Double T, Hog Ryder, myself, and a fourth person beat the Legendary campaign at 7 this morning, EST. Who else is done (that obtained the game at street date, Autarch :) and when did you complete it?
Me and 2 freinds finished it by 6ish in the morning. Finished Legendary in 5 hours and 9 minutes. Seemed shorter than H3's Campaign, but hey, to me playing the campaign is a bit of formality.
I finished it on Heroic on 11/5. It was pretty fun. I enjoyed the campaign more then I did the Reach campaign. Multiplayer is really good IMHO. The only game type I haven't really enjoyed so far is CTF. But now that it's launched and there are more people online, maybe I'll enjoy CTF a bit more.
Any pleasant or nasty surprises to look forward to?
Oh so you mean you don't have the achievement for solo'ing legendary yet? ;)
I beat campaign last night on heroic coop to get that achievement out of the way too.
I like that you can skip the credits to see the additional ending stuff.
Thanks to a BB screwup with my preorder, I just got started.
Me and 2 freinds finished it by 6ish in the morning. Finished Legendary in 5 hours and 9 minutes. Seemed shorter than H3's Campaign, but hey, to me playing the campaign is a bit of formality.
I finished it on Heroic on 11/5. It was pretty fun. I enjoyed the campaign more then I did the Reach campaign. Multiplayer is really good IMHO. The only game type I haven't really enjoyed so far is CTF. But now that it's launched and there are more people online, maybe I'll enjoy CTF a bit more.
I just started Legendary solo. The first encounter was difficult at first then I started doing better. Haven't finished any missions yet.
So much to explore.