current best way to get level 32?

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#1 Thu, 05/28/2015 - 10:48
hemihuman's picture
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current best way to get level 32?

Since HoW dropped, I've been putting my Destiny time into getting both my Warlock and Titan through the story missions. I've also gone through level 28 PoE twice successfully with the Warlock. Both characters are still at level 31. What is the easiest way to get them to level 32 in the game as it is today? Try to do a level 32 PoE to get armor cores? VoG or CE? Something else? I was hoping to find a way to get to 32 without organizing groups, since it seems like I only can manage that very occasionally. But if that's not possible, what should I be trying?

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 10:54
Gatsu's picture
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Fastest way is probably running strikes and the daily/weekly missions for those vanguard marks. Then drop them on some armor pieces from your vanguard rep. Once you have those pieces (are all 36 light already) so you don't need to level them up like the older armor pieces.

Then to bust them up to the 33/34 range, you get Etheric Light pieces from the prison of elders 34 run once a week. Or if you're lucky it will drop in the Nightfall.

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 10:58
Gatsu's picture
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Also, hit me up anytime you want to run strikes & missions. I'll help whenever I can.

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 11:00
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Acquire all new armour plus one exotic. Pick Vanguard (not a faction) and get those bounties done. Go into the highest Strike playlist to earn more Vanguard rep and marks.

IE. Ranking up old armour with Ascendant Shards may be a waste of time.

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 11:01
YEM's picture
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What gatsu said. Go buy some armor from the vangaurds

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 11:43
DarthTabasco's picture
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Also, don't forget about playing Crucible and getting marks to buy gear.


Thu, 05/28/2015 - 12:19
Minotaur's picture
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Some of the older armor pieces work better for the crucible, depending on how you prefer to play - like prefer supers or prefer grenades, or want both. The newest armor tends to build characters with more melee strength. Being a 31 or 34 isn't a factor for most crucible gametypes. My crucible character is a 32, but he could be a 33.5 with the new armor he has. The new armor is all strength.... where I prefer getting as close to max intellect & discipline as I can with the older armor.

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 13:17 (Reply to #7)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

Some of the older armor pieces work better for the crucible, depending on how you prefer to play - like prefer supers or prefer grenades, or want both. The newest armor tends to build characters with more melee strength. Being a 31 or 34 isn't a factor for most crucible gametypes. My crucible character is a 32, but he could be a 33.5 with the new armor he has. The new armor is all strength.... where I prefer getting as close to max intellect & discipline as I can with the older armor.

The retail FWC armour is all Intellect and Discipline.

The stuff you pick up varies a bit.

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 14:02 (Reply to #8)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

Some of the older armor pieces work better for the crucible, depending on how you prefer to play - like prefer supers or prefer grenades, or want both. The newest armor tends to build characters with more melee strength. Being a 31 or 34 isn't a factor for most crucible gametypes. My crucible character is a 32, but he could be a 33.5 with the new armor he has. The new armor is all strength.... where I prefer getting as close to max intellect & discipline as I can with the older armor.

All true, but the fastest way to level-up to 32 is trying to get marks (vanguard and/or crucible). The PoE armor doesn't really come into play until you reach 32. 

In my eyes, the new Fallen armor you get from Variks is just a means to an end to reach 34 quickly. I have no interest in running that much I need to run PoE at 32 so I can get this week's chest piece and then hopefully next week we'll get boots. This will get me to 34 and the ability to more easily run PoE 34.

PoE 34 drops Etheric Light, then I can start leveling up my other pieces to get my desired stats back. I really wished I had a full set of VoG armor but I only have the gloves. There are other VoG goodies I'd like to have too (Fatebringer), so I hope we can find others wanting to run the Raids. 

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 13:58
SoulTerror's picture
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I say screw all that grinding, find a team to help take you into CE. If you can find 4 lvl 32 guys, and with you being 31, there should be no issue doing it on Normal mode in about an average time of an hour. Could go both ways depending on the experience of the fire team.

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 16:06
BLAMnation's picture
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Basically, Krak, if you have been running your characters through story missions you should already have enough marks to buy an armor piece or two. If you could get taken through CE you could probably get a couple of pieces in the course of an hour but they would still need to be leveled up to hit 36 light, so more grinding needed anyway.

Your most efficient option is to buy whatever 36 light gear you can now and work on accumulating vanguard/ crucible marks. ROC strikes, nightfalls, weekly heroics, etc

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 19:52
hemihuman's picture
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Wow, I feel dumb, but I'm certainly glad I asked. I guess I do dimly remember hearing something about vendor stock changing with HoW, but somehow forgot to look into it. Maybe I have a bad case of male shopping aversion?

Anyhow, I just need 75 more marks on each character, and I'll reach 32. Then on to 34 via the Fallen armor, and then try for better, I suppose. It feels so much better to have a feasible plan. Thanks to you all!

Fri, 05/29/2015 - 11:09 (Reply to #12)
Duke12's picture
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hemihuman wrote:

Wow, I feel dumb, but I'm certainly glad I asked. I guess I do dimly remember hearing something about vendor stock changing with HoW, but somehow forgot to look into it. Maybe I have a bad case of male shopping aversion?

Anyhow, I just need 75 more marks on each character, and I'll reach 32. Then on to 34 via the Fallen armor, and then try for better, I suppose. It feels so much better to have a feasible plan. Thanks to you all!

I'm also glad you asked: I completely forgot about the new armor as well.

Fri, 05/29/2015 - 10:50
FreeRadikal's picture
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My suggestion would be to fly; it's the only way to get to level 32 in class.

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