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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
I love rotary! lol
My favourite has to be the Princess: 'The envy of all... a really beautiful car".
Oh yes indeedy, they got that one right.
Cotters going to be pissed
792 First (MF'ER Sounds Bad) 787 Second (FK'ing Rumbler)..Furai (Crotch Rocket of the Group)...Hennessey (Street Ass Kicker)!!!
If he likes those cars, then I'll bet nardact likes fucking faty girls.
jcotter13 wrote: If he likes those cars, then I'll bet nardact likes fucking faty girls.
Agree lol.
mavictb wrote: jcotter13 wrote: If he likes those cars, then I'll bet nardact likes fucking faty girls.Agree lol.
Built for comfort, not speed.
That Venom is a fricken rocket! Light da fuse Jimmy!
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
I love rotary! lol
My favourite has to be the Princess: 'The envy of all... a really beautiful car".
Oh yes indeedy, they got that one right.
Cotters going to be pissed
792 First (MF'ER Sounds Bad) 787 Second (FK'ing Rumbler)..Furai (Crotch Rocket of the Group)...Hennessey (Street Ass Kicker)!!!
If he likes those cars, then I'll bet nardact likes fucking faty girls.
Agree lol.
Built for comfort, not speed.
That Venom is a fricken rocket! Light da fuse Jimmy!