Dedicated servers - thoughts?

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#1 Wed, 11/13/2013 - 10:17
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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Dedicated servers - thoughts?

How has your connection been in ghosts with the dedicated servers?  Have you seen an improvement? 

Wed, 11/13/2013 - 14:41
RAZE77's picture
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So on the 360 its still P2P. They said they will "roll out the servers gradually". Still not sure if XBONE will have dedicated servers day one.

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 13:18 (Reply to #2)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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RAZE77 wrote:

So on the 360 its still P2P. They said they will "roll out the servers gradually". Still not sure if XBONE will have dedicated servers day one.


This.  I'm not sure if some games are run on dedicated servers or not.  I presume not.  With that being said, I've been very happy with the hit detection so far.  This is the best its been since Blops.

Sat, 11/16/2013 - 19:14 (Reply to #3)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

RAZE77 wrote:

So on the 360 its still P2P. They said they will "roll out the servers gradually". Still not sure if XBONE will have dedicated servers day one.


This.  I'm not sure if some games are run on dedicated servers or not.  I presume not.  With that being said, I've been very happy with the hit detection so far.  This is the best its been since Blops.


I'd agree with this. You still get the typical shoot the guy first, killcam doesn't show you shooting at all COD crap but mostly it's been okay.

Fri, 11/15/2013 - 11:44
Cerberus4417's picture
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I have not seen it yet.  All p2p so far.  But the connections have been okay for the most part.  

Mon, 11/18/2013 - 11:30
BADAD's picture
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Haven't been on any dedicated servers yet (that I know of).   Lag compensation is gone and that makes me happy.  Rather than a whole team of bullet eaters there's only 1 (the host).  Feels a lot like MW2, which is fine by me compared to lag compensation like Blops.  Hopefully once dedicated servers start no more fiding a new host or getting host booted. 

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 09:22
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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Thanks.  I was going to get Ghosts with XB1 this weekend, but I'm hooked on Halo 3 again now.  Heard some good things about Ghosts though.

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 09:43
BADAD's picture
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I'm lovin' it on the 360.  We'll see tonight when I switch over to the new console.  Looking foward to the graphics upgrade.  Saw the game played on a PS4 and it was beautiful.

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 14:43
SubT's picture
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I could be imagining it but it felt like dedicated servers on the ONE last night. Felt like it played way smoother than on the 360 and at the end of matches both teams seemed to have reasonable k/d ratios. Felt like every match on the 360 one team goes 30/2 and everyone on the opposite team goes 2/30

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 13:02 (Reply to #9)
RAZE77's picture
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SubT wrote:

I could be imagining it but it felt like dedicated servers on the ONE last night. Felt like it played way smoother than on the 360 and at the end of matches both teams seemed to have reasonable k/d ratios. Felt like every match on the 360 one team goes 30/2 and everyone on the opposite team goes 2/30

. Definitely xbone is on dedicated servers. Connections seem good. Did have random guy with bad connection to server that was lagging around but everyone else in the match seemed fine. Any Ghost xbox one players out there add me H1 Raze

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 15:11
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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