Commendatins Going Away in 1.2.0 update...

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#1 Sun, 04/26/2015 - 23:53
Gatsu's picture
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Commendatins Going Away in 1.2.0 update...

I'm okay with this. One less thing I have to worry about grinding for. I wouldn't mind them cutting out a couple more of those "currencies".

You know those things we made you earn? Yeah, forget about them

Anyone out there who has been keeping up with all the updates to Destiny since its release will likely be aware of Commendations. Added to the game in it's last DLC pack, Commendations were a required currency for buying new weapons and armour. Many of you likely toiled away, collecting this new resource in order to stay up to date with the game. Well, according to Bungie's most recent weekly update, the upcoming 1.2.0 update for the game will remove Commendations entirely.

"But Laura," I hear you ask, "what will I do with these enormous mountains of useless Commendations I now have and won't have a use for?" Well, Bungie is planning to let you burn them up in exchange for additional reputation, helping you get to that next promotion faster. 

What do you think Destiny players? Are you happy to see them gone? Annoyed you bothered with grinding so many? Happy for the free reputation boost?

Mon, 04/27/2015 - 07:18
BLAMnation's picture
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Haven't bought a vendor gun or piece of gear in quite some time so Commendations just take up vault space. Happy to see them go.
Mon, 04/27/2015 - 09:06
SoulTerror's picture
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Yep, glad to see them go.

Mon, 04/27/2015 - 10:44
DEEP_NNN's picture
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It became obvious real quick that they were useless.

Glad they are disappearing.

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 00:16
Gatsu's picture
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It really is just one less thing to have to worry about grinding for.

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 11:38 (Reply to #5)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

It really is just one less thing to have to worry about grinding for.

The grind wasn't a problem for me. It was the surplus of useless commendations that made it evident that system was poorly designed.

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 11:46 (Reply to #6)
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Gatsu wrote:

It really is just one less thing to have to worry about grinding for.

The grind wasn't a problem for me. It was the surplus of useless commendations that made it evident that system was poorly designed.

I think Bungie was expecting people to buy more weapons to try out instead of sticking with the ones they are comfortable with.

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 10:58
OldnAchy's picture
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I like the idea of buying additional rep.  Gives me something to do with them besides just discarding.

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 15:16
SoulTerror's picture
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I have so many dropping for me that I can't even upgrade them all.

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 16:22
Gatsu's picture
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see Im having the opposite problem. I've bought all of my good weapons through the vanguard or Xur. the ONLY good drop I've gotten is a Gjallarhorn, and I got that the first week I played. Armor is almost as bad.

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 17:39 (Reply to #10)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

see Im having the opposite problem. I've bought all of my good weapons through the vanguard or Xur. the ONLY good drop I've gotten is a Gjallarhorn, and I got that the first week I played. Armor is almost as bad.

Me too for the most part. Ranking up my latest weapons, since The Dark Below dropped, earned me far more commendations than I have needed for newer weapons/armour. I'm sitting at 20. No way was I going to be buying 20 additional weapons during that period.

Maybe the difference is when a player started? Starting since TDB created a completely different scenario.

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 06:44 (Reply to #11)
YEM's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

 the ONLY good drop I've gotten is a Gjallarhorn, and I got that the first week I played. Armor is almost as bad.


I hate you ;)


I still don't have a g-horn

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 08:28
OldnAchy's picture
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Come on Xur.  It's about time to sell a jellyhorn!!  Raids give me auto rifles and NF gives me fusion rifles dammit.

In other news, it seems that even though we are in the "dead" time between DLC's there is still a pretty strong interest in the game from newer players leveling up.  I noticed that my little walk thru videos are still getting hits.  In fact my walk thru of the VOG door opening solo has almost 400 hits in less than two weeks.  For someone who doesn't monetize or advertise and just puts these up for pals, that's a good number of hits. 

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 09:08
SoulTerror's picture
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I hope Xur never sells ghorn!!! Do you guys not run raids or the nightfall to not have any guns/armor drop? Anymore all I do is the raids. Last week alone I got 2 Fatebringers, Plan C, The pulse rifle from VoG, and a bunch of amor from both raids.

Thu, 04/30/2015 - 07:19 (Reply to #14)
YEM's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

I hope Xur never sells ghorn!!! Do you guys not run raids or the nightfall to not have any guns/armor drop? Anymore all I do is the raids. Last week alone I got 2 Fatebringers, Plan C, The pulse rifle from VoG, and a bunch of amor from both raids.

Getting weapons and armor to drop isn't a problem for me. I have pretty much everything BUT that damn g-horn... drop dammit! ;)

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 09:51
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I get in partial raids most weeks. NF every week but not much dropping. One character is all I normally run.

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 11:42
OldnAchy's picture
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That's just it.  I run NF and raids every week with multiple characters (mostly CE because no one seems to want to run VOG) and I either get materials or everyrhing under the sun but the ghorn.  This has been happening for months.  Same was true for the Suros Regime.  I have gotten the Purifier VII 7 times (no pun intended).  A good fusion rifle but 2 complete burn sets plus 1 is a little much. I've also gotten the Red Hand IX hand cannon over a half dozen times.  When I don't get a weapon I get like 9 Ascendant Shards.  So, I have about had it with Bungie's effing drop sequence.  I have no issue buyng the ghorn.

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 11:56
Minotaur's picture
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I had about 1000 hours into the game before my first Gj dropped. Then 2 more dropped in the next month. I never had a SUROS till Xur sold it recently. The Icebreaker remains the most necessary gun in PvE. You can make do otherwise without the Gj. I've killed myself so many times with the Gj - due to its proximity detonation. A single hidden Thrall jumping up somewhere near you to say HI while you're zoomed in is all it takes to send you back to orbit. Still... luv the Gj though... :)

Daughter and I got the Fatebringer on our first run through VoG hard a few weeks ago and she got the Vex Myth on her 3th hard run. I now have a complete brand new 4-piece set of VoG armor for my Warlock that I'm glad will be upgradable before long. The helmet is sweet. There's all the more reason to run VoG.

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 21:37
Gatsu's picture
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I haven't been able to get into a raid yet. I haven't even been able to successfully tackle the nightfall & weekly strikes consistently because I prefer to play with friends....and no one seems to be on when I'm on. lol.

The gjallarhorn drop for me was an odd one. I didn't get it from a strike. It was just a uber random drop from an enemy during a story mission. Nothing like it has happened to me since.

Thu, 04/30/2015 - 07:54 (Reply to #19)
SoulTerror's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

I haven't been able to get into a raid yet. I haven't even been able to successfully tackle the nightfall & weekly strikes consistently because I prefer to play with friends....and no one seems to be on when I'm on. lol.

The gjallarhorn drop for me was an odd one. I didn't get it from a strike. It was just a uber random drop from an enemy during a story mission. Nothing like it has happened to me since.


If your on PS4, send me a FR SoulTerror8. We raid ever Friday night at 9pm EST.

Thu, 04/30/2015 - 12:10 (Reply to #20)
Minotaur's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

I haven't been able to get into a raid yet. I haven't even been able to successfully tackle the nightfall & weekly strikes consistently because I prefer to play with friends....and no one seems to be on when I'm on. lol.

The gjallarhorn drop for me was an odd one. I didn't get it from a strike. It was just a uber random drop from an enemy during a story mission. Nothing like it has happened to me since.

You're on my fr list. Let's get together to do the weekly & NF. I usually do them several times a week, for myself and to help others. We can plan for a time if need be. Gotta get the coins and roll of the dice for a good drop. 

Thu, 04/30/2015 - 12:48 (Reply to #21)
Hammerdrake's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

I haven't been able to get into a raid yet. I haven't even been able to successfully tackle the nightfall & weekly strikes consistently because I prefer to play with friends....and no one seems to be on when I'm on. lol.

The gjallarhorn drop for me was an odd one. I didn't get it from a strike. It was just a uber random drop from an enemy during a story mission. Nothing like it has happened to me since.


I like to know a time and place.  Did that with Krak last week with good results.  I'm happy to run either raid with anybody, even if  you have to drop for a 3 year old (we can find someone to fill in if needed). I'm just no good at randomly trying to jump on and play.  I need to have the time planned and carved out.  I could probably even do one night a week regular.

Thu, 04/30/2015 - 12:05
Bluestar's picture
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I don't normally run raids either, simply because I never want to commit the time.  I could have to bounce at the drop of a hat with a 3 year old.  Don't usually put myself up for raids if I'm not dependable.  Gallaghorn and Necro are the only exotics I am missing, nor have I had a chance to get the Crota raid primaries.  I've seen GJ drop a few times in nightfalls for others.  Shockingly the NF this week with Beau and his friend ended up netting all 3 of us an exotic drop at the same time (a truth, a patience and time and a knucklehead radar), never seen that before.

Thu, 04/30/2015 - 17:13
Gatsu's picture
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Awesome. I have the next 3 days off. Go back to work Sunday. So any nights/afternoons between now and then are good for me. I'm on the 360 and Xbox One. So I'll run on either.

Fri, 05/01/2015 - 11:00 (Reply to #24)
Hammerdrake's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

Awesome. I have the next 3 days off. Go back to work Sunday. So any nights/afternoons between now and then are good for me. I'm on the 360 and Xbox One. So I'll run on either.

Does that mean you have no time Mon-Thu nights next week?

Fri, 05/01/2015 - 06:53
hemihuman's picture
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I'll watch for you guys online, though this weekend may be a bit hectic for me. I've accomplished sadly little in Destiny this week, not even the weekly yet. Just got my first exotic weapon from Xur last weekend (MIDA multi tool). It's awesome right out of the box, but was hoping to already have it somewhat leveled by now.

Sat, 05/02/2015 - 06:26
Gatsu's picture
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I work sunday, monday & tuesday nights, then I have wednesday through saturdays off usually.

Sat, 05/02/2015 - 06:49 (Reply to #27)
hemihuman's picture
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Let's plan something!

Of all the luck, when I came back from the heroic daily mission yesterday, I had a legendary engram that turned out to be a Gjallarhorn! It's only my second exotic weapon, and it's only been a week since I got my first. I feel like I'm cheating somehow. Anyhow, this thing definitely needs to be put to work blowing stuff up.

Mon, 05/04/2015 - 11:47 (Reply to #28)
Minotaur's picture
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hemihuman wrote:

Let's plan something!

Of all the luck, when I came back from the heroic daily mission yesterday, I had a legendary engram that turned out to be a Gjallarhorn! It's only my second exotic weapon, and it's only been a week since I got my first. I feel like I'm cheating somehow. Anyhow, this thing definitely needs to be put to work blowing stuff up.

When I have a bit of good luck getting the good stuff, I tell the others that "it's performance related". Tongue in cheek , of course. ;) All in good fun...

Sat, 05/02/2015 - 10:41
OldnAchy's picture
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Good grief!!

Sun, 05/03/2015 - 04:36
Gatsu's picture
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lol. hows about next thursday or friday evening? the 7th or 8th.

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