Bungie Co-Founder, Destiny Creator on "Halo's Greatest Tragedy"

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#1 Tue, 07/09/2013 - 12:25
namloco's picture
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Bungie Co-Founder, Destiny Creator on "Halo's Greatest Tragedy"

“The great tragedy of Halo is that we provided people almost no reason to go back and replay it."


“I think the great tragedy of Halo is that for years and years it provided wonderful single-player and co-op content, and we provided people with almost no fun incentives or excuses, almost no reason besides their own enjoyment, to go back and replay it. So Halo 1 built these 10 labor of love missions, and only if you decided to go back and replay them was there any incentive to do so."

oh really?? you just figured that out? ugh

find the whole article here.


Tue, 07/09/2013 - 13:50
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I just read that too. Also, it's part of the same article I linked to here. Just an FYI, because it was in three separate pieces.

IGN really played up Jason Jone's opinion on Halo 4 and then he had nothing much to say, at all. Media channels play us like cards.

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 14:25
namloco's picture
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oh, sorry I just couldnt believe what I was hearing. Like really?? if they knew why just shovel the slop out to the hogs if you know in the long run it will kill them? you know what I mean lol

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 14:40 (Reply to #3)
James's picture
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namloco wrote:

oh, sorry I just couldnt believe what I was hearing. Like really?? if they knew why just shovel the slop out to the hogs if you know in the long run it will kill them? you know what I mean lol

I don't understand your response to the article.  Can you be more specific describing what you are objecting to?

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 21:17 (Reply to #4)
namloco's picture
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James wrote:

namloco wrote:

oh, sorry I just couldnt believe what I was hearing. Like really?? if they knew why just shovel the slop out to the hogs if you know in the long run it will kill them? you know what I mean lol

I don't understand your response to the article.  Can you be more specific describing what you are objecting to?


just saying if they knew they were missing things that they knew would inevitably kill the re playability (in thier eyes) in Reach etc, why release it? Just tell us at the start, WE ARE JUST MAKING MONEY, you get what we give ya.


Never thought Id hear a creator admit this after the fact. Im glad he did but geezzz lol

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 14:35
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I really think Jason Jones was being tounge in cheek or even self serving. He knows that Bungie's Halo campaigns were replayed time and again by many people who just wanted to play it for what it was. No other hooks were required. To say after all these years they should have added something to entice people to replay campaign repeatedly sounds like a fib to me. That's my take on it, shrug.

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 14:42 (Reply to #6)
James's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I really think Jason Jones was being tounge in cheek or even self serving. He knows that Bungie's Halo campaigns were replayed time and again by many people who just wanted to play it for what it was. No other hooks were required. To say after all these years they should have added something to entice people to replay campaign repeatedly sounds like a fib to me. That's my take on it, shrug.

That's the vibe I took away from the article, but I'm still not entirely sure.

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 13:49
jtgjr007's picture
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He's talking about Halo 1 not having the same incentives for replay as later games. He's not talking about Reach at all, in fact, by Jone's logic Reach shouyld have more replay value than Halo1 since it had all the extra incentives to level up, add armor abilities etc. I would argue that gameplay and map development has a lot more to do with replay than extra doo-dads, but I'm not a developer...

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 15:29
Tristan's picture
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Yeah, he's talking about Halo 1, and about the campaign at that, not multiplayer. He's saying that he wishes the Halo 1 campaign had more stuff like skulls and I guess scoring and medals and stuff. The article has nothing at all to do with Reach. Why would an interview with Jason Jones, who basically left after Halo 2 according to the article, have anything to do with Reach?

You know I think Reach was a steaming pile of shit just as much as the next guy, but this isn't a "gotcha" article where they admit they fucked up Reach. If anything, this article makes Jason Jones look good since the games took a sharp turn for the worse after he left.

(I also don't think he's saying that doo dads like skulls are what makes for replay value instead of gameplay, like it has to be one or the other. He's just saying Halo 1's campaign would have been better if they'd added more doo dads on top of the already great gameplay. That's not the same thing as saying that Reach's shitty gameplay + doo dads is better than Halo 1's great but simple gameplay.)


Wed, 07/10/2013 - 16:11 (Reply to #9)
jtgjr007's picture
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Tristan wrote:

(I also don't think he's saying that doo dads like skulls are what makes for replay value instead of gameplay, like it has to be one or the other. He's just saying Halo 1's campaign would have been better if they'd added more doo dads on top of the already great gameplay. That's not the same thing as saying that Reach's shitty gameplay + doo dads is better than Halo 1's great but simple gameplay.)


This. With or without he extras Reach's gameplay doesn't hold up. I honsetly wouldn't call it a steamy pile, but that's just me.

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 23:14
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Reach was my favorite campaign. With challeges and matchmaking the campaign was a ton of fun. I thought Reach and Halo 3 campaigns had the most replay value. As far as FPS games go Halo has always had great replay value. The levels where always so well designed, each section was like a puzzle. This is coming from a guy who doesn't play single player games at all.

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 07:49
FreeRadikal's picture
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The only games I replay that are single player are open world games...I really preferred Reach's invasion mode out of everything Halo ever did...I played that to death...so much better than Spartan Ops.

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 16:38
Tristan's picture
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I didn't mean that Reach's campaign was a steaming pile, just the multiplayer (bloom, bad maps, bloom, AAs, and bloom). Reach was probably my least favorite campaign in the series, but I still had a blast playing it the first time or two. I didn't get much sleep the week it came out. :)

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 18:18
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Hmm, campaigns you say. In my order of best to worst: CE>>Halo Wars>H3>Reach>ODST>H4>>>>>H2
Fri, 07/12/2013 - 14:35
Hunturic's picture
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I loved Halo CE campaign......How many times have I played Assualt on the Control Room!

Fri, 07/12/2013 - 14:55 (Reply to #15)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Hunturic wrote:

I loved Halo CE campaign......How many times have I played Assualt on the Control Room!


Fri, 07/19/2013 - 11:02
namloco's picture
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your right Tristan!

I worked a midnight shift and must have mis read the article. thanks


Love you big boy! lol


PS, Reach had a great Campaign and tho I played the multiplayer it was my least favorite of all the Halo's


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