Forza Horizon

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#1 Sun, 09/15/2013 - 14:43
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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Forza Horizon

So I know its not very active but who here still plays it and who needs an invite to the in game club garage.

With some of the recent activity with the newer members who have expressed interest in it, it might be good to bring this back to life perhaps even have a weekly event if the interest is there.

Please reply below if you need an invite to the 2o4f Horizon club garage.  Gizzie will then get an invite out to you in a few days.



Invites being requested


Mon, 09/16/2013 - 08:40
Stewies_head's picture
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I might play, if we're jumping over shit. DOH!

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 08:52
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Mon, 09/16/2013 - 11:32
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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I'll take an invite please.
Mon, 09/16/2013 - 12:43
MaxPerforma's picture
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I go on this occasionally. Let me know when, i might be intersted. I am already in the club

Sat, 09/21/2013 - 17:45
SiBoN xB's picture
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Still play this now and then aslo

Sun, 09/22/2013 - 08:48
HotRodderMexican's picture
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I would say " shoot me an invite" but I can't really abondon my girlfriends club on there. 

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 05:09
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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I'm on every once an a while but it's mainly just to do a few Forza 1000 car challenges and participate in the Scavenger Hunt.

If you have Horizon and are looking for unicorns for either FM4 or Horizon this is a good way to get them.
Here's this week's clue from the Week in Review article.

Scavenger Hunt

“This symbolic raptor welcomes all visitors to what is likely to be Forza Horizon’s sole taxidermist.”

Take a photo of your favorite Raptor with a scavenger hunt livery in front of this unique location for your shot at a unicorn of choice.

Could I possibly stump you this week? I doubt it, but this may the toughest I have come up with yet. Details people, it’s in the details.


Link to the thread...

They've been pretty picky about making sure winners have everything they ask for in the photo.  Here's what I think needs to be in the photo.
1. That taxidermist shop. It looks like there's more than one location.  I found one based off "welcomes" from the clue by driving the main roads out of the festival.
2. The symbolic raptor.  There's an eagle sitting in the top of the right tree as you face the front of the store.  It's a 2D image so you're only going to see it from certain angles.
3. Favorite Raptor - Ford Raptor or the Saleen S5S Raptor are the obvious choices.
4. Scavenger Hunt Livery - This can simply be the word Scanvenger Hunter on he side of the car. oXI ENIGMAZ IXo has a nice logo on his storefont that's free.  Just make sure it's clearly visible in the photo.

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 06:12 (Reply to #8)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Shaggy_SoCal wrote:

I'm on every once an a while but it's mainly just to do a few Forza 1000 car challenges and participate in the Scavenger Hunt.

If you have Horizon and are looking for unicorns for either FM4 or Horizon this is a good way to get them.
Here's this week's clue from the Week in Review article.

Scavenger Hunt

“This symbolic raptor welcomes all visitors to what is likely to be Forza Horizon’s sole taxidermist.”

Take a photo of your favorite Raptor with a scavenger hunt livery in front of this unique location for your shot at a unicorn of choice.

Could I possibly stump you this week? I doubt it, but this may the toughest I have come up with yet. Details people, it’s in the details.


Link to the thread...

They've been pretty picky about making sure winners have everything they ask for in the photo.  Here's what I think needs to be in the photo.
1. That taxidermist shop. It looks like there's more than one location.  I found one based off "welcomes" from the clue by driving the main roads out of the festival.
2. The symbolic raptor.  There's an eagle sitting in the top of the right tree as you face the front of the store.  It's a 2D image so you're only going to see it from certain angles.
3. Favorite Raptor - Ford Raptor or the Saleen S5S Raptor are the obvious choices.
4. Scavenger Hunt Livery - This can simply be the word Scanvenger Hunter on he side of the car. oXI ENIGMAZ IXo has a nice logo on his storefont that's free.  Just make sure it's clearly visible in the photo.

Login in with a buddy and put both Raptors in the photo?

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 13:31
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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A Co-Op pic would be cool but from my own experience in multiplayer you can't take pictures during Free Roam and, IIRC, you can't save replays to take photos from later on either.  Single player or nada. Add this to the list of things missing from the fit and finish of Forza Horizon. 

I'm still bullish on the open-world Forza concept.  Hopefully lessons learned from Horizon plus the increased capabilities of the XBox One equals better execution the next time round.

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 13:44
MaxPerforma's picture
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I might have a go at this

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 14:06
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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When I realised that the reward was not limited to just Horizon unicorns, participating in the hunts became much more appealing.

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 14:20
MaxPerforma's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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I will check this out tomorrow

I am the same as you Shaggy, i just go on a couple times a month to get my SF money as i have a few paints and to get some of the 1000 coins. I occasionlally play with an old forum online, had an online game last week which was fun, i also might have a go at the rivals sometimes.

It would be a good night if a bunch of us from here get together for an hour or 2, its certainly a break from Forza 4

Mon, 09/23/2013 - 15:58
HotRodderMexican's picture
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Hey Grim, how about setting a Horizon night just to drive or hangout? Doesn't seem like everyone got into doing car soccer or drifting so I need to at least do some drifting. 

Tue, 09/24/2013 - 11:58
MaxPerforma's picture
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Ok ... I found the Taxidermist where you pointed out Shaggy but the servers were playing up so i couldnt get onto the SF's.

Is it a specific livery i need or just need the wording 'Scavenger Hunt' on the side of the car? As i can do that myself

Tue, 09/24/2013 - 12:41 (Reply to #15)
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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MaxPerforma wrote:

Ok ... I found the Taxidermist where you pointed out Shaggy but the servers were playing up so i couldnt get onto the SF's.

Is it a specific livery i need or just need the wording 'Scavenger Hunt' on the side of the car? As i can do that myself

Wording should be fine.  oXI ENIGMAZ IXo has a nice vinyl group on his storefront that I've been using.  Here are my last three entries. 

Tue, 09/24/2013 - 11:59
MaxPerforma's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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If anyone needs paints for Horizon i have some on my SF. If there is anything specific you want then let me know

Tue, 09/24/2013 - 13:18
MaxPerforma's picture
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Yea, like i said the servers were playing up so i could not get onto anyones SF. I thing this due soon so i will have a go later.

Thanks Shaggy

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