the PC, as I was using standard VGA off the motherboard, and now I have a 1Gig DDR3 vid card that supports HDMI.

The x-box/Fm4 looks way better. The PC has it's moments, I guess some things simply aren't going to look any better as they simply don't have any better to go to.

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