Competitive Matchmaking Team/Group/ Players

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#1 Sat, 07/25/2015 - 19:59
Assassin_45's picture
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Competitive Matchmaking Team/Group/ Players

     Anyone out there interested in playing matchmaking sorta competitively?  I mostly play alone and feel like half my losses are due to quitters, no mics, betrayers. The rest are because the other players are better. It seems a player that is playing with a full team with mics and average skills would do much better than a good player playing solo. I would like to find at least 4 people that play often but more would be better so we could have a full team more often.

     The kind of players I would be looking for would most likely have at least a 1 K/D ratio or very close to it. Have a mic. Know and make some basic call outs. Be interested in ranking up. Have fun while playing and not get seriously pissed if we lose.

     I am mainly interested in Halo 2/2A HCS and Hardcore playlist. Eventually get into Halo 4 playlist because my hope would be to roll the group over to Halo 5. So if you are slightly interested speak up because the player pool is small nowdays. Even if you don't play alot cause if your on you could still be picked up.  Respond on here or msg me on Live.



Tue, 07/28/2015 - 07:27
FreeRadikal's picture
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I'll be on tonight, maybe we can try and recruit some other people.

Tue, 07/28/2015 - 15:26 (Reply to #2)
Assassin_45's picture
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On Tuesdays I usually play witht the over 50 guys. It's the only night a lot of people play.

Sun, 08/09/2015 - 09:05
Defendxr's picture
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I've already hooked up with Assassin, but for anyone else reading the thread, add Defendxr for any competitive 4v4 Halo.  Prefer H3, but will play anything really 2v2, 4v4.  Of course, I'll play BTB too, but I prefer 4v4 arena type.  

Fri, 08/14/2015 - 07:23
SoulTerror's picture
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Just picked it up and have to try out MP still. I used to play the hell out of Halo 2 when it came out though. SoulTerror08 is my XBL.

Mon, 08/17/2015 - 10:14
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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I'll revisit this when H5 comes out.

Tue, 08/18/2015 - 16:29
Assassin_45's picture
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     Added you Soul. Dixon, the time is now!  Defender I know we played a few but I plan on trying to do more 4v4 matchmaking and work on ranking up. I'll be playing with the over 50 folks tonight though.

Thu, 08/20/2015 - 22:47 (Reply to #7)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Assassin_45 wrote:

     Added you Soul. Dixon, the time is now!  Defender I know we played a few but I plan on trying to do more 4v4 matchmaking and work on ranking up. I'll be playing with the over 50 folks tonight though.


Honestly, the time to get some PT before it comes in is now, but that's just not going to happen.  I know some people who are interested and hoping that H5 is going to bring us back to the glory we had in H2 and H3.  If they're engaged, finding quality games shouldn't be an issue.

Tue, 08/18/2015 - 17:20
BCyclops's picture
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Unfortunately I don't meet the criteria since my K/D is below 1. I do enjoy matchmaking, though.



Tue, 08/18/2015 - 18:30
Assassin_45's picture
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     Well our current roster from this site is small now. That is the problem I am having. I don't want to feel like I'm abandoning the few people that play regularly. I was playing alone for along time in match making when no one else was playing. I've ranked up everything to at least a 10 so when we try to play now with everyone else coming in as a 1 we get murdered. I've been doing a bit of work trying to get more people back into Halo or get new people to join 2o2p. My hope is even if not until Halo 5 we will have a large roster of people to play with no matter what we want to do. In an old clan of mine we would have a group playing BTB/customs and a couple others out in groups of 4 trying to rank up. We all always ended up playing together through out the week though.

     I have always enjoyed the competitive aspect of the game. Not because I think I'm one of the best players or better than anyone else I just like trying to see how good I can do. It's fun working with a steady team and going through the ranks. In Halo 3 I made it to 42 in team slayer. I seemed to be stuck there but I got together with a group of guys in the same boat and we all worked on things and learned what the other guys tendencies were. We all ended up getting to 45 and becoming brigadiers. I was the last one to get it and they kept playing with me for like 30 more games untill I got mine. When I did it was all awesome! lol Ok enough of my rambling for now.

Tue, 08/18/2015 - 19:58 (Reply to #10)
Defendxr's picture
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That's awesome making Brig Assassin.  I only got to Colonel in H3, 42 for a high skill.  The difference is as you said having some people who will play together and be steady and consistent.  Having a team who will call out and try to help each other will win alot of games in MM.  Being willing to learn is pretty important too.  Watching other people play is really helpful.  We all get in our set ways of playing maps and gametypes.  I love to see others play to remind me that there are other ways to play and other strats to try whether its map routes, opening strats, or whatever.  I used to love the theater in H3.

2 months...


Thu, 08/20/2015 - 10:40
cmandingo's picture
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If you come up with a specific day I am down for this. Can't do Friday or Saturday with any certainty though.
Thu, 08/20/2015 - 16:38
Assassin_45's picture
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     Well I can't say any one night. Just whenever I'm on. Sundays will not be good as I watch a show that night. And though I am partial to Halo 2/2A the most commonly played game seems to be Halo 3 when I look at ranks. Halo 4 seems to be the easiest to get a high rank in as it has the largest player pool of ranked playlist. I know some players don't like it though. Either of the "pro" playlist are the hardest with the smallest player pool and some of the toughest players. I struggled hard playing alone to get to lvl 10 in those playlist.

Tue, 08/25/2015 - 21:25
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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I might be game for the hardcore playlist now that it has the Halo 3 MLG game types.  I'm not really interested in the other playlists tbh

Wed, 08/26/2015 - 19:30
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I think many people soured on MCC after its failure of a launch.  I'm sure this forum will be more active leading up to, and after, the launch of H5.  

Tue, 09/01/2015 - 09:46
Neks0ne's picture
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halo is fun, i just tried it.

Tue, 09/01/2015 - 10:07
Neks0ne's picture
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Im on a couple nights a week now - its night and day from launch.

Playing a a bunch of h1 too. GT is neks0ne if anyone wants to get some games in. 

Sun, 10/25/2015 - 18:51
Assassin_45's picture
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     Ok, if you hadn't figured it out I pretty much gave up on MCC to get a competitive players group going. With everybody favoring different Halos and so few players it didn't work out. I have decided to give it a shot in Halo 5 since there will be many players come launch. I do not know if there is enough interest on this site for such a group since I haven't been back around too long. Also I notice many folks here are involved in other clans. This company could go nowhere or it could turn out to be great. Interest in the group should shown pretty quickly by the numbers that join.

     If you want to join see the opening post in this thread and if you meet those qualifications let me know or request to join on the Halo Waypoint site. Your K/D ratio is easily visible there for MCC as well as stats for past games. I don't expect anyone in the group to be a pro or semi-pro skill level as I surely am not myself. I am looking for members from the site who want to play competitive and do the best we can do, have fun doing it and keep a respectful and positive vibe. Please join if your interested. Note there is another 2old2play company that has been started which you could join if this one isn't for you and can be found on the Halo Companies thread.

     Also, I expect everyone as well as myself will be trying out and learning all the new modes and maps for awhile so I don't expect to go into arena hardcore at first.

Wed, 10/28/2015 - 11:16
Autarch's picture
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Is there any way to join without joining a spartan company?  You mention how other people are already joined to other clans, so this might work better without an official company if it's going to be smaller.  Spartan Companies don't offer anything in game as far as I can tell.  Not even a list of players. Anyways, 1.5 K/D, Onyx in SWAT should qualify.  Let me know if you want to team up.

Wed, 10/28/2015 - 15:43 (Reply to #19)
Assassin_45's picture
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     I'll add you or you can add me and we'll see how it goes.. I'm mainly looking for a group to rank up in arena with rather than go at it alone.  I got Onyx in swat too and don't know why. I did pretty bad. My stats are all bad for this game so far. As Far as the company I'm not that worried about it at this time as I haven't found many people with alot of interest in it yet.

Thu, 10/29/2015 - 07:49
FreeRadikal's picture
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I'm really enjoying breakout, if you have a specific day in mind I would play specifically with you at that time.

Thu, 10/29/2015 - 12:21
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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Add me for H5 competitive stuff.  GT: Hosty Sponge

Tue, 11/03/2015 - 10:45
Ders.'s picture
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Joined the group, generally on most weeknights, let's play!

Thu, 11/05/2015 - 17:36
BigBadMike's picture
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Count me in I'm about a 1.25

Just pulled the overhead map callouts and will begin study.


I'd like to point out that my 1.25 is soured by a lot of Drunken haloing, of which I would probably abstain for competitive purposes during these days.


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