feeling like Jim'll Fix it
feeling like Jim'll Fix it
A friend of mine hit me up looking for advice on buying a wheel for his 9yr old son's birthday, I gave my reccomendations and asked if he'd want some designs to build a rig. He declined due to lack of equipment/ time and money.
So i go off on my own on craigslist hunting for a cheap but good wheel for the lad.
Then I stumble on an awesome find. A VRC Chassis Mk1 (like mine), + monitor stand, + shifter mount. All in $200.
A steal! [img]http://images.craigslist.org/5L75Gb5K93kf3G73Hcc3pb269dddbe6c3154e.jpg[/...
Now, I could do with the monitor stand as one day I hope to expand on to hydraulics and will need my monitors to be seperate from my rig. I've also been considering getting a 2nd shifter mount so I can switch the h-gate depending on which car i'm driving. (it's pretty wierd shifting with your right hand in a right hand drive car). so I hit the dude up to see if he'll sell them indivdually. He says yes, for $100 but take the whole lot for $150 just to get shot of it.
I'd be paying $150 for the stand & shifter mount brand new anyway.. so I figure.. why not?
So.. the kid thinks they can't afford a rig/wheel. Day before his birthday they're gonna bring him over to try mine out. Then next day.. he's gonna get the suprise of his life!! Chuffed to bits that I can get what I want.. whilst helping someone else! Only thing now is to calm the wife down about dropping more coin on my rig
A win win situation, a rare and wonderful thing. Well done.
Nice one fella.
Great find!
Top bloke :)
emphasize the money saved my boyo, if it's a deal/sale, you may yet live...and the birthday gift may tug a sentimental string or two as well...
Nice job Mikey!! Stellar gesture from a stellar guy !!