Fri, 03/29/2013 - 23:36
if you want to laugh with others about the stupid random stuff that happens in this game, shoot the shit through private chat while killing other people in chaotic gameplay or you just want a casual group to play with on a regular basis either leave your gamertag or send a friend request to mine.
Scan the FoF list and/or Find DEEP's room on Thursdays! -laugh-stupid-random-chaotic... Yep!, you'll find all that.
not wanting a group to play with just on thrusdays but wanting a casual group to play with on a regular basis, ive played a few times on thursdays in that group and not once have we played btb with randoms, everythings always private matches which is fine but not what im interested in. anyways for those interested in this, lets get something going. i tend to be online 8:30-9:00pm central to late.
You also had an interest in campaign? Let me know if you want to run some missions.
I musta misunderstood your post, good luck in your search anyway.
I hope they come out with BTB objective soon.
Added you, I play with a few people from the site and have generally had a blast. Invite me if you see me on, I play BTB the majority of the time.