FM4 Cockpit View trick
Mon, 02/11/2013 - 14:51
FM4 Cockpit View trick
I normally race using the hood view. The cockpit view was a bit too restrictive visibility-wise for my tastes.
Never knew you could change the cockpit view to get a wider field of vision. I may have to try this out and see if I like it.
Nice !!! Thanks Shaggy ! I'm gonna try this too. I've always felt cockpit view was off...maybe this will change that up.
Snowowl chimed in with this...
If you want to see how cockpit view should look. Go to Play Career>>My Profile>>Options>>Multiscreen>>On>>Mode-Host>>Degrees Hidden-0>>Degrees Between Screens-90.0. Then save.
You will not be able to load any paints. You'll have to go back to default. Then re imput these settings. But I think it's worth it. It's an acquired taste. But the no brake line is for real men. Or you boys who have quick reflexes.
The brake/drive line is also for older folk who have issues with seeing down the track...unless you like someone running up your ass accidentally.
I've found that accidentally is only minutely less aggravating than on purpose...
So, let me get this straight. You can't save paints or visit the storefront because of a view setting? What the hell is that all about? What happens if you have true triple screen? Can you still load paints and visit SF? My question is why didn't they just make that the default view to begin with and not the zoomed in BS they have? I don't use cockpit view and that's why. I prefer bumper cam, I've learned to use it and love it. I might try the cockpit view thing just for shits and giggles. Does anyone know if it messes with your save at all? I have alot of cars and credits that I wouldn't want to risk losing.
As school said before. I also can't speak to triple screens. But I can/have bought tunes, paints. But you can't load the paints unless you go back to the default. I buy some paints then put them on a couple of times a month or so. It's no big deal. Takes all of 30 secs to wait for the xbox to reboot. Ziggy_Proline did mention that you might lose small parts of your paints? But I've never experienced this. I'm guessing that they would appear again if you reload them again? Cockpit is an individual thing as I said before. But as Capt Nasties has mentioned the brake line is for noobs (my jest). I know oldschoolsmart has issues with it. I know that if we ran races without it I would smoke many. At least until you guys figured out that RL races don't have that red/green/yellow help feature.
But all of the tracks have braking markers all over the frigging place. Open your eyes.
I find that I immerse myself much more when I don't use it. Take off the map for shorter races and no speedometer too. If Michael Jordan can dream he can fly, then I'm a professional race car driver. Oh and a fairly good swimmer for my age.
I hope you know all my comments are in jest. I visited your SF. Some beautiful designs. I'll jump over and get some.
This setting is pretty cool.
I prefer the over the hood view and in the non multiscreen setting, I seemed to miss my breaking point frequently because things seem to happen faster and my reation is not what it used to be thus I find myself either braking too late and missing the apex or I over compensate and brake too early (my back bumper can attest to that).
With this setting (either in cockpit view or over the hood view), it "seems" that the turns/breaking line comes at a better angle/speed that fits my reaction time and I found Im hitting my apexes better now. I still use the braking line only aid and this view setting makes things so much better that Im going to stick with it for awhile and see how it goes.
Thanks for posting this.
Edit - Wow, what a difference... Last night we ran a 3 lapper at the ring in A class and my third lap I ran a 8:32 clean. With this new view setting I ran 2 laps in the same car with the same tune and the 2nd lap was also clean (without really trying that hard to keep it clean) and I shaved 4 seconds off that time to a clean 8:28.1 which is a PB for me at the ring "Clean or dirty". I even left a second or two on the track with this tune. In short, my depth perception is so much better in this view. and is one of those ah-ha monments for me in the game. Again, many thanks