CBS Partners with MLG and TwitchTV to create eSport entity
Tue, 04/17/2012 - 07:34
CBS Partners with MLG and TwitchTV to create eSport entity
Ths may be big news. I don't clearly understand the ramifications but it sounds positive to me.
Maybe it will be good for Halo.
Interesting article. I would really like to see MLG events on TV - well, assuming they show a game I'm intersted in watching, like Halo.
Perhaps with some additional revenue MLG would be able to expand it's gaming universe to more games. Granted, we won't be seeing "eSports" on the main CBS station, but perhaps they have a new station in mind dedicated to streaming games and events.
I would probably pay a few bucks extra for a TV channel that broadcasted 24/7 gaming. Thats a pretty cool idea.
I like to see this. Gaming is just so huge that many of us might not realize how many other players we walk by on the street every day.
I think they put on Halo 3 in MLG on ESPN a couple years ago.
Actually, ESPN still has their Top Ten video from Halo 3 online:
If ESPN can show fishing, poker, paintball, bowling, ect. I sure with the right game could pull in a good crowd. What game would work?
I'm not so sure this would work. While I do enjoy some pro gameplay, I'd rather be playing the game myself instead of watching.
People watch golf tournaments, after all.
Hell, they even watch[i] soccer[/i].
Queue snoring
(and I play golf!!)
hopefully theyll showcase Starcraft late at night so I can fall asleep to it
Maybe by this time next year oddball will be an olympic sport!
if curling can be an Olympic sport, id bank on it
Speed walking is an Olympic. I sure Infection can make the cut.
I think the biggest problem with Egames is that they come and go so fast. Football, baseball, ect. took decades to grab hold of a large crowd.
Yeah, that's a big problem with them. Call Of Duty changes every year. The only lasting one you could come up with these days is TF2?
The name changes, but not the game...
I would love a H2 remake. That game flowed so good. The maps made for great easy to follow viewing.