So I've been using the BR for SWAT yet it doesn't register on my weapons commendations, is that a bug or by design?
Not sure, but if you can only get those commendations in non-specific gametypes (not SWAT, snipers, etc.), that's not so bad. Still have to earn your stuff.
I feel like that should be a bug, because you would earn commendations in Reach in Grifball and SWAT. Check your headshots- do they count too? I can't right now as I'm away from my Xbox.
The commendation is for the number of times you kill people w/ the BR, not number of deaths by BR.
I'm not sure. I wonder if it is the same for the Sniper Rifle in the Snipers playlist?
It also makes me wonder if any non-custom loadouts to not count for commendations. Even Infinity Slayer and Big Team have set loadouts to pick.
Not sure, but if you can only get those commendations in non-specific gametypes (not SWAT, snipers, etc.), that's not so bad. Still have to earn your stuff.
I got challenge progress for Slayer wins while playing SWAT.
It seems a little odd though yeah
Looks like it's registering now. I think my comment must of hit the psychic themomater at 343.