Forza v Halo Triathlon
Forza v Halo Triathlon
Welcome to the Halo v Forza FUN head to head event!
What is this?
Its Team Forza V Team Halo.
There will be 5 matches of Forza and 5 matches of Halo.
Everyone will score points in all rounds. Once all 10 rounds have been played on both games everyones points they have scored will be added to there respective team's total.
The Team with the most points win!
What Game's are you using?
Forza Motorsport 4 and Halo Reach
Do I need any DLC?
When is this?
Saturday the 20th of October at 21:00 BST
How long will this last?
We are aiming for 1 hour on each game.
Who are the team member's?
Its currently 7 v 7 with a spot for anyone to drop in on the night.
Team Forza:
The scoring is pretty easy on this one. Unfortunately though if you are the 1 starting IT car you come 10th (It is randomly selected though), then the next car that gets hit comes 9th then 8th ect ect
How are points scored?
To keep it simple only the top 5 members from each team will score points and they are as follows:
1. 10
2. 9
3. 8
4. 7
5. 6
6. 5
7. 4
8. 3
9. 2
10. 1
Once the top 5 finishing members points have been collected from each team the remaining players (IF any) from that team will be dropped from the standings.
If there is a Team game where no Single player has a defined finishing position the winning Team will score 5 Points for that round and the loseing team will score 0.
Can I still join this?
If you have Forza 4 and Halo Reach YES!
If you are unsure about anything just post on this topic and ask!
1. Nunderw00b 10+9 = 9.5
2. ChurchPro 7+10 = 8.5
3. Parcells2 8+8 = 8
4. Kenjamin1 9+7 = 8
5. X204FxSurf 6+6 = 6
6. CannedHeat 5+3 = 4
7. OldnAchy 3+5 = 4
8. Wamam87 4+3 = 3.5
Team Forza adds 32 points.
Team Halo adds 19.5 points
Total Forza Points = 32
Total Halo Points = 19.5
2.Cat and Mouse (Cars - Mouse = 2011 Chevy Spark / Cat = 2008 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR / Track = Nurburgring GP)
Team Forza Wins 10 point.
Total Forza Points = 42
Total Halo Points = 19.5
3.Keep the IT (Car = 2005 Ford GT / Track = Sunset Peninsula Speedway)
Team Forza Wins 10 points.
Total Forza Points = 52
Total Halo Points = 19.5
4.Stock Racing: 2007 Honda Civic Type R (C390) @ Infinion Raceway Long Course
1. ChurchPro - 10
2. Fitzy5 - 9
3. CannedHeat101 - 8
4. Nunderw00b - 7
5. X204FxSurf - 6
6. Parcells2 - 5
7. Kenjamin1 - 4
8. Silent Evil74 - 3
9. OldnAchy - 2
10. Wamam87 - 1
Team Forza adds 37 points.
Team Halo adds 18 points
Total Forza Points = 89
Total Halo Points = 37.5
5. Stock Racing: 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GTR (S700) Hockenheimring Full Circuit
1. ChurchPro - 10
2. Fitzy5 - 9
3. X204FxSurf - 8
4. CannedHeat101 - 7
5. Nunderw00b - 6
6. Parcells2 - 5
7. Silent Evil74 - 4
8. Kenjamin1 - 3
9. OldnAchy - 2
10. Wamam87 - 1
Team Forza adds 38 points.
Team Halo adds 17 points
Total Forza Points = 127
Total Halo Points = 54.5
Halo Events:
1. Vehicular Hill on Hemmorage - Winner gets 10 pts, loser gets 0 pts
Team Halo Wins 10 points
Total Forza Points = 127
Total Halo Points = 64.5
2. Head Concussion on Sword Base - Score it just like the individual forza matches.
1. Kenjamin1 - 10
2. OldnAchy - 9
3. CannedHeat101 - 8
4. ChurchPro - 7
5. Fitzy - 6
6. Wamam87 - 5
7. Nunderw00b - 4
8. Silent Evil74 - 3
9. X204FxSurf - 2
10. Parcells2 - 1
Team Forza adds 20 points.
Team Halo adds 35 points
Total Forza Points = 147
Total Halo Points = 99.5
Team Halo Wins 10 points
Total Forza Points = 147
Total Halo Points = 109.5
4. Team Slayer on Asylum - 100 kills; winner gets 10 pts, loser gets 0 pts.
1. Silent Evil74 - 10
2. OldnAchy - 9
3. Nunderw00b - 8
4. Kenjamin1 - 7
5. CannedHeat101 - 6
6. Wamam87 - 5
7. Fitzy - 4
8. ChurchPro - 3
9. Parcells2 - 2
10. X204FxSurf - 1
Team Forza adds 18 points.
Team Halo adds 37 points
Total Forza Points = 165
Total Halo Points = 146.5
5. SLayer FFA on Arena Zealot - Scored on kills
1. CannedHeat101 - 10
2. Nunderw00b - 9
3. Wamam87 - 8
4. OldnAchy - 7
5. Silent Evil74 - 6
6. Kenjamin1 - 5
7. Fitzy - 4
8. ChurchPro - 3
9. Parcells2 - 2
10. X204FxSurf - 1
Team Forza adds 19 points.
Team Halo adds 36 points
Total Forza Points = 184
Total Halo Points = 182.5
Ok looking for 5 members.
The Halo guys are pretty up for it.
Members I have currently have are:
Team Forza:
Church Pro
I have Reach but zero intentions of playing it, certainly not in competition. May only be a handful of people on the planet Parcells can beat in an FPS game.
I have Halo as well, but not even sure if it's Reach...
And No, I will my boys...
True but this never stopped you playing Forza. :)
Sounds like a brilliant plan. I was wondering if we could do something like this myself.
Alas, I can't take part at the moment...unless I can find a used copy of Reach somewheres.
Ok chaps.
I think we are going to sort our events out and the Halo guys are going to sort theres out. Once I get conformation on this I will start to publish some details about what happens next.
We also could do with one more Forza Player with Halo?
Not the best job application I have seen but hey it worked.
Poidsly. You've just made the team.
Welcome aboard.gif)
I would like to join . Which Halo ?
Id be down if it were call of duty. (any since COD4).
OP Updated.
We also need to pick 5 events lads.
The first 3 need to be fun ones though (Tag ect)
How about a destuction derby? no real driving skill needes so a nice even playing field.
Last car moving wins hehe.
Or as it's a team event a time limit and the team with the most cars still running wins, each team could have easily identifiable cars making for a more tactical game, rather than everyone just hitting everyone else.
Well looks like im doing now haha, didnt even know you signed me up gaz!
We need you lol.
Your good at shooting and smashing (Gizzie) shit up!
Well I really want to do a round of Tag Virus.
We cannot do Football as its DLC (Top Gear Track)
And I will look at Teams for the Destruction Derby. On tag and Football it automatically changes the color of the car to red or blue so hope I can get it to do that in the normal race area.
Should be fun. TAG virus - never touched it. What the hell is it? Hows it work in teams?
Multiclass mayhem anyone? Might that be fun somehow?
Tag Virus is like zombie mode.
1 person is the zombie and if they hit someone they are both zombies. Last man standing is the winner.
I think multiclass might be leaning to the more serious event as it may be crazy to us race drivers, I dont think the Halo guys will see it as a fun match hehe
Although the last 2 (Serious) races out of the 5 need to be in Factory cars we all have access to.
Any suggestions?
The other half of this topic over on the Halo side:
On Thursdays we have Halo open-site night, all are welcome - See Sticky at top of The Halo Series forums! Get in some practice with us..gif)
btw - how does 10 matches make a Triathalon? Is that a british metric thing? I'm looking forward to some fun on track and in battle. Thanks for getting this going Church Pro!
I'd like to join up. The thought of playing tag for points has me interested. That and I could use some fps practice. Nothing like competition to make you better!
HALOZ IZ DA 1337!!!11!!1ONE!!!
Nobody ever said math was Church's strong suit.