Is the DMR overpowered?

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#1 Tue, 11/20/2012 - 15:44
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Is the DMR overpowered?

Over the last week I find myself only using the DMR. I love the BR, but my score suffers when using it. I find the 3 shot burst very satisfying and I'm a little sad that the DMR beats it at most ranges. I have also found that the DMR having such good range and accuracy that on most maps there isn't those great duals like in past games where you are 10 feet away from each other shotting it out. I really think they need to nerf the DMR just a little or increase the bloom(yes I said it) to bring it inline with the other guns.

I also think in competitive play that the DMR should be a pick up. 


What do you guys think. Am I crazy.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 15:57
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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There is always going to be a 'go-to' weapon in fps, especially Halo.  In H3 is was the BR.  In Reach it was the DMR.  In most situations in H4, it's the DMR again.  If you make it less powerful by adding bloom (I find this idea disturbing btw), you'll simply make the BR the 'go-to' weapon and everyone will be using it instead of the DMR.  There's no way to completely balance all the guns.  I still use the BR on the smaller maps anyway minus complex and haven.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 16:02
Shadow's picture
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No.  They both take the same number of trigger pulls and time to kill.

It's just all how you use it.  The DMR is great for longer distances, but it's no better than the pistol really, accuracy-wise.  The BR is good for medium range when both are moving, because you can shoot and drag.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 16:24 (Reply to #3)
Autarch's picture
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Shadow wrote:

No.  They both take the same number of trigger pulls and time to kill.

It's just all how you use it.  The DMR is great for longer distances, but it's no better than the pistol really, accuracy-wise.  The BR is good for medium range when both are moving, because you can shoot and drag.

I wonder if one were to shoot and drag with the BR and miss two of the three bullets in every burst, would it still kill in the same number of trigger pulls as the DMR?

Also, if the DMR and BR kill in the same amount of time as each other, with the same number of trigger pulls, but the DMR has better range, doesn't that make it better?

It seems to me based on personal use of both that the DMR has more behind the scenes systems helping it get hits.  That is, it seems easier to hit a target with a DMR because the aiming system is more forgiving with it than the BR.  ymmv

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 16:11
Double T's picture
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I like the BR better actually.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 16:27
XF1R3X's picture
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The game is Hitscan,  So whether 3 bullets from a gurst hit or 1 hits,  it is the same damage.  I find myself using both in games.  

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 16:30 (Reply to #6)
Autarch's picture
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XF1R3X wrote:

The game is Hitscan,  So whether 3 bullets from a gurst hit or 1 hits,  it is the same damage.  I find myself using both in games.  


Hmm, I knew the weapons were hitscan, but I had no idea hitscan did anything like what you just described.

So if someone were able to hit three people with every trigger pull of a BR by spreading one bullet of the spread from each into a guy, they would all die at the same time as a person who only fired the full three bullets of every burst into one spartan?

That seems very odd.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 19:09 (Reply to #7)
Hoplite's picture
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Autarch wrote:

XF1R3X wrote:

The game is Hitscan,  So whether 3 bullets from a gurst hit or 1 hits,  it is the same damage.  I find myself using both in games.  


Hmm, I knew the weapons were hitscan, but I had no idea hitscan did anything like what you just described.

So if someone were able to hit three people with every trigger pull of a BR by spreading one bullet of the spread from each into a guy, they would all die at the same time as a person who only fired the full three bullets of every burst into one spartan?

That seems very odd.

You misunderstand. The damage is instantaneous. Wherever you are pointing the reticule at the time of trigger pull is where ALL the damage goes.

Halo 2 was hitscan, Halo 3 was not and introduced bullet lag. You had to lead your shot over long distances if you wanted any of them to connect and do damage. Couple that mechanic with inherent internet latency and you had a flawed gameplay situation for certain players. I never experienced very much of it and thought it played fine, while others...did not.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 19:19 (Reply to #8)
Autarch's picture
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Hoplite wrote:

Autarch wrote:

XF1R3X wrote:

The game is Hitscan,  So whether 3 bullets from a gurst hit or 1 hits,  it is the same damage.  I find myself using both in games.  


Hmm, I knew the weapons were hitscan, but I had no idea hitscan did anything like what you just described.

So if someone were able to hit three people with every trigger pull of a BR by spreading one bullet of the spread from each into a guy, they would all die at the same time as a person who only fired the full three bullets of every burst into one spartan?

That seems very odd.

You misunderstand. The damage is instantaneous. Wherever you are pointing the reticule at the time of trigger pull is where ALL the damage goes.

Halo 2 was hitscan, Halo 3 was not and introduced bullet lag. You had to lead your shot over long distances if you wanted any of them to connect and do damage. Couple that mechanic with inherent internet latency and you had a flawed gameplay situation for certain players. I never experienced very much of it and thought it played fine, while others...did not.


Huh, ok.  Is it different in war games than campaign then?  I know the railgun differs between  the two.  I can recall killing multiple crawlers with one burst from the battle rifle in campaign though, as the spread hit a couple close ones each in the jaw.

So to make sure I understand though, if there is a spread, and I hit a guy in the head with the first bullet, the other two are just graphical fluff?  That is, if the second and third bullet hit a guy, they won't damage him?  Also, if I miss the first bullet because that is where my reticle is aimed when I press the trigger, but my 10 sensitivity (i actually use 4) and my massive rotation of my view cause the other two to hit someone, will the other two bullets also cause zero damage, because the reticle was not aimed at the guy when the trigger was pulled?  If so that would mean the BR is the DMR - one damaging bullet per trigger pull, but with worse range.

Let me know if I'm off again, just trying to get a handle on how it works

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 20:29 (Reply to #9)
Hoplite's picture
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Autarch wrote:

Hoplite wrote:

Autarch wrote:

XF1R3X wrote:

The game is Hitscan,  So whether 3 bullets from a gurst hit or 1 hits,  it is the same damage.  I find myself using both in games.  


Hmm, I knew the weapons were hitscan, but I had no idea hitscan did anything like what you just described.

So if someone were able to hit three people with every trigger pull of a BR by spreading one bullet of the spread from each into a guy, they would all die at the same time as a person who only fired the full three bullets of every burst into one spartan?

That seems very odd.

You misunderstand. The damage is instantaneous. Wherever you are pointing the reticule at the time of trigger pull is where ALL the damage goes.

Halo 2 was hitscan, Halo 3 was not and introduced bullet lag. You had to lead your shot over long distances if you wanted any of them to connect and do damage. Couple that mechanic with inherent internet latency and you had a flawed gameplay situation for certain players. I never experienced very much of it and thought it played fine, while others...did not.


Huh, ok.  Is it different in war games than campaign then?  I know the railgun differs between  the two.  I can recall killing multiple crawlers with one burst from the battle rifle in campaign though, as the spread hit a couple close ones each in the jaw.

So to make sure I understand though, if there is a spread, and I hit a guy in the head with the first bullet, the other two are just graphical fluff?  That is, if the second and third bullet hit a guy, they won't damage him?  Also, if I miss the first bullet because that is where my reticle is aimed when I press the trigger, but my 10 sensitivity (i actually use 4) and my massive rotation of my view cause the other two to hit someone, will the other two bullets also cause zero damage, because the reticle was not aimed at the guy when the trigger was pulled?  If so that would mean the BR is the DMR - one damaging bullet per trigger pull, but with worse range.

Let me know if I'm off again, just trying to get a handle on how it works

Yeah we are deviating from eachothers points somewhat. And this is all info I've gleaned from reading various articles and experiances from other take it with a large clump of salt.

I'll pull it back to situations you'll see in war games, ask 343i about differences between the two. There is spread, but there is also bullet magnetism. The magnetism reduces as the distance increases though, and that is when the spread actually becomes a factor, also why they rate the BR as close to mid range and DMR mid to long range. You may hit two targets but unless they are so close to each that somehow you manage two pull 2-3 bullets from one burst to 2 differet targets....yeah I just cant see that happening on a consistent basis to be of any use to you at all. 

Your hypothetical situations, test em out and let us know, but they would happen so rarely as to not be much of a concern to me. I use the DMR because it feels the best. I'll occasionally use a BR but the distances I fight at typically don't favor it's usage for me.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 14:44 (Reply to #10)
Shadow's picture
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Hoplite wrote:
You misunderstand. The damage is instantaneous. Wherever you are pointing the reticule at the time of trigger pull is where ALL the damage goes.

Halo 2 was hitscan, Halo 3 was not and introduced bullet lag. You had to lead your shot over long distances if you wanted any of them to connect and do damage. Couple that mechanic with inherent internet latency and you had a flawed gameplay situation for certain players. I never experienced very much of it and thought it played fine, while others...did not.


Yeah, and this is the reason I still lead on long shots with the BR.  Fucked up my thinking.  But I got so used to it after 4000 games that it's hard to change.  It worked for me, after awhile.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 12:50 (Reply to #11)
Shadow's picture
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Autarch wrote:

XF1R3X wrote:

The game is Hitscan,  So whether 3 bullets from a gurst hit or 1 hits,  it is the same damage.  I find myself using both in games.  


Hmm, I knew the weapons were hitscan, but I had no idea hitscan did anything like what you just described.

So if someone were able to hit three people with every trigger pull of a BR by spreading one bullet of the spread from each into a guy, they would all die at the same time as a person who only fired the full three bullets of every burst into one spartan?

That seems very odd.

No, it's the opposite I think.  Whoever gets hit by the first bullet gets hit by the rest, or not.  Dragging helps to hit the head, but also makes it so at least one hits them if you're not dead on with your original pull.

The DMR seems to require a more precise aim, which is its detriment.  The reticle seems more accurate but also smaller.  If you're long range, it's better.  Medium to short and it can be harder to connect than the BR.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 16:43
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Disagree.  Your play style favors the DMR.  The AR is actually pretty viable, if you're the kind that gets up close and is sneaky.  The BR is a lit more viable on Haven, for example.  The key is to note what weapon is being fired back at you and to not engage at range if you can help it.  That and map control and team shooting.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 16:46
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I would like to see two evenly skilled teams go at it DMR vs BR on a small map or even 1v1 in the octogan. I bet the DMR shows its power.  Also the DMR in BTB makes big maps small. I can kill someone top hill on Ragnorock from the base with a DMR. In Halo3 you had to get pretty close to the hill to get a kill.




Tue, 11/20/2012 - 16:48 (Reply to #14)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

I would like to see two evenly skilled teams go at it DMR vs BR on a small map or even 1v1 in the octogan. I bet the DMR shows its power.  Also the DMR in BTB makes big maps small. I can kill someone top hill on Ragnorock from the base with a DMR. In Halo3 you had to get pretty close to the hill to get a kill.





We know.  This is what we were pointing out for the last few months before H4 came out.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 19:06 (Reply to #15)
Double T's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

I would like to see two evenly skilled teams go at it DMR vs BR on a small map or even 1v1 in the octogan. I bet the DMR shows its power.  Also the DMR in BTB makes big maps small. I can kill someone top hill on Ragnorock from the base with a DMR. In Halo3 you had to get pretty close to the hill to get a kill.





BR OWNS DMR up close to mid range.  I would be willing to show this in octogon.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 23:03 (Reply to #16)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Double T wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

I would like to see two evenly skilled teams go at it DMR vs BR on a small map or even 1v1 in the octogan. I bet the DMR shows its power.  Also the DMR in BTB makes big maps small. I can kill someone top hill on Ragnorock from the base with a DMR. In Halo3 you had to get pretty close to the hill to get a kill.





BR OWNS DMR up close to mid range.  I would be willing to show this in octogon.

It actually depends on your aim. If you are accurate, there is no difference between the two. The br, however, allows for aiming errors with its spread.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 04:03 (Reply to #17)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:
Double T wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

I would like to see two evenly skilled teams go at it DMR vs BR on a small map or even 1v1 in the octogan. I bet the DMR shows its power.  Also the DMR in BTB makes big maps small. I can kill someone top hill on Ragnorock from the base with a DMR. In Halo3 you had to get pretty close to the hill to get a kill.





BR OWNS DMR up close to mid range.  I would be willing to show this in octogon.

It actually depends on your aim. If you are accurate, there is no difference between the two.


And this is why the DMR is better. At close and mid range there's not much difference, but as the range gets greater the DMR gets better and better over the BR so why wouldn't you use the weapon that stays consistant at all ranges over the one that's close up only?

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 15:18 (Reply to #18)
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Double T wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

I would like to see two evenly skilled teams go at it DMR vs BR on a small map or even 1v1 in the octogan. I bet the DMR shows its power.  Also the DMR in BTB makes big maps small. I can kill someone top hill on Ragnorock from the base with a DMR. In Halo3 you had to get pretty close to the hill to get a kill.





BR OWNS DMR up close to mid range.  I would be willing to show this in octogon.


I'm down for a little 1v1 BRvDMR if your still up for it.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 17:31
w0rm's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

Over the last week I find myself only using the DMR. I love the BR, but my score suffers when using it. I find the 3 shot burst very satisfying and I'm a little sad that the DMR beats it at most ranges. I have also found that the DMR having such good range and accuracy that on most maps there isn't those great duals like in past games where you are 10 feet away from each other shotting it out. I really think they need to nerf the DMR just a little or increase the bloom(yes I said it) to bring it inline with the other guns.

I also think in competitive play that the DMR should be a pick up. 


What do you guys think. Am I crazy.

No, the DMR is not overpowered, but it sure is a great utility weapon compared to its previous incarnation.  I'd rather see the BR get a buff before a DMR nerf.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 19:12
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I guess I'll have to put some more effort into the BR.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 19:14
Thom293's picture
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I swore all the bullets of a BR have a different hitscan endpoint because of spread?   If you watch the graphic when you are being shot at range, you can literally see the bullet spread.  Doall 3 bullets always hit same spot?  If so, I can see no reason to use BR ever.  Perhaps I just misunderstand.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 20:34
Autarch's picture
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Yeah Hoplite I'm not actually expecting to kill three dudes with a BR at once by spreading the, well, spread.  But I find this kind of stuff interesting even if it is a little hard to apply to an actual game in matchmaking.

I do like the SOUND of the DMR better at least :)

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 08:42
Double T's picture
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The BR does not give all 3 shots if only one hits like H3 did.  It's three round all count and have to hit.  That is why you need to aim at the body until the shields pop.

Jim actually out DMR'd me at mid to long range while I was trying this out in a BTB game last night.  I've been running firepower with a DMR/BR and doing pretty well at all ranges.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 10:44 (Reply to #24)
zombiekitten's picture
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Double T wrote:

The BR does not give all 3 shots if only one hits like H3 did.  It's three round all count and have to hit.  That is why you need to aim at the body until the shields pop.

Jim actually out DMR'd me at mid to long range while I was trying this out in a BTB game last night.  I've been running firepower with a DMR/BR and doing pretty well at all ranges.

T they could give you a slingshot and you'd do well at all ranges lol

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 11:48 (Reply to #25)
Thom293's picture
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Double T wrote:

The BR does not give all 3 shots if only one hits like H3 did.  It's three round all count and have to hit.  That is why you need to aim at the body until the shields pop.

Jim actually out DMR'd me at mid to long range while I was trying this out in a BTB game last night.  I've been running firepower with a DMR/BR and doing pretty well at all ranges.


Sorry - just trying to clarify here because I am still kinda confused.


So, with the BR in H4 you can hit with 1, 2 or all 3 bullets, correct? 


I think the answer is yes, but people keep saying different things.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 12:33 (Reply to #26)
w0rm's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

Double T wrote:

The BR does not give all 3 shots if only one hits like H3 did.  It's three round all count and have to hit.  That is why you need to aim at the body until the shields pop.

Jim actually out DMR'd me at mid to long range while I was trying this out in a BTB game last night.  I've been running firepower with a DMR/BR and doing pretty well at all ranges.


Sorry - just trying to clarify here because I am still kinda confused.


So, with the BR in H4 you can hit with 1, 2 or all 3 bullets, correct? 


I think the answer is yes, but people keep saying different things.


I think you're right.  1, 2, or 3 bullets hitting are possible with spread, recoil, and distance as factors.  I think because the BR is hitscan, the only bullet guaranteed to hit is the first one.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 12:36 (Reply to #27)
Thom293's picture
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Thanks.  That was my feeling as well.  On big maps like Ragnarok, you can sometimes see some of the bullets going around your head when you are being shot from a distance, so this makes sense.


So, for me, I am not the best aim, so I use the BR on Haven because it seems like it is a little more forgiving to me.  I use the DMR on everything else.


And I am loving the Magnum.  That thing is a beast.



Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:06
Double T's picture
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I'm up to it.  The BR does not give the entire damage if only one bullet hits.  If one hits, it gives 1/3 of one DMR shots damage.  This can be tested, but it's evidenced by me landing all of my shots, and not coming up with the kill.  The spread of the BR is increased over distance.  Kind of like 1 minute of angle is one minute of angle, but the distance is greater the farther you get away from someone.  It actually makes really good sense from a ballistics standpoint.  Except that we don't have to account for bullet drop LOL

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:14
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Aside from 1 map, I use the dmr exclusively. I love using it on haven. It rapes so much if you're accurate.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:29 (Reply to #30)
wamam87's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:
Aside from 1 map, I use the dmr exclusively. I love using it on haven. It rapes so much if you're accurate.



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