Early Spartan Ops
Sat, 02/16/2013 - 01:46
Early Spartan Ops
Looking for peeps to play Spartan Ops episodes 1 - 4 on legendary. Yes, i know im a bit behind the times.
Just downloaded the newest ones so i'd be up for those as well. Episode 5 is the only one i've completed.
I'm only available on weekends for the most part.
Levi, I'm guessing the early episodes will come back through the matchmaking lobby starting next week once ep10 has been featured for its debut. Each episode has played through there in its first week, then again during the gap between eps 5 and 6. I plan to play them again, as there are chapters all over the place that I wasn't able to squeeze in for the better matchmaking points totals. Still, I'd much rather play with you guys than randoms. Oh, and I have one or two of those Ops cheevz to get yet, so will be aiming for those.
I need to do 1-5 on Leg so I would be down for playing, just shoot me a FR or PM GT-LetsGoMteers
Dude - hit me up, I'll totally point whore with you. I still have like 59 Double XP games to use up.
im up for it if your needing more players, ive finished 1-5 on normal id be up for playing it with a little bit of challeng
Cool! I'll send some FR's to you guys today in prep for the weekend.
Except for Bus. He smokes more food than me because his climate allows him to and that pisses me off. NO INVITE FOR YOU!.gif)