Destiny update Oct 7 - down for several hours.

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#1 Mon, 10/06/2014 - 16:26
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Destiny update Oct 7 - down for several hours.

NOTE: The following update will be applied at approximately 7AM Pacific on Tuesday, October 7th. The maintenance window for this work will interrupt Destiny services for several hours. You will be unable to play the game during that time.



Most of the changes included in this update will improve the technology that enables players to connect to Destiny. The player experience will remain unchanged, aside from the stability for some users who have encountered issues connecting to servers.


Client fixes

  • Added more data logging for matchmaking systems
  • Improved connectivity failure handling to reduce beaver (Kick To Orbit events) KTOs
  • Improved logging of player disconnections
  • Internal tools fixes to speed up our release process
  • Fixes to the roster system to allow us to tune the frequency of roster updates on Xbox One
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to quick scope on some weapons


Server Fixes

  • Security fixes
  • Server performance improvements
  • Fixes to reduce the frequency of some KTOs
  • Better logging to help diagnose connectivity problems
  • Fixes to some Centipede errors that were exclusive to specific player characters

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