Is a clan merger possible
Thu, 12/05/2013 - 13:29
Is a clan merger possible
From what I can tell there seems to be 2 active clans playing Ghosts - 2Old2Pwn and x 2Old2Play x. Some people have talked about bringing them together but I don't know how serious that talk has been. The only problem I see is that between the two clans there may be over 100 people, so inactive members may have to get cut.
So clan leaders put your heads together and see if one big clan will make it easier to rank up the clan and help members find more people to play with. I believe Buzz is in charge of the Pwn clan (maybe) and it looks like Hop and Cerb are running Play.
Come together.... Right now... Over noobs...
Also, any way we could organize to win one gold clan war? I wants me some cool camos. Only problem I see is that most of us old folks are set in our ways as far as game types and we need to dominate on multiple game types to win the war.
2o2s has a lot of members also. Between the 3 it's possibly over 150 members. Now active or not who kows. Those clan leaders would have to look at how many on their rosters are actually playing and people would have to leave their current clan and join another one .They would also loose their current clan bonuses?
'"..With 2old2pwn, and 2old2shoot already at like 60+ members in their clans can we get them to port over? it would benefit everyone, with the clan xp bonuses. Just have to do some convincing. Not sure how many of those guys come to the site anymore....."
Looking at the COD app, 2old2play has 33 members (32 with k/d) and 2pwn has 81 members (51 with k/d). I don't have the 2old2shoot clan info.
2old2shoot left the site.
Not to mention 2o2r has 14 members
Markus is still here?
The Phoenix has re-risen... Except now he only plays crappy team death match :)
I would love to have some of the 2old2play move to our COD Elite clan. I can't change the Clan tag (since 2o2p is already taken) but I can change the name of the COD clan to add whatever on there and change the logo to encompass that change. I can also remove inactive players to make room of need be.
This is what I was trying to do from the begining. I agree it would be more benifical to have one non-clan specific COD clan.
I do think the name should be generic.
It doesnt matter to me which path we go. Either fold the x 2old2play x into the pwn and rename or fold pwn into the play clan.
The clan tag is going to be harder to figure out since from what I can tell, you can't search by it to see if it is available or not. However, we can change the actual clan name and clan emblem to be more generic.
Also, most of us don't use it in game play since the random players seem to drop out of the room when they see a team of clan members.
If we merge maybe we can divide on conquer into the game modes we prefer to play. I usually stick with Dom and kill confirmed(hardcore or standard).
Yes yes yes!! Maybe Cerb, Buzz, or whoever really wants it(clan leader)can pick a generic clan name and go with it. Like xxx2o2pxxx or whatever works. Then we can invite everyone over to whatever the new clan is. I agree with pyro, it be super bennifical to winning clan wars. I noticed 2o2p has team death match on lockdown but virtually no other nodes, and pwn I think has locked down HC. Pyro I'm a dom/kc/objective guy myself so maybe we can take on more nodes that way.
Stupid app isn't working right now, but I think 2pwn won there division and was holding 7 nodes in the end.
We have members playing on both the 360 and One. Buzz does a great job of directing members to attack certain nodes. A lot of nights and weekends, we are working on multiple nodes at the same time. Domination is one game type we can use help on. The session that just ended gave 30 cp for Domination.
I think they are tinkering around with the cp earned for nodes yet so next time may be different. 2pwn did take 1 with 7 nodes held and we had a 50pt lead at the end.
One of the best/luckiest strategies we ended up with I think was on HCKC where we ended up with 5 people on each side when it put our two teams in the same no matter who won we still got points. I think the merger is a great idea and with more people it would be easier to micromanage the nodes.
That was on Cranked and since we hate that game type, it worked out the best for us.
Dom is my fav. Sign me up!
I'm all for it. Gold division was hard when all we have are 10 or so active players a night. 280 wins for the Domination node! That's tough going 6 points at a time.
Make the gold tag 2o2p, to represent the site, and people can use whatever they want in the custom slot, and like buzzkill said most players run when seeing multiple like clan tags anyway.
Biggest thing is to get this settled and situated before wednesday when the next begins.
Give me modder or cerb the word and we can start getting messages/requests/ and invites on your end out. I think cerb was asking around and just to be forward thinking i can get a list of gamer tags worked up; make some of the invites a little easier to send out.
Any of the 360 guys moving over to the One anytime soon?
I'm not.
Not anytime soon. probably not until spring.
I have the One, but go back and forth on where I play. Anyway, new friends limit help this out as well.
GT: x Hoplite x
So the overlords of the clan do not want me to change anything to the COD clan. Sorry. However, still come over, we will still rock Clan Wars and unlock some good stuff. I still think combining makes sense as we will have about 60 active players and around another 40 casual players. We should be able to take over nodes fairly quickly.
While I don't have a problem with the goal, and I'm all for it, that's not exactly meeting anyone in the middle there either. I assume we can't just dump folks into a clan, so we'd have to go an apply, en masse, for the new/old one, right?
It isn't letting me join. That's annoying.
You have to leave your old clan first and that only can be done from the app. There's a helmet icon with an arrow that let's you leave the clan.
Wonder how much $$ they made on the app requiring another device.
So the combined clans tag is 2o2p? I'm playing Dom on a regular basis and not making a dent in CP Xp.
Do players on the One add to the xp on the 360 if in same clan?
You have to play with other Clan members to earn CLAN XP are you in the 2old2pwn ghosts clan?
Er no, late 2o2s group