Frank O'Connor Ramblings - significant, or not
Frank O'Connor Ramblings - significant, or not
I pick up on ramblings of OuterWorldVoice/Stinkles (Frank O'Connor) on NeoGAF quite often. I will stick some of them in here.
I may raise some of these as separate topics too.
Frankie 4.6.12
Frankie 4.7.12
Frankie 4.7.12
Frankie 4.7.12
David Ellis 4.8.12
Frankie 4.8.12
Frankie 4.8.12
Frankie 4.9.12
Frankie 4.9.12
Frankie 4.11.12
Frankie 4.13.12
Frankie 4.13.12
Frankie 4.13.12
Frankie 4.16.12
Frankie 4.16.12
Frankie 4.16.12
Frankie 4.16.12
Frankie 4.16.12
Frankie 4.16.12
Frankie 4.18.12
Frankie 4.18.12
Frankie 4.26.12
Frankie 5.1.12
Frankie 5.3.12
This is what CyReN said.
E3 Guess:
- Intro for Halo 4 (expand from NY one last week)
- Vidoc about MP (Carnage Carnivale ish)
This is what Frankie replied.
Ergo, implication of MP Vidoc at E3 and or Campaign Intro similar to what was shown at the NY Press event.
Frankie 5.4.12
Regarding No dedicated servers for Halo 4.
Frankie 5.7.12
Frankie 5.8.12
We are not using the Arena ranking system from Reach.
Frankie 5.13.12
Deep are you a little nervous what 343 Industries version of Halo will be?? They don't seem to have the connection to the fans like Bungie did. I for one may pass on the next Halo for the first time if I feel they've dropped the ball on this one.
343i has done more to connect with their community than even Bungie did. At least in some ways.
They frequently play with the community for fun, not competition like Bungie did.
They continue to add community maps into MM and many of those are full time.
They added a controversial Title Update that attempted to address community concerns. Pissed off a lot of people too.
They attempted to adjust playlists with the community in mind. Successes and failures there. Divided the community too for awhile. They actually listened to the complaints and made more changes. I think I've noticed the complaints have reduced.
Looks like they are putting more into upgrading the Halo engine than Bungie did.
They are attempting to align the non-game Halo Universe with the game.
Halo 4 is looking and sounding very good at the moment.
I figure any current decision to acquire Halo 4 or not is premature. There is so much yet to see and so many months remaining to go.
Added new stuff in OP.
More news soon.
So...PAX East then, for more and hopefully new info.
Cautiously optimistic. I like some changes 343 has revealed but concerned about others. Reach didn't feel like the previous Halo titles yet it grew on me. I'm sure as long as 343 doesn't screw Halo 4 up technically (controls, movement, hit detection, etc), it too, will grow on me.
I am just the opposite. I enjoyed Reach at first, just because it was fresh and new. Now that I feel like I've "been there and done that" it has become stale to me.
I am encouraged by Frank's comments, but it's still frustrating having to constantly be told "more to come LATER".
When is PAX?
seattle is labor day weekend.
boston is easter weekend.
i think this refers to pax prime, in seattle.
It almost has to be PAX East, and it wouldn't be the first time they show off a new halo game at a PAX event.
I think I read Bs angel will be there (PAX East) but no official 343i presence. Here it is.
Several game mags are printing for April and the covers show Halo 4 articles contained therein.
So it's going to be a surprise, just a video of some assets, or something else. Could still be done at PAX East, but I guess highly unlikely.
This worries me alot. First off progression unlocks will not help you bring players back to your game. Like battlefield higher level players will absoulutley destroy lower level players mostley because they have unlocks that gave them a decicive advantage, and that will most likley make all those newer players go back to games they are more comfotable with. Halo already has a huge separation between high skill level players and low skill level player now you willl be giving better players better weapons and equipment available right from spawn. The balance shift will be way TOO uneven.
Nonononono, you're reading this all wrong. "Balance" in the usual Halo mold, with the holy trinity of gameplay, not the Call Of Duty/Michael Bay mold where you throw in every idea you can come up with, and then don't balance the game at all. I don't see any reason why the balance will be questionable. If anything, I think the game might skew even more towards the Unreal Tournament roots, which would fucking rule.
What do you guys make of this quote?
We hear this from every developer about how their game is tested and balanced. Bungie said the same thing about Reach, then next thing you know we end up with bloom, armor lock, sprinting double melees, jetpacks that break maps, boring ranking system, boring maps, etc...see what I mean? Plus, Reach had a public beta.
I know H4 has been their baby for a long time. The question of balance is what concerns me the most. I enjoy Halo because of the idea we all start the game with the same equipment, then it's up to the team to work together for the win.
Also, what does he mean when saying "the game is customizable enough to reduce additions back to a ground level"? This kind of makes me feel like we'll have another game of "vanilla" and "TU" settings. This is NOT what the Halo community needs.
If they're wrong, it's customizable enough to take any of the stuff out for your custom games.
Weapon DMR Bloom Less (x) or More (x)
Weapon BR ROF Less (x) or More (x)
Melee Bleedthrough Less (x) or More (x)
The things we agonize and quibble about in advance to a game's release are not always what bites us in the ass after its released. No developer can know what the cumulative buildup of opinion will be over time.
I was reading one person's opinion today on another site and it basically came down to this. When they're donging and happy they become bored and say the game is shit, for casuals and they're done with it. When they are being owned they blame the game, trueskill, bad maps, AA of any kind, playlists, randoms and then rage quit, say the game is shit and blame the developers. This is reflective of many Halo forum dwellers.
I'd like to see 2old2play members rise above all of that and truly measure what they like and dislike after the game releases against the greater purpose of the game and what the game needs to succeed.
I desperately want Halo 4 to succeed enough to give us 5 and so on for 6. I will have to accept some pain for that to happen.
Additionally, I don't really see a problem with classes or particular loadouts. I would assume that because the Spartans in multiplayer aren't Master Chief, they're not as advanced as he. With that being said, I see no reason that someone that can carry 5 grenades moves a little slower or someone that can schlep 1 grenade maximum can move a smidge slower. There are plenty of ways to do loadouts that make sense and to establish some balance. Think more Team Fortress 2 and less Call Of Duty/Battlefield.
Bungie became so arrogant that they thought they knew better and didn't listen to the players about what worked and what didn't. Hopefully 343 won't make the same mistake. Now that Halo is in third place or whatever the arrogance has hopefully worn off.
The DMR is back. Skip to 26 minutes:
Actually, there is no point in listening to the podcast as this is about the only bit of info they release. Plus, that's about all that was said is that the DMR will be back.
Bascially they just talk about random BS with more "we can't talk about that yet", mention the DMR will return and that's all. They drop hints we will have some update in April and sounds like it will revolve around a campaign demo that was recently presented to various media outlets. We may get some additional multiplayer info, but it sounds like thing will be more about the campaign.
Also, another piece of not so exciting info. There will be no bubble shield
Heres a short article about the DMR and Bubble Shield
More added.
More added.
Yeah, Forerunner Vision seems more like a [del]marital[/del] visual aid than anything. I saw somewhere in the deluge of details and questions that anyone with a degree of situational awareness wouldn't need it. It's for people that have tunnel vision. You know. [i]Noobs[/i].
Thanks for all the updates DEEP, you nake it easy for lazy people (like me) to know what's going on.
From the reactions here and other places, it seems like people are way to eager to draw conclusions and make judgements. Half the things wer'e arguing about are speculation, the other half wont really matter if we get the ability to customize games to our liking, and a good Forge that doesn't lag and offers more than one color wall to work with.
With the exception of drop pods(which I don't think will be that big a deal) I think Halo4 sound pretty good. Its all customizable and I'm sure there will be tons of playlist so I'm not that worried.
Yeah, I'm reserving ire for when more concrete details are released. I like the Halo gmeplay of everyone having equal weaponry and hav ing to find the upgraded weapons all over the map and control them, but we'll see how that gets tweaked now.
More in the OP.