Execution help

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#1 Tue, 01/01/2013 - 14:39
onthefritz's picture
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Execution help

I have been playing HALO mp for a little while (still kind of a noob).  About half my kills are melees.  I have not figured out how to do an execution.  All my melees are just the forearm smash to the player.  

How exactly do you perform an execution on mp?  

Tue, 01/01/2013 - 14:50
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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To perform an execution, you need to be behind the enemy and hold down your melee button.  If you tap your melee button, you'll do a quick beat down.  If you hold down your melee button, it will trigger the execution and embarass the enemy.  :)

Tue, 01/01/2013 - 14:52
onthefritz's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Cool.  Thanks.  I actually tried that once, but maybe I didn't hold it down long enough.  

I'll try that next time.  

Tue, 01/01/2013 - 18:52
wamam87's picture
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just for clarity, when you do this, it's called an assasination.


when you assasinate a "king" in regicide, it's called an execution.

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 11:45 (Reply to #4)
onthefritz's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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wamam87 wrote:

just for clarity, when you do this, it's called an assasination.


when you assasinate a "king" in regicide, it's called an execution.

Got it.  Thanks.  

I'll have to try this this weekend.  Anybody want to volunteer to let me ASS-ASS-IN-ate them?  wink laugh surprise blush


Tue, 01/01/2013 - 22:07
Kenny Grindall's picture
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I just love having good reason to constantly use a word that starts with the word ass... twice!

Ass-Ass-ination! It's like getting tea bagged BEFORE you're dead.


Wed, 01/02/2013 - 11:50
Lbsutke's picture
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You can also assassination from the side, using the same technique as holding down the melee mutton. You need to be pretty close to the enemy to perform either technique. Ass you are running up on the person and get pretty close hold down that melee button until you see the animation start.

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 15:06
testified's picture
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 1. Get some friends in a custom game and work on this

2. Work on getting these kills in spartan ops killing Covenant and Forerunner (there are achievements and commendations for it)

3. Just open a custom game, add a guest on another controller and ... well..


BTW best game for these is probably OddBall (Haven or Adrift)









Fri, 01/04/2013 - 14:51
Kenny Grindall's picture
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Another good option for practice — the first two campaign missions essentially hand you a couple freebies...

In "Dawn" (mission 1), as you approach the observation deck, don't run in shooting. Just climb the stairs and walk up behind the Elite that's got his back to you, and give him the old "double ass". Then, at the very beginning of "Requiem" (m2), you can run-not-walk generally off to stage left from where you begin, to find a nearly-dead grunt crawling and moaning his last few moments away. Turns out you can double-ass him, too.

I like that all the assassination animations have variants, depending on the enemy, your loadout and such; I'm not studied up on all that, but the first time I got the jump on a Knight, the animation was so fun I had to save a video clip.

FYI, assassinations in campaign do not count towards the commendation.

I'm still trying for my first versus a fellow Spartan in WarGames. I hand 'em out all the time, but those dang varmints just won't stop moving!

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 18:19 (Reply to #9)
onthefritz's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Kenny Grindall wrote:

Another good option for practice — the first two campaign missions essentially hand you a couple freebies...

In "Dawn" (mission 1), as you approach the observation deck, don't run in shooting. Just climb the stairs and walk up behind the Elite that's got his back to you, and give him the old "double ass". Then, at the very beginning of "Requiem" (m2), you can run-not-walk generally off to stage left from where you begin, to find a nearly-dead grunt crawling and moaning his last few moments away. Turns out you can double-ass him, too.

I like that all the assassination animations have variants, depending on the enemy, your loadout and such; I'm not studied up on all that, but the first time I got the jump on a Knight, the animation was so fun I had to save a video clip.

FYI, assassinations in campaign do not count towards the commendation.

I'm still trying for my first versus a fellow Spartan in WarGames. I hand 'em out all the time, but those dang varmints just won't stop moving!

Really?  I have only been playing MP for a week or so and have had 3 or 4 times when I could have gotten a 2-ass, but didn't know how to do it right.  LOL  

Thanks for the help guys.  

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 21:25
SUM0 NiNJA's picture
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Haven is a great map for assasinations, here is a little vid I made, just keep your eye on the radar :)



Mon, 01/07/2013 - 22:20
onthefritz's picture
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I was playing this last weekend and I got 2 assassinations in one game.  Now that I know how to do it......  

I usually get a couple of melee kills a game, but now I will suppliment those wil 2-ass-inations.  :)  

Mwahahaahaahaahahahahaaahaaaahahahaa,... cough, cough, cough,......... hahahahaahaahahahahaaahaaaahahahaaaaha. 


Tue, 01/08/2013 - 01:19
wamam87's picture
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another little fact...


while you are caught in the animation, you can look around. whatever direction you are looking you will be facing when the animation is done.


no need to lose time turning to face your enemy.

Tue, 01/08/2013 - 22:45
BoskyDell's picture
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I farmed assassinations for two days on regicide to get neato, spiffy armor.  It turns out to be a really fun game in itself.  You just creeping around all the time as people are running around you.  Now, I sometimes play it the same style just for fun.  It doesn't hurt your K/D, it just means you are unlikely to win the game (it happed a few times, though, getting an "execution" rewards like 50 points, so you can find yourself the accidental leader.

My best was 7 assassinations on Abandon.  I do a lot of jumping down on people from above (or wait for them to jump down from above you), especially on Haven.  But, I only had like 5 games that were 5 assassinations or more, my average was 1-2 at first and 2-3 at the end of my farming.  Reminder, I was concentrating solely on assassinations, when i play normal I seem to get about 1 a game.  I used Camo, some do it with Thrust.  Really, combining them would be perfect, and OP. 

I should say, I still get a lot of beatdown kills from behind that should be assassinations.  I dont know if I am not quite close enough, or what.  I am still trying to figure out if I am doing something wrong, or it is just not registering.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 07:58
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Play Slayer pro. Most of the time people will see your little radar blip coming up at them and turn so you can't assassinate em, with the radar gone it's MUCH easier to get behind them.

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