Drag racing with clutch slip tuition
Tue, 06/12/2012 - 23:25
Drag racing with clutch slip tuition
Hi all i fly back to work today and wont be back until next thursday and then im home for a week so if anyone wants to learn how to clutch slip for drag racing then leave a response or XBL me and i will do a 1 on 1 session with you.Its easier than you might think once you know how.Im doing this as i have had a few messages asking how to clutch slip with the rivals tune done by psyber and geared by myself.On a final note it's best done with the older white controller as its easier,I'll explain once we are racing.Thanks guys
Never thought about slipping the clutch on drag racing.
Sounds intresting.
Hey man,
I might be up to this.
What old white controller do you mean?
I use a wired controller... are you talking about a wired or wireless controller?
Also, I assume the clutch is mapped back to the bumper, is there enough travel in the bumper to slip? I always thought it was a wheel only option.
I assume the sequence might be gas, slow (not too slow) but steady depress of the clutch, quickly release the clutch and all before you reach full revs in first.
Just guessing. Its tough to gauge by replays alone.
Let me know about the controller (wired/wireless/etc).
Didn't want to edit the above...
but figured it out.
It will take some getting used to but it is NOWHERE near what I thought.
Found THIS POST over at FM.net explaining it and after 45 minutes I think I got it. It will take more practice but I got the basics.
I re-geared my build with your gearing Griff and once I started getting the hang of it I am .02 faster. Not there yet but I got the idea.
If I don't get near your time, I will definitely hit you up to compare how I am doing it to you but I think its just gonna be practice really.
Weird but cool and not as un-achievable as I thought it would be on a controller.
FYI: I still used my wired black MS controller with blue masking tape.
Last post for now...
Got it down.. I can't get the best results 10 out of 10 but I am in the ballpark.
I took your gearing and applied it to my build and just got a 9.393! hehe
I'll send it your way in a minute Griff. Thanks for the inspiration to even try!
Thats a good time considering you havent clutch slipped before,but having read the post on FM net its not quite how i have been taught to do it.I was lucky enough to have been in the private lobby with illilley,snifi mini titan,gpfschnorm,donkey and president and most of these names are seriosly high in the Drag leaderboards were just starting to experiment with using the clutch to launch,and this was in FM3.they were using a top secret supra and it was only good for 20.987 in the mile but after a few hours using better gearing and clutch launch they were getting the supra to do 20.6xx in the mile and beating R1 classes in the process.As i said earlier in this post i am willing to show you how i have been taught but only after next thursday when i get back home.If not then no probs and it would be good to work on a drag LB tune with you to get D2NR and 2O4F noticed and mix it with the Drag clans out there.
If this is a way to decrease drag strip time with a controller, I'm very interested.
It did help me go about .1 faster than I was before so it can help but its like splitting hairs. Its tricky thats for sure. I spent a total of an hour and a half to get the basics down and I am sure that only scratched the surface.
I am always up for new things so this was/is fun to learn and its hard to ignore the fact that the top drag times pretty much always slip the clutch.
I still need to practice it a bunch more thats for sure. I wish I could have the clutch on the right side of the controller though. I have much more precice control with my right finger.
I now want to toy with the advanced controller settings to see if there is any advantage to tweaking the deadzones up or down (currently set to 5/100). I am thinking there should be a better setting. I'm just not sure whether that is setting a more aggressive accel setting like 10-15 to help get the power down faster or going to no deadzone to maximize the slipping effect.
The higher might be better with my left finger not being super precise but then again the full range just might help that same issue. Not sure but that's what testing is all about. :)
I am sure I will take you up on the offer. I am more than curious to know how you do it. The tape thing kinda sucks but I can't get find that perfect holding point without it. :(
At least I did it! hehe I love finding new things in the game to work on. Unfortunately this doesn't help in any other aspect of the game unlike the drop/catch method which has helped me get real good off the line in racing and lapping.