[D2NR] and [2O4F] - I want to make life and Forza a tad easier

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#1 Mon, 03/26/2012 - 12:15
psybertech's picture
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[D2NR] and [2O4F] - I want to make life and Forza a tad easier

Hey everyone.


I find myself at a crossroads of sorts and finally have come to a decision.

I will be leaving the [2O4F] East club and joining [D2NR] officially. IN GAME ONLY! (to clarify right off the bat - not here - not the site!) This will make life a little easier for me and hopefully also for some folks in the club as my second gamertag was being used for it but I never use that account really and lead to a bit of confusion. That second GT will then be pulled off the D2NR roster leaving me, the original psybertech only. The way it really should be. Seeing how active the garage is, it makes sense to move officially so I can get more involved and hopefully stay involved.


I didn't immediately join D2NR in the game system but I did say yes when asked a while back. The main reason I didn't jump from one club to another are a ton of folks in the 2O4F East club that I don't have on my FL. I will be sending out some requests when I hop on later tonite and throught the week so if you get one from me, that is most likely why.

If I don't get everyone, please send me a FR if you want me on your list somewhere or to make gifting tunes easier. :)

If I don't send you one, it is nothing personal, I probably just missed you so fire one my way.

I've just pruned my list so I have 20 or so new spots to fill up so hit me up.


Anyway... that is all. Just wanted to say why I am moving. This is still home for me so I am not going anywhere! 


Mon, 03/26/2012 - 13:03
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, I want to officially declare 204F "club" empty!!!! mostly...

I had to read your post twice Psyber, first time it read "leaving 2Old4Forza, not the 2o4f in game club, but I feel better now...

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 13:49 (Reply to #2)
jcotter13's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

Okay, I want to officially declare 204F "club" empty!!!! mostly...

I had to read your post twice Psyber, first time it read "leaving 2Old4Forza, not the 2o4f in game club, but I feel better now...


I need to have the club leaders do a check on all their members status. We've had a lot of folks disappear. I know it's going to entail a lot of work for club leaders, but I think perhaps we should look into re-combining evryone active (at least in the North American clubs) into one club again.


Mon, 03/26/2012 - 16:51 (Reply to #3)
KRGDRK's picture
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jcotter13 wrote:
I need to have the club leaders do a check on all their members status.


When do you need this done by?

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 13:45
psybertech's picture
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haha... I just added a slight clarification near the top in bold. hehe

Not getting rid of me any time soon. :P

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 16:28
M3Rocket's picture
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D2NR is basically a part of 2O4F. Just a little more focused on tuning is all. It is because of this site and it's members that a lot of us on DirtT even got into Forza online in the first place. We are not leaving 2O4F--we want to be an enhancement for the entire forum. I actually found 2O4F through Oldschool's postings over at FM.net.

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 16:32 (Reply to #6)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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M3Rocket wrote:

D2NR is basically a part of 2O4F. Just a little more focused on tuning is all. It is because of this site and it's members that a lot of us on DirtT even got into Forza online in the first place. We are not leaving 2O4F--we want to be an enhancement for the entire forum. I actually found 2O4F through Oldschool's postings over at FM.net.


And I've vowed to curtail my intercourse there, much as Basher has...

With great power comes great responsibility...

I'm having a meltdown here, should I post there or continue to keep my sanity and leave the T-10 groupies alone...

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 17:37 (Reply to #7)
M3Rocket's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

M3Rocket wrote:

D2NR is basically a part of 2O4F. Just a little more focused on tuning is all. It is because of this site and it's members that a lot of us on DirtT even got into Forza online in the first place. We are not leaving 2O4F--we want to be an enhancement for the entire forum. I actually found 2O4F through Oldschool's postings over at FM.net.


And I've vowed to curtail my intercourse there, much as Basher has...

With great power comes great responsibility...

I'm having a meltdown here, should I post there or continue to keep my sanity and leave the T-10 groupies alone...

I can't speak for what you should do. On one hand, a continued positive presense there can help us here. On the other, you have to question your sanity trudging through the BS and chaff every day.

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 16:38
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I think thats cool, I am sure with your combined talents and the aliens that test for you, we can look forward to more awesome tunes that will only enhance our experience. Hooray for D2NR!

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 17:04
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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End of the week? 7 day grace period? Or another "post here if you're active (and in what club)" sticky thread?

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 17:47
psybertech's picture
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oh, 1 question.... I get DirtT (pronounced DirtY) but what the hell does the acronym D2NR stand for?

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 02:12
kurupt's picture
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DTR wasn't available I tried a bunch and nothing....i wish T10 would clear the tags every so often or message us to keep active anyways..all i could come up with is D for DirtT 2n for tuned R for racing if that makes sense ?

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