F1 2011

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#1 Thu, 08/09/2012 - 16:25
Ammodawg's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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F1 2011

So after a few weeks of practicing and feeling pretty good I decided to do my first race.  Traction control on due to raining. AI set to intermediate becasue novice seemed to easy.  Results, god I suck.  I mean I was feeling pretty good when on the track by myself but I can't make a turn or anything when it comes to racing.

Thu, 08/09/2012 - 17:17
CProRacing's picture
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F1 2011 = THE hardest racing game I have ever played. Monaco in the rain anyone?
Thu, 08/09/2012 - 20:05
kurupt's picture
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Haven't tried it yet, if it makes u feel better I can't make 1 corner in iracing without spending 5 mins doing doughnuts lol...3 attempts to finish 1 lap....failed every time :(
Fri, 08/10/2012 - 03:58
KnightofRedemption's picture
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LOL That was exactly my experience first time i tried it, exactly. Start really slow, I mean coming back from the shops with a car full of eggs down a bumpy lane slow, iRacing doesn't have that same sense of visual speed as other games and it can be deceptive. Once you have zoned in on the feel, it gets....slighly less hard. Make sure your wheel is set for 900degs that made a big difference for me once I found that out. Gentle inputs as well, it really punishes heavy footed driving and dramatic wheel sawing. Use the tab key to bring up the by secter timing bar, that was great when I found it as well. Those first few clean laps feel like a win in a race when your get them...

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 06:02
Tourni6's picture
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I couldn't stand that game - when using the controller, there was no feel at all, felt very arcade to me. 

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 07:36
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Not at all a sim for a controller, with a wheel it's a whole new ball game...but on saying that I don't think it is all it's cracked up to be. I don't like having to practice on my own, and the graphics engine is very dated, and the model for progressing is very flawed. As for the damage and sitting in the pits for up to half an hour to get it fixed...well that is just daft. But like all these games it's the folk I race with that make it fun. So far the best physics is to be found is with rF2 but the visuals are dire. If only we could take the best aspects of all the games and put it into one...then of course pigs would fly.

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 13:45
Ammodawg's picture
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Okay well atleast I'm not the only one then.  I have F1 2011 on the xbox and pc and really prefer the pc version.  Just looks better and the FFB on the wheel is much much better.  Well back to practicing :)

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 12:48
Zero7159's picture
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Currently Playing: 

F1 2011 for the PC is one tough, but rewarding game, particularly when you drive in the rain.  I am not brave enough to try the Intermediate AI.  Novice is hard enough for me.  I do give myself some traction control.  The triple screens probably help, since I can better see around me.  Its tough to get used to the late braking.  Now that I have the F1 rim for the T500RS, I plan to spend more time on this game.

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 16:33
Ammodawg's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Yea because of this game and iRacing I really want a T500RS with the F1 rim. 

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 20:44
DaiBongo's picture
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Ugh, I found this game on the xbox so hard.

Its not like driving R1, and then some, these things are crazy, and I can never seem to stop !

Catalunya was OK, but Monaco is gruesome, its like driving around inside a giant advertising hoarding, I can`t see the corners for shit.

A hard one to crack,.

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 08:44
SLIMV3n0m's picture
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Have any of you guys found the Force Feedback terrible on the game?  I've been playing the 360 version and the FFB feels completely unrealistic.

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 18:44
Ammodawg's picture
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The FFB on the pc is so much better.  My CSR feels like night and day compaired between the xbox and pc.

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 18:47 (Reply to #12)
SLIMV3n0m's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
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Ammodawg wrote:

The FFB on the pc is so much better.  My CSR feels like night and day compaired between the xbox and pc.

Would you happen to know if they are the same default settings?

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