Daybreak Map details

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#1 Thu, 04/04/2013 - 12:02
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Daybreak Map details

Welcome to Daybreak!

Daybreak is an asymmetrical cluster of research facilities residing in the scenic highlands of the planet Oban. Built with Capture the Flag in mind, this map features a central top middle control area as well as outer roadways that circle the bases that lie within. Suggested game modes on this map include Capture the Flag, King of the Hill and Team Slayer, but the map will support many more Halo 4 game modes.

When playing, you’ll notice that it is a challenge to navigate the map with the Banshee, and that only skilled pilots will be able to eliminate the infantry fighting within Daybreak’s winding channels. If you know the enemy is in the Banshee, be ready for the opportunity to get a Skyjack medal or two – pilots are often forced low to the ground.

My personal favorite loadout on this map is:

• Starting Weapon: LightRifle
• Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol
• Grenades: 2x Frag
• Armor Ability: Jet Pack
• Tactical Mod: Mobility
• Support Mod: Dexterity

My favorite game type is Capture the Flag due to the genuine “2 base” feel of the map. Be prepared for some epic last minute flag grabs and returns!

Thanks for checking out this sneak peak of Daybreak. The Castle Map Pack launches on Monday, April 8th and can be purchased from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace for 800 Microsoft Points, or as part of the War Games Map Pass, also available from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace.

Halo 4 Daybreak overhead Daybreak is an outdoor, 2 base map that opens with a classic Sniper Rifle duel.

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 12:55
Raider30's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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I think Daybreak looks like it could be a pretty fun capture the flag map and slayer as well.   


The thing that gives me cause for concern though is one of the things they highlighted - the center of the map and the apparent sniping lanes.  Normally I love maps that have good sight lanes on then, which also have nooks and crannies you can duck into if things get too hot.  But honestly one of my biggest issues with H4 is the lack of descoping and it sucks to play on a map where I feel like I can be picked off at any time and not be able to at least buy a second by cranking off a return round and disrupting the other player.   Forcing the action to the sides means, IMO, more camping camo boltshot deaths for me.  :(


 - Raider30

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 18:08 (Reply to #2)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Raider30 wrote:

I think Daybreak looks like it could be a pretty fun capture the flag map and slayer as well.   


The thing that gives me cause for concern though is one of the things they highlighted - the center of the map and the apparent sniping lanes.  Normally I love maps that have good sight lanes on then, which also have nooks and crannies you can duck into if things get too hot.  But honestly one of my biggest issues with H4 is the lack of descoping and it sucks to pay on a map where I feel like I can be picked off at any time and not be able to at least buy a second by cranking off a return round and disrupting the other player.   Forcing the action to the sides means, IMO, more camping camo boltshot deaths for me.  :(


 - Raider30


Those changes in design and mechanics irk/annoy/frustrate/disappoint/enrage a lot of other folks, too.  Big map?  Make it easier to shoot people at range with hitscan weapons.  Weapons don't pull you out of scope when hit?  Better use the DMR, because volume snipers can pump accurate rounds out at you, even if you're hitting them.  Want to pull yourself away from the open?  That's cool, check out the close quarters stuff on the sides.  Oh, here's a one-shot kill loadout weapon.  Have fun with that. Well, the Boltshot has been nerfed, so that's nice.  Not if they have an AR, though. Well, if they have an Ar, they're sitting ducks against DMRs and sniper rifles.


Fri, 04/05/2013 - 19:33 (Reply to #3)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:
Oh, here's a one-shot kill loadout weapon.  Have fun with that. Well, the Boltshot has been nerfed, so that's nice.  Not if they have an AR, though. Well, if they have an Ar, they're sitting ducks against DMRs and sniper rifles.

See, it's balanced.

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 23:14 (Reply to #4)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:
Oh, here's a one-shot kill loadout weapon.  Have fun with that. Well, the Boltshot has been nerfed, so that's nice.  Not if they have an AR, though. Well, if they have an Ar, they're sitting ducks against DMRs and sniper rifles.

See, it's balanced.

Simple answers to complex problems aren't frequently correct answers.

Sat, 04/06/2013 - 03:38 (Reply to #5)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:
Oh, here's a one-shot kill loadout weapon.  Have fun with that. Well, the Boltshot has been nerfed, so that's nice.  Not if they have an AR, though. Well, if they have an Ar, they're sitting ducks against DMRs and sniper rifles.

See, it's balanced.


Except the bolshit is still a one-hit kill weapon, now its range is slightly less than before but still too deadly for a loadout weapon.  So no, it's still not balanced.  As Dixon alluded to, not being de-scoped when hit plays a major part in the deadliness of the dmr at range.  Any kind of open sections on large maps instantly become the beaches of Normandy.

Sat, 04/06/2013 - 11:27 (Reply to #6)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:
Oh, here's a one-shot kill loadout weapon.  Have fun with that. Well, the Boltshot has been nerfed, so that's nice.  Not if they have an AR, though. Well, if they have an Ar, they're sitting ducks against DMRs and sniper rifles.

See, it's balanced.


Except the bolshit is still a one-hit kill weapon, now its range is slightly less than before but still too deadly for a loadout weapon.  So no, it's still not balanced.  As Dixon alluded to, not being de-scoped when hit plays a major part in the deadliness of the dmr at range.  Any kind of open sections on large maps instantly become the beaches of Normandy.


Man, remember Invasion in the Halo game not worth mentioning?  At release, if you were the Spartans, the Elites were all sitting ducks because they only had plasma rifles.  That had to be patched to allow Elites to have Needle Rifles, just for self defense.  Same kind of situation, except Bungie didn't make that problem sandbox-wide.

Sat, 04/06/2013 - 10:20
Hoplite's picture
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Serious issues only please.

asymmetrical cluster of research facilities residing in the scenic highlands of the planet Oban

What were they researching?

Sun, 04/07/2013 - 11:45 (Reply to #8)
FreynApThyr's picture
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Hoplite wrote:

Serious issues only please.

asymmetrical cluster of research facilities residing in the scenic highlands of the planet Oban

What were they researching?

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