Fanatec Clubsport Pedals Comparison - V1 vs. V2

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#1 Fri, 06/29/2012 - 23:53
Seahawks2Fan's picture
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Fanatec Clubsport Pedals Comparison - V1 vs. V2


This is my general impressions of Fanatec's new version of the Clubsport pedals.  In the video, I try to show the differences between their original pedals and the new version.  
I was one of the last of the community testers to receive the Clubsport wheel and am waiting to receive the BMW rim (the first one came DOA).  I will post my review of that once I get all of the components and can give it a fair shake.  


Sat, 06/30/2012 - 07:48
Wheels's picture
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Thanks for sharing your critique...Excellent!!coolcoolcool

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 11:27
Zeratul's picture
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Well done, good and informative vid. One question though, from looking at the V2 I think they also improved the cable routing/conection of the magneto pickups on the throtle and clutch, is that correct?

That may sway me to buy a new set.

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 16:10
mavictb's picture
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Im in the market in a month or so to buy a new setup... I was thinking CSR-E, shifter kit, and elite peadles with inversion kit. I heard the CSPv2s are going to be 250... should I just get those rather than the elites? the price would be close enough to the same that the price isnt a concern.

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 17:13
Seahawks2Fan's picture
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Mon, 07/02/2012 - 07:10
Zeratul's picture
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S2F, thank you.

mavictb, I have only had the V1 CSP and absolutely love them. If the cost isn't a problem for you I would say go for the CSP, with a bit of tweaking on the springs you'll have a set of pedals that feel like a real set.

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 04:13 (Reply to #6)
mavictb's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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Thanks I figured that a $50 difference isnt to big of a deal if the CSPs are that much better. I spend that on lunch in a week lol. I watched some reviews on the v2s and I think I will be going that route when I build my rig in september.

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