Daybreak - Via The Castle Map Pack
Wed, 03/20/2013 - 16:49
Daybreak - Via The Castle Map Pack
Yep. We need more big maps. One of the designers mentions that this map scored very high on their focus groups. I'd really love to know who gets included in those.
That's the rub: you'll like anything Halo.
Out of curiosity, can you rank the maps for me? I'm wondering what you consider to be good and bad. here in Halo 4.
So, can you rank the ones you have played on? I know you're not a huge online warrior, but you've clearly played some of them. Hell, I'd even be interested to hear your rankings in previous titles (minus Reach, because I can't relate to you on any of those maps at all).
Yeah this map looks nice. I welcome the big maps. I'm considering doing the math, I'm pretty sure 90% of my BTB game play time has been spent in Exile, Ragnorok and Longbow so far...
Bah! Map rankings are dumb. It's so personal and we've done this a million times. Player 1 like map A, player 2 hates map A. There's enough hating going on as it is around here. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm curious to see where, if at all, our lines intersect. We have to have at least a few maps that we both adore and a few maps that we despise in common.
Before the "walkthrough", I thought this map was going to be similar to Standoff and I was kind of excited. I still kind of see it, but there are lots of caves and tunnels.
Overall, this is the map I'm most interested in playing - based on video evidence.
Thanks for posting these videos Dixon!
The 3 Castle maps "look" really sweet. I think most of the H4 maps are beautiful virtual enivironments to see, and move around in.
You are right, Flow and Function can be debated on each of them. But, they do look cool.
I do agree with you on this point. The graphics and environments created are really impressive. All of these video walkthroughs, the designers always like to brag about the "sky box" and rightly so, these maps are graphically impressive.
No problem, Kenjamin, and yeah, these maps, although they don't cater to my likes, do look pretty damned impressive. Unfortunately, even when we do get a map, we get some other reason to get upset over it, like Monolith, and how fucking noisy it is at the bases.