Exotic shards

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#1 Fri, 10/09/2015 - 06:02
BKVic's picture
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Exotic shards

Does Xur still sell exotic shards or is the only way to get them now is to dismantle exotic gear? He didn't have any today but he didn't have any weopons for the second week in a row either. If he doesn't sell them anymore how many do yo get for dismantlng a brand new piece that you haven't used or upgraded. I hate to spend 13 strange coins for a pair of boots ect and only get one shard for them.
Fri, 10/09/2015 - 07:04
DarthTabasco's picture
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I don't think Xur has sold exotic shards since the launch of TTK. Thankfully I had a decent amount in my Vault, otherwise it would be annoying not being able to upgrade exotic gear. 

I also have a lot of Year 1 exotic pieces I can dismantle for shards. However, for the people that do not have a surplus, Bungie has kind of screwed you.

I would also recommend buying a supply of Three of Coins. This will help you get exotic drops.

The only other option is to buy exotics from the kiosks, but that costs Legendary Marks. So yeah...not the best option.

Fri, 10/09/2015 - 08:47 (Reply to #2)
BKVic's picture
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I think I'll start looking for you online Darth. I've got my Warlock up to where I don't think you'll be constantly reviving me. How does the Three of Coins work?
Fri, 10/09/2015 - 09:26
DarthTabasco's picture
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Basically the Three of Coins increases your chance your next loot drop from a "boss" will be an exotic engram.

You only need to use one coin at a time. You can use the coin, then go kill a boss/ultra. You can tell the boss/ultra if they are yellow bar, named and have the skull icon. Think Strike and Raid bosses or story bosses.

Once you get the kill, the buff will be gone - regardless of if you get an exotic drop. 

If you do NOT get an exotic drop, use another coin and your chances for a drop will increase on the next boss/ultra kill. Rinse and repeat. 

Your chances will increase until you get a drop.

I just run the non-heroic strikes and always apply the Three of Coins buff at the beginning of the Strike. You can apply the buff anytime before you kill the boss, but I just do it at the beginning so it's routine and I don't forget. I tend to not play the Heroic strikes because they take longer and there is no real increase in drop rates.

Any time you want to play, hit me up or just join. We can run some strikes or court of oryx to try and get you some loot! 

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 08:37
BKVic's picture
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Darth, picked up 20 of The Three of Coins Friday and Saturday ran 10 strikes, using one each time like you said, and hit no exotics. Don't think I was doing any thing wrong.
Mon, 10/12/2015 - 09:21 (Reply to #5)
DarthTabasco's picture
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BKVic wrote:
Darth, picked up 20 of The Three of Coins Friday and Saturday ran 10 strikes, using one each time like you said, and hit no exotics. Don't think I was doing any thing wrong.

That is bad luck. I burned through about 20 coins and had maybe 5 exotics.


Keep trying it and you'll get a drop. 

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 09:11
OldnAchy's picture
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20 without a drop seems to be an issue worth reporting.  I wonder if Bungie is still tinkering with the drop rate and actually turned it off for awhile.  I was getting a drop every 2-4 coins, but this weekend burned 6 without result.  

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 10:51 (Reply to #7)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

20 without a drop seems to be an issue worth reporting.  I wonder if Bungie is still tinkering with the drop rate and actually turned it off for awhile.  I was getting a drop every 2-4 coins, but this weekend burned 6 without result.  


2 to 4 is an insane drop rate.  It seems that the baseline is one exotic drop every 6 3coins.

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 10:01
BLAMnation's picture
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Sounds like BKVic only used 10 of the 20 without a drop. This is bad RNG luck, but not totally unexpected. I've had a couple of long streaks without any drops - last one was 12-13 straight with nuthin'. Then I got 2 exotics out of the next 5 runs.

I've got an Eye of a Gate Lord boss checkpoint saved on each of my characters. First thing I do when I sign on is load up a 3oC, go kill the boss (collect engram if lucky), then repeat for my other characters. Takes maybe 10 minutes for 3 chances for exotic engrams. If I have time before I sign off, I'll repeat. No worries about using the next rune too soon. Ran 3 last night and got a drop that turned into 310 Ruin Wings.

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 10:56
BKVic's picture
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I'll run my last 10 tonight and see what happens. Hopefully something good comes my way!
Mon, 10/12/2015 - 14:04
Thom293's picture
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Not all bosses use the charge (like the Psions in Dust palace).  The Brothers, you can use two (but with a lower chance for the second one because of the short time).

I know people have checkpoints at bosses, but I would not be surprised if Bungie stealth nerfed that and tied it to boss difficulty.  I havent written it down, but I think I average a drop about every 4, in the heroic strike playlist.  Of course, I have 5 Knucklehead Radars and 5 Chests of Alpha Dupli(cate), but I do get them as drops.  I THINK once you get your light level over 300, they have a chance to drop at 310.  I got a 310 No Backup Plans the other night.

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 15:42 (Reply to #11)
BKVic's picture
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It would be nice if I could get above 300 but I seem stuck at 295. I'm gonna grind the rest of them out at tonight and see what happens.
Tue, 10/13/2015 - 05:52
BKVic's picture
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Got a exotic titan chest piece on my first run last night and then nothing the next 9 tries. One out of 20 tries was pretty crappy luck. I did gain one light point for my Warlock so I'm up to 296 now........wonder how long I'll be stuck here......
Tue, 10/13/2015 - 08:23 (Reply to #13)
Bluestar's picture
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BKVic wrote:
Got a exotic titan chest piece on my first run last night and then nothing the next 9 tries. One out of 20 tries was pretty crappy luck. I did gain one light point for my Warlock so I'm up to 296 now........wonder how long I'll be stuck here......


Without the raid, quite a while.  I've been stuck for a few weeks now.  This is one of the biggest frustrations I have with the new system.  At least with the old system you were stuck at a level, but you didn't need to be a higher level to do anything but the raid.  HoW at least let you hit the level cap.  The way it is now, I've been at 296 for a few weeks.  Scrounged my way to 297 with a tick away from 298, but have no way to reach 300 without a very long grind.  Raids don't work for me when I can't commit to several hours of play time having to log off at any point in time.  All of the exotics I have feel useless at 290/280 light when I have legendaries that are better light, and there is no way to get 310 exotics since you need to hit 300 first.  Base exotics should have been 300 light just like how they were level 34 before.  At least then the duplicates could have been infused into other gear to hit the 300 cap.

Tue, 10/13/2015 - 07:04
DarthTabasco's picture
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Vic, hopefully you can join us Friday evening for the Raid. A couple of pieces of Raid gear may get you to 300.

I would really like for us to get some kind of a regular Raid group since I've had very little success getting invites into the Raid. 

Tue, 10/13/2015 - 08:28 (Reply to #15)
BKVic's picture
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I'm planing on it! I think if I can get Black Spindle and Sleeper Simulant that wouldnt hurt either. Those two would bump my light up a bit.
Tue, 10/13/2015 - 09:10
DarthTabasco's picture
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I got my Sleeper last night and it's only 290 Light. Also, Black Spindle is having it's light decreased to 290 - probably with today's patch. 

My highest Light is 299 and that's with one piece of Raid gear (308) and an Exotic sword (310). I need one more piece from the Raid to hit 300. I'd really like the Ghost since I'm still using a 280.

Wed, 10/14/2015 - 05:27
BKVic's picture
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Was running strikes last night to get my 30 Legendary Marks and then switched over to the level 36 strikes to grind some more. On the very first 36 two exotic engrams drop. Both were Titan greaves but hey,that's two shards for upgrading latter on! On another plus I only spent one day at 296, got a 300 gift for ranking up with the vanguard so I fed it to my greaves. Now I'll probably be stuck for weeks at 297.....
Thu, 10/15/2015 - 07:47
SoulTerror's picture
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Really wish Zur would sell these again!  

Thu, 10/15/2015 - 12:07
Hammerdrake's picture
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I keep piling up shards, what are they used for now in TTK?

Thu, 10/15/2015 - 13:08
DarthTabasco's picture
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You need the shards to infuse exotics. I'm being very picky with my shard usage and only using them on stuff I think will be useful or that I can share between characters.

Thu, 10/15/2015 - 14:33
YEM's picture
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I have a surplus of shards ;)
Thu, 10/15/2015 - 15:52
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I suppose disassembling most of the old exotics is a solution.

Fri, 10/16/2015 - 07:27
FreeRadikal's picture
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Does trials of osiris give you 300+ gear?

Fri, 10/16/2015 - 12:54 (Reply to #24)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

Does trials of osiris give you 300+ gear?


We don't know yet.  Trials is postponed until they can fix the Nightstalker glitch.

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