Epic fail! *grin*
Epic fail! *grin*
So, I'm working my way through the H4 mission with the Mammoth, got almost completely through,
...then I went to reset a checkpoint because of how the battle went (getting trashed in 2 seconds!),
AND RESET THE MISSION INSTEAD. *arrrgh!* (blame that on a worn controller that moved to the item I wasn't after.)
But, it wasn't a complete loss...I did learn today that the Mammoth has a pretty good arsenal aboard, so even if the missile pods get wrecked you still have BR, rockets and grenades on board to complete the mission. And, if you don't slow down and keep moving when you get the gauss hog, your A.I. gunner does pretty well about hitting the swarm of Wraiths and Ghosts near the moment when you have to hit the gravlift into that last Covie ship.
Live and learn, eh? =D
Useful advice! I will take note of it.
Congrats on getting this far. I only just killed my first Promethean Knight on Forerunner Legendary yesterday after about 10 failed attempts over a few days. Had to resort to some Youtube videos to figure out the best weapon to use.
So, now that I know the wrong way to do it, how _does_ one reset a checkpoint the correct way?
Assuming you don't have the Iron Skull on (and who would want to!!), hit the back button, then select "Revert to Last Save."
And here I thought some of you Halo veterans rushed through LASO levels on your lunch breaks!
Thanks for the help!
Actually I am working thru the campaign with all skulls on, but I am nutz