EUSL Season 2 Final Score's and Promotions

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#1 Sun, 04/01/2012 - 18:06
CProRacing's picture
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EUSL Season 2 Final Score's and Promotions

Well lads there has been some good racing this season.


Please find below the final results table.

Congrats to - Me(cheeky), HyperChurch, Antz, and OldSlowFred for winning there divisions!!!

Commiserations to RaddoHuey. So close fella some good racing.


Now to the fun bit. The following list is the drivers who have move up a division level. Give yourselves a pat on the back you have earned it yes


HyperChurch - (Premaship Divison)
Antz2ndxbox360 - (Divison 1)
STONECOLDWEZ - (Divison 1)
KnightofRedemption - (Divison 1)
HeliosGLi16v - (Divison 1)
Boza - (Divison 1)
OLDSLOWFRED - (Divison 2)
rustybelly - (Divison 2)
Dagger KaBar - (Divison 2)
NakedRescue - (Divison 2)
Well lads thats pretty much it. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as me smiley
Sun, 04/01/2012 - 18:30
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Outstanding! Congratulations to all the division winners, but division 1! Hell I remember my first race, the series had been running already for a few weeks and I felt sooo out of place. Car damaged from being shunted in my first start and lapped by I think by four or five cars. But every one was so helpful and I put in hundreds of laps over the last races looking to find first 10 seconds then five then down to two. Now I'm chuffed to bits, from hear on it gets harder and that's okay. I am now racing with people no longer out there lapping at the back on my own. Cheers guys I love being in this clan, I love racing with you, I love the banter, I even love the fact that people think I'm worth nudging off a corner (mentioning no names LOL)

It's a blast, and I am so glad I found it.

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 18:35 (Reply to #2)
CProRacing's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

Outstanding! Congratulations to all the division winners, but division 1! Hell I remember my first race, the series had been running already for a few weeks and I felt sooo out of place. Car damaged from being shunted in my first start and lapped by I think by four or five cars. But every one was so helpful and I put in hundreds of laps over the last races looking to find first 10 seconds then five then down to two. Now I'm chuffed to bits, from hear on it gets harder and that's okay. I am now racing with people no longer out there lapping at the back on my own. Cheers guys I love being in this clan, I love racing with you, I love the banter, I even love the fact that people think I'm worth nudging off a corner (mentioning no names LOL)

It's a blast, and I am so glad I found it.



Sun, 04/01/2012 - 18:54 (Reply to #3)
POIDSLY's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

Outstanding! Congratulations to all the division winners, but division 1! Hell I remember my first race, the series had been running already for a few weeks and I felt sooo out of place. Car damaged from being shunted in my first start and lapped by I think by four or five cars. But every one was so helpful and I put in hundreds of laps over the last races looking to find first 10 seconds then five then down to two. Now I'm chuffed to bits, from hear on it gets harder and that's okay. I am now racing with people no longer out there lapping at the back on my own. Cheers guys I love being in this clan, I love racing with you, I love the banter, I even love the fact that people think I'm worth nudging off a corner (mentioning no names LOL)

It's a blast, and I am so glad I found it.




There is a good chance Knight will be fighting for the alien spots before we know it.


Its my first season and I have been a bit of a virgin.


Brace yourself girls. :) Brace yourself rogue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 22:36
RaddoHuey's picture
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"Missed it by... that much"   Maxwell Smart

And with Hyper moving up a division next season is gonna be a barn burner!

See ya guys next week!

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 22:49
Sherb's picture
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Damn you you rat bastid Knight!  Edge me out by 6 points because I couldn't make it due to an effed up work schedule..........


I got your number next season!  cheeky


Of course now that we'll be running Div 1 (how the hell did that happen again?), I'm not so sure we'll be fighting for a podium.  But it should be entertaining nonetheless.  smiley

Mon, 04/02/2012 - 03:49 (Reply to #6)
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Sherb wrote:

Damn you you rat bastid Knight!  Edge me out by 6 points because I couldn't make it due to an effed up work schedule..........


I got your number next season!  cheeky


Of course now that we'll be running Div 1 (how the hell did that happen again?), I'm not so sure we'll be fighting for a podium.  But it should be entertaining nonetheless.  smiley

He he, yeah thanks for that. Tell your boss the cheque is in the post smiley

Don't know about fighting for an Alien spot Poidsly, leastways not anytime soon...Got quite enough on my plate with Sherb who has a point to prove and Antz who threw everything at me yesterday and I'm sure was muttering curses every time I just  managed to foil his many attempts to pass. Yes Sherb entertainment guaranteedsmiley


Sun, 04/01/2012 - 22:50
Sherb's picture
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Oh yeah, and congrats to all the Div winners and the rest of the class advancements.

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 22:53
Spazster's picture
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Congrats to everyone! And thanks for posting the info! I'm getting ready for a new installment on the channel and i'll be sure to tap you guys in. :)

Mon, 04/02/2012 - 02:39
Tourni6's picture
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Well done guys!!


I cant wait to get EUSL 3 started :)

Mon, 04/02/2012 - 09:48
jdankert's picture
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my deepest respect to all competitors and people, who make this EUSL happened. You've done a great job!

Congratulations to all winners!

I am new, I am slow, but I am not a "quickie". Even if RL is temporarly holding me back from racing, I won't leave the club! I will come back and than .......... I will be quicker. I will race in the EUSL 3!

JDANKERT (again 400 km away from the xbox)

Mon, 04/02/2012 - 09:58
Parcells2's picture
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Good fun and congrats to all the division winners EXCEPT ChurchPro smiley of course who are we kidding here? Not Parcells. Sure, on paper HyperChurch was in our division but in reality none of the divsion 1 guys were "competing" with Hyper thats for sure and Hyper also handed the premiere guys there ass too so who are we kidding? Hyper won the premiere division and Fitzy won the Div 1 regardless of what the divisions started out as.

Mon, 04/02/2012 - 10:14 (Reply to #12)
HyperChurch's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

Good fun and congrats to all the division winners EXCEPT ChurchPro smiley of course who are we kidding here? Not Parcells. Sure, on paper HyperChurch was in our division but in reality none of the divsion 1 guys were "competing" with Hyper thats for sure and Hyper also handed the premiere guys there ass too so who are we kidding? Hyper won the premiere division and Fitzy won the Div 1 regardless of what the divisions started out as.

Thank man. Good season, enjoyed it... Leant a lot over the last few months. Next seasons goal - beat ChurchPro and RogueGoose :D Cheers guys
Mon, 04/02/2012 - 11:29
CProRacing's picture
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Just a shame hyper did not qualify for the prem last season.
Mon, 04/02/2012 - 14:46
boza74's picture
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Wow I'm in div 1yes!!   Even though I was late comer, I still had good time and definitely looking forward to next season.smiley

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