CTF Flag carrier has Pistol

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#1 Sat, 07/14/2012 - 23:07
DEEP_NNN's picture
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CTF Flag carrier has Pistol

I've been reading tips from SDCC that Flag carriers will be able to use a pistol. Nothing confirmed, until now.smiley


Frankie 7.14.12

Flag pistol is about feeling a shade less helpless. In reality it won't be a good idea to engage, even in a team situation but you'll feel more empowered for the run.
Sun, 07/15/2012 - 11:45
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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I don't know how I feel about that.  I liked it where someone that had the objective had to drop it to fight; I think it added a good strategic dimension to objective games.  It'll be good to not feel so helpless, at times.

Mon, 07/16/2012 - 05:15 (Reply to #2)
CBOE01's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

 I liked it where someone that had the objective had to drop it to fight; I think it added a good strategic dimension to objective games.


Sun, 07/15/2012 - 16:08
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I really like speedflag settings where you have weapons and AAs. It fast paced and fun, but I do understand where your coming from Dixon.

Sun, 07/15/2012 - 18:06
DEEP_NNN's picture
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It's something we'll have to try in order to make a final assessment. From my experience, I don't like/can't cope with dropping the flag and then shooting. Having even a pistol to drop Dixon while carrying the flag would be greatly appreciated.

Yanking your chain Dixon, I know I can't drop you.smiley

Sun, 07/15/2012 - 18:55
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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While I do like the speed flag settings, I also enjoy the current settings of ctf.  It rewarded people who could successfully flag juggle.  You needed strategy to pull the flag because you knew you were vulnerable.  With these new settings, while you are still vulnerable to an extent, a decent shot could potentially cap the flag himself with no real need of teammates.  


Although I would like to point out the absurdity of our characters being able to flip warthogs, tanks, hornets, etc but can only walk with a flag.  

Sun, 07/15/2012 - 22:00 (Reply to #6)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

While I do like the speed flag settings, I also enjoy the current settings of ctf.  It rewarded people who could successfully flag juggle.  You needed strategy to pull the flag because you knew you were vulnerable.  With these new settings, while you are still vulnerable to an extent, a decent shot could potentially cap the flag himself with no real need of teammates.  


Although I would like to point out the absurdity of our characters being able to flip warthogs, tanks, hornets, etc but can only walk with a flag.  


Balance's sake.

Mon, 07/16/2012 - 23:59 (Reply to #7)
Lou_Keymia's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:
Although I would like to point out the absurdity of our characters being able to flip warthogs, tanks, hornets, etc but can only walk with a flag.  
I think it would be fair for you to single wield a pistol without being able to zoom in, but I agree with your logic. You also shouldn't take falling damage since Mjolnir can usually survive reentry into the atmosphere.
Mon, 07/16/2012 - 01:47
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Mon, 07/16/2012 - 09:54 (Reply to #9)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:


The day is saved.  You're welcome.

Wed, 07/18/2012 - 08:38
FreeRadikal's picture
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Dn'to we all miss the flag drop and pick up sounds from H3? If thats not in H4, I don't know if I'll even want to play it. "Flag Dropped Flag Taken Flag Dropped Flag Taken Flag Dropped Flag Taken Flag Dropped Flag Taken Flag Dropped Flag Taken Flag Dropped Flag Taken Flag Dropped Flag Taken...."  I might as well cancel my preorder now...

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