Finished Halo 4 solo on Legendary tonight...

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#1 Tue, 01/22/2013 - 00:18
Trashguy's picture
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Finished Halo 4 solo on Legendary tonight...

Those Prometheans were a PAIN on occasion!  Best weapons against them were the Binary Rifle and the Incineration Cannon, the latter being a 1-shot weapon whereas the Binary took a minimum of 2 or 3 hits.  I have a great deal of respect for the Autosentry now--use it and it's like having another player with you, only with no communication.  It helped me to conserve Lightrifle ammo a bunch of times on the last mission; it increases the damage on them considerably if you connect your shots correctly.  Boltshot was a robo-dog killer for me most of the time; Scattershot is murderous on Heroic or lower; Legendary it took at least 4 point-blank shots to data purge a Promethean Knight.

Sticky detonator was a lot of fun, but it's too bad I didn't get a chance to use it on a Promethean!  Anyone else out there dislike the drones?  Hated having to plow through those and use up my ammo.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 09:32
Shadow's picture
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congrats.  Not sure I'll ever tackle this.  The enemies in H4 seem like bullet sponges which isn't fun for me.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 15:01 (Reply to #2)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Shadow wrote:

congrats.  Not sure I'll ever tackle this.  The enemies in H4 seem like bullet sponges which isn't fun for me.

Overall, Legendary was not too bad. Yes, there are a few rage-inducing spots, but patience is the key.

Take what he said to heart though about using the Auto Sentry- not only does it do damage, but it's a nice distraction.

Also, the Needler is your friend and will take out the strongest Elites fast (the Knights are a little harder to supercombine). I preferred to take out the Knights with whatever CQC weapon I had available - Scattershot and Supressor worked well, but take out all of the other baddies before trying for the Knights, especially the Watchers.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 10:32
OldnAchy's picture
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Tue, 01/22/2013 - 17:13
lanierb's picture
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I just finished too.  I thought the story was great but the gameplay was spotty -- sometimes good sometimes uninspired.  This one felt a little too easy to me.  Most of my deaths came from rushing or being stupid.  They should have cranked it up a bit.  

As for Knights, here are some formulas that worked for me:  Standard methods: autosentry plus a light rifle/BR/DMR/Carbine.  Quickest: needler, rail gun, incinerator cannon, binary rifle, fuel rod cannon.  In a pinch, nades work well (they often walk right over them) and overcharged PP helps a lot, and scattershot is great too.  But heck you can even kill them with the suppressor if you have to (as long as they aren't carrying a binary or an incinerator.)  I also assassinated at least one.  Always kill the "helicopter" thingies first.

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