Bounty - 3/20-3/27 - Among Giants

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#1 Wed, 03/21/2012 - 14:52
psybertech's picture
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Bounty - 3/20-3/27 - Among Giants

Well, it is a day and change late but there is a new bounty driver, me monkey 8 me, and the winner gets a XXXXX (prize car to be announced at a later time). WTF? 

Wow... T10 is REALLY disorganized.


So, beat his time and win something.

He already has a good time set of 59.748 on the Among Giants Track Day Rival event and he plans on trying for more.

Personally I hope he doesn't. I hate track days the most (drift a close second) but at least we can tune.


I'll try to remember to update the time here but you can always follow this and all other bouties/vips/kotts over at the myforzagarage main page (not the 2O4F section, just log in and hit the MFG home page).


Anyway.. this will be interesting. I am not sure I will hit this one. I had a 1.02.841 before and dirty I know I can hit the time, but clean, well, its fucking track day with jagoff, idiotic AI drivers, so if nothing else, this event will anger my doctor due to the high blood pressure. forum posting can be found here and he has side comps as well.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 15:09
PTR_Paparazzi's picture
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I was enjoying this one actually.  Before it was for a prize.

Now I'll see about holding up the trucks to get a clear run at the track.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 15:20 (Reply to #2)
psybertech's picture
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PTR_Paparazzi wrote:
I was enjoying this one actually.  Before it was for a prize.

Now I'll see about holding up the trucks to get a clear run at the track.

Sorry if you actually like the event, I just have issues with these in particular. I wish the AI was better and more perdicatable. I love racing, but this is some quasi-hybrid that just tweaks my blood pressure.

As for holding up the cars, does this actually work?

I thought that was fixed in a patch. I know they patched a glitch for this mode that let people somehow pit the other cars but thought that holding the cars up was also patched or tweaked or fixed somehow too.


If that is the secret, any tips on the best way to do it? ie... how long of a lap and on what lap to start????? Yeah, I am not too proud to do whatever it takes to keep my BP down! cheeky

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 15:17
SpinningHat's picture
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W. T. F. I had a decent time clean on that one, and yeah, it was fun when it was just for fun... I might make a few runs at it, but dodging Dodge trucks and Land Rovers is only fun for so long. Especially when if you're not clean through the last 3 or 4 turns, you have to turn a penalty lap..

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 15:24
SpinningHat's picture
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Ok.. Most of the top times are with the MX-5 superlight. fugly car if there ever was one.. Does anyone have one setup to run this thing? I think my S2000 just might not have the acceleration setup right to really be successful on that track. 

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 15:32 (Reply to #5)
psybertech's picture
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SpinningHat wrote:

Ok.. Most of the top times are with the MX-5 superlight. fugly car if there ever was one.. Does anyone have one setup to run this thing? I think my S2000 just might not have the acceleration setup right to really be successful on that track. 

I have a Superlight tune I will be trying out soon that I built for this event. If it bests my S200 time I will post it/gift it out.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 15:54
psybertech's picture
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YEAHHHHH.... OK........


So, first lap, drive between 30 and 40 MPH drunk for about 3/4 of the track and let the traffic back up behind you then run your 2nd lap and BAM. Just don't let an angry SUV rear end you in the last section or they will dirty the start and you will have to rewind or start over.

I ran into a few cars near the last turns but ran still a 59.342 on my first attempt!

WOW! Defeats the purpose of the mode, but I don't think I would have shaved 3 seconds off my time any other way really. 

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 16:05
M3Rocket's picture
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Yep--the "hold up traffic" glitch is still here. Not sure if they can actually fix that in the next patch. The only way this "mode" works if it's P2P instead of Circuit. In P2P, there's no way to "hold up" the traffic for the next lap. I just think that when T10 did this mode, they had P2P in mind.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 16:12
SpinningHat's picture
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I will have to try that. I had no idea that glitch existed..

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 16:25
psybertech's picture
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Yeah, if this was P2P, then great! It would be still be hard but predicatable at least.


So I ran one more time, this time I screwed up my 2nd lap so I decided to hold them back for the next 2 laps (short track so it was like 1:20 something a lap) then ran and saw only one car this time and pulled a 57.387 good for top 200! wow! I might hotlap this track in the same car to get a better time later.


Man, I went nutz last time I tried this for my 1:02 and just got anrier and angrier. This time, I got happier, and happier and even loughed out loud at how stupid the hold up trick is!


The MX5 Superlight I have is great for this. I think it was 3rd gear for most turns with maybe the exception being the one long turn horseshoe like turn inside the stadium area (could have been in 3rd there too perhaps) and that was that. Mainly a 2 gear puppy using just 3rd and 4th gears.

FWIW: I think my S2000 could have hit the mark as well but I thought I'd just use a car that should hit top times in case I was going to be at it a while. With the traffic blocking crap, any car will do if it can do the required time via a hotlap.

The MX5 Superlight tune is up on my SF and in the East garage plus gifted to a few folks that were online a few minutes ago and to spinninghat as well. Neat little car. Stock tranny and it just goes. All grip and accel mostly.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 16:26
SpinningHat's picture
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Wed, 03/21/2012 - 17:17 (Reply to #11)
NakedRescue's picture
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I'm glad you posted this! 

I did 3-4 laps and have concluded that nothing has pissed me off more, in FM4, than being held up in a turn by a Cayenne and Hummer driving side by side as a rival ghost blows by me  and through them! 

I'll try to hold up traffic and post a time, but not spending more than 15 minutes on this mess...

Oh, and how is the prize unknown? How did Me Monkey get chosen as the bounty if he had nothing to offer, don't painters get selected for their paints?

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 17:32
M3Rocket's picture
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I gave up on this mode after I got frustrated chasing a ghost that seemed to go through traffic and discovered the bug reading the forums about three months ago. It's so stupuidly annoying after spending hours trying to catch an "impossible" time only to find the glitch.

Seeing that a bounty is on the line, I have no qualms using it to my advantage. But I wouldn't wait to do this--you never know when the mega T10 patch is going to drop and if it could possibly remove this glitch as well. Although it's unlikely to happen--it's clearly a limitation of how many cars the Forza CPU can keep track of at any one time.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 17:47 (Reply to #13)
NakedRescue's picture
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M3Rocket wrote:

It's so stupuidly annoying after spending hours trying to catch an "impossible" time only to find the glitch.


In the past few minutes I have come to this conclusion. Until I read this thread, I had no idea why any ghost close to 1 minute seemed to not have traffic! angry 

I could use the exploit, but why? For a car with Rihanna on it? Negative! 

Besides, how shitty is it that the guy that's the bounty may have already used this exploit and plans to continue using it to lower his time?! 

This mode, and any resulting LB, is effectively rendered useless by this...

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 18:30
psybertech's picture
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I don't care one way or the other to be honest. 

I did what the top ghosts (now that I really look at them again) do. If they don't, I want to ask them to prove it or tell me what lap # do the field traffic move out of the line for one full lap.

Another thing, since this is a bounty and so far I haven't missed one, I wanted to stay that way so .. by.any.means.necessary.

Sorry if people don't like it and it people consider it a glitch or abuse or simply a creative way to get around the track faster, whatever. Its one race in one mode in a game. I wouldn't do it for fun, just competitioin if it is also being used by others.


The Rhianna car is a side comp. The actual reward fror beating the time hasn't been announced (at last I can tell that is) so I am in just for the car and thankfully we have the erase feature to get rid of any paint we don't want.I personally prefer race liveries over fantasy, but that is just me. Don't get me wrong, mad props to monkey for the work. It is amazing he can do that. But its not really my taste for fantasy. Maybe if it was Kerry King or Corey Taylor I would leave it. devil


But, for those that want to post a better time just to beat the bounty, the block traffic move will do it and do it fast. Again, 2nd lap first attempt I beat it before trying once more and lowering my time again by 2 more seconds. That was 5+ seconds in 2 separate attempts. Actually, I do that move in real life on the highway against fuckers that piss me off.... they cut me off or nearly side swipe me, I bang out in front of them, slow down and stay in their way, brake checking and gear changing to piss them off until I am done playing then FLOOR IT and say good-bye! Sounds like what I did in the game, just against a field of angry, drunk, stupid AI drivers in big ass vehicles. :)


@Naked... hey man, where are you from ? Just curious... Northern NJ here.....

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 18:49
M3Rocket's picture
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Actually, Me Monkey 8 Me is a nice guy. He's probably the richest Forza guy if he actually cashed in on all the billions of Fredits from selling his paints in the AH. And he's quite generous with the competitions and such.

MM8M actually has said that he did not, and will not use this glitch! I'm not a huge fan of having some actor/actress/artist/model face on my race cars, but he is among the most (if not THE most) talented Forza artist. I got this M3 GTR Unicorn livery from him:


He even customized it with my race number. The thing looks incredible in-game.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 18:42
psybertech's picture
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That does look nice!

I wasn't, and never have, said anything against him. If he doesn't block the traffic, good for him. I honestly wasn't gonna  scroll a thousand places to find and watch his replay. I know that guy is good at what he does and what I have read from him and even about him always made me think he was one of us (well, if he's over 25 wink). My whole point was how I loathe these events and see the top guys doing this. If it wasn't needed to beat his time, sorry for posting this. For me and my few past attempts, I doubt I would have had the patience to event try to shave 2.5 seconds off my time.

Anyway... Rangers vs Wings now... attention.... going...... away....................................................................

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 19:26
M3Rocket's picture
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Psyber--I was actually answering NakedRescue about MM8M using the glitch. Not you. :) I actually fully encourage everyone to use the glitch to beat his time! It's a loss less aggravating for one, and the goal isn't anything but to win the prize. Which I hope isn't another Rihanna livery on it cause he's got a number of them. :( A 250 GTO with MM8M's Mickey Mouse Livery would be nice: [img][/img]
Wed, 03/21/2012 - 19:29
psybertech's picture
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I just want an M3 GTR!

Anyone with any pull at T10 want to suggest that the winning car for this event be that!?!?!?!?!?

For kicks and giggles and hi/drunken laps, I will try this on my second GT to see where I can land in the same car without annoying the traffic cars.


Wed, 03/21/2012 - 20:07
M3Rocket's picture
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I wish you'd get one too bro! I need tunes for it eventhough the base tune is pretty solid.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 20:45
NakedRescue's picture
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I didn't mean to imply MM8M was a LB cheat. My commentary stemmed from my immediate saltiness upon learning of this tactic. I cannot put into words how angry I was getting with the ghost I was racing. Lack of sleep due to my 19 month old son, who has yet to sleep thorough the night, is surely a contributing factor. 

If the M3 turns out to be the gift I'll damn sure get this challenge done, though.
I'm from, and currently live in, Chicago.
Wed, 03/21/2012 - 22:31 (Reply to #21)
b-rice's picture
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Has anyone watched his lap to see if he does it without the glitch. There is such an easy solution just make it a one lap race with the same traffic pattern. I should work for turn 10

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 03:25 (Reply to #22)
M3Rocket's picture
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b-rice wrote:

Has anyone watched his lap to see if he does it without the glitch. There is such an easy solution just make it a one lap race with the same traffic pattern. I should work for turn 10

Unless he saved the replay, the one on the LB does NOT show traffic at all. But he's a trustworthy guy--he said he didn't use the glitch and I believe him.

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 07:12 (Reply to #23)
NakedRescue's picture
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Thanks for the tune M3.

I gave it a go this morning and, unless an M3 is on the line, I'm done. After about 6 laps I was clean at 46 seconds going into the final turn. Ran up on a pair of Hummers, running side by side, an Audi trying to pass them on the inside, and a Range rover literally scraping the right wall a car length behind that cluster f#@k... 

Ended up with a dirty I can't take this as there's no fun in it at all...

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 23:45
M3Rocket's picture
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There's plenty of tie to get this done Naked--get some sleep! Hope everything is OK with your 18-month old.

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 00:51
DaiBongo's picture
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Psyber, I always knew memonkey8me as a painter, and damn fine he is too,

but seeing as he stopped sticking his paints on the storefronts

coz he was whinning about them getting stolen, I supposed he had to do something else.


Trouble is although he was complaining about "cheaters", seems the only way you can beat him,

is by doing what he himself did and exploit a glitch the game, so to speak.

Theres a word for that, and I cant think what it is, I've drank too much beer right now.


PS, thank you for the drag tune you sent out, it fkn rocks!!I

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 03:23
M3Rocket's picture
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Since Me Monkey 8 Me used a '94 1st Gen Miata, I figured it would be fun to beat him with the same car. Did about 24 laps in a base tune to draft Monkey's ghost and get used to the track and traffic. I then switched to our Jagermeister club tune and got 38.325 on the second lap! The tires weren't even warm yet, but I hit a favorable pattern.The tune is capable of much more in capable hands.

I'm far from the best driver, but the replay is in my SF if you want to see how I weaved through traffic for the two quick laps. The tune can also be downloaded from my SF for FREE! Here are some photos from my run at beating Monkey:


Tune is by F1SH0 (F-one-S-H-zero). Paint is by PaiNkiLLer2112. Paint will be available in a couple of days since it's attached to an upcoming DirtT Tuned Racing release.

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 09:42
SpinningHat's picture
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I can't seem to swerve enough to keep the cars behind me. Or the AI gets pissed and rams me out of the way. I'll try some more, but this sucks.

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 10:29 (Reply to #28)
Troysloth's picture
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SpinningHat wrote:

I can't seem to swerve enough to keep the cars behind me. Or the AI gets pissed and rams me out of the way. I'll try some more, but this sucks.

Don't try to go too slow.  Go just slow enough so they stay back there.  Watch your mirror, if they look like they are getting restless, just speed up a little bit.  You don't need to stop them, just get them bunched up.  Increase your speed just a little bit in the last few corners because if they ram you there, it will dirty your next lap and you will have to start over.

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 13:09 (Reply to #29)
M3Rocket's picture
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Troysloth wrote:

SpinningHat wrote:

I can't seem to swerve enough to keep the cars behind me. Or the AI gets pissed and rams me out of the way. I'll try some more, but this sucks.

Don't try to go too slow.  Go just slow enough so they stay back there.  Watch your mirror, if they look like they are getting restless, just speed up a little bit.  You don't need to stop them, just get them bunched up.  Increase your speed just a little bit in the last few corners because if they ram you there, it will dirty your next lap and you will have to start over.

That's great tips from Jarhead!

Also, you might want to consider turning on rewind. If nothing else, rewind will help in the last segment of any lap in case you accidentally dirty it. Usually, a dirty lap in the last segment will carry over. But if you use rewind, it will dirty the current lap, but will make it so that the next lap isn't dirty. This will save you the time of having the penalty of two dirty laps.

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 13:26
psybertech's picture
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Brake checking them when the start to get antsy... they start to make their moves wither trying to pass or ram your ass, just then you accelerate up a bit for some distance between you, let off the gas then brake check, gas, brake check, gas.,etc.. it works (at least to me) since they will start to move up after you accel at first, but the brake checking takes the antsy-ness out of them for a little bit. I found if they get antsy, for me, this was the only way to calm them down and keep them in line.


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