Dorito Bags can be redeemed more than once. So share them out people. You can only redeem them once but after some experimentation, we redeemed dorito XP. Mt Dew is not able to be redeemed
What Fire is saying, is that the chip bag codes can be used more than once. So my chip code can work for everyone else, whoever puts it in. It's unlimited but only one use per gamertag. I'll post in this thread as I buy more chips.
Here is a code from a bag I bought tonight - HZRFVM6A3N
What Fire is saying, is that the chip bag codes can be used more than once. So my chip code can work for everyone else, whoever puts it in. It's unlimited but only one use per gamertag. I'll post in this thread as I buy more chips.
Here is a code from a bag I bought tonight - HZRFVM6A3N
Every code gives you 3 games of double xp
And that would be awesome if anyone lived in Canada. :p Have to use a totally different website for that one, and it says it's already redeemed.
If you got one of yours to work share it out Fire, see if it actually works for multiple people or just twice. I think that's what happened with the last double xp for COD, the Doritos bags could only be used twice.
well apparently from doing some more research codes can be used twice. this was Doritos way of trying to protect the consumer from people at the store just punching them in.
Keep in mind that 343 has seen it necessary to cap the limit of xp you can earn in a day. I've got a bunch of dewxp codes loaded in, but, it's not like I'm boosting anything beyond that. Played for a total of maybe 4 hours today, and got a message that I hit the daily cap. Maybe hold off on applying the codes for when you're not going to be able to play much.
You can earn 150,000 xp a day. With double xp that can be as few as 25-30 matches. After the cap any commendations or challenges you complete are wasted.
I get about 4000 XP a game average, don't come anywhere near playing 30 matches in a day so I'm not worried. But I often wonder why they show you stuff you've unlocked at that level but can't actually use until you get to level 2 times higher.
Quick note - Fast Track's bonus XP is NOT doubled by the dewxp double XP matches. So I got Game Complete, then Victory, then Score, then Double XP, and after that, Fast Track. Over 6000 XP sure, but no 7000 :P
What Fire is saying, is that the chip bag codes can be used more than once. So my chip code can work for everyone else, whoever puts it in. It's unlimited but only one use per gamertag. I'll post in this thread as I buy more chips.
Here is a code from a bag I bought tonight - HZRFVM6A3N
Every code gives you 3 games of double xp
And that would be awesome if anyone lived in Canada. :p Have to use a totally different website for that one, and it says it's already redeemed.
If you got one of yours to work share it out Fire, see if it actually works for multiple people or just twice. I think that's what happened with the last double xp for COD, the Doritos bags could only be used twice.
Here is the D bag I used: WNNH3MKVNW
heh heh- "D bag."
codes: RFFRA9NLP7
What kind of experimentation? I had a code from a bag I bought say "already used", and all the codes you guys list say it too?
A LOT of people just go to stores and punch in the codes right there, so there's a good chance you're buying an already used code.
Not sure what the problem is, the code from Kurupt worked for me.
My boss gave me these codes this morning, I used them with no problem
I just tried these codes and it came back with a "already used" message.
Could it be that they can only be used twice if indeed they are re-usable?
Maybe they only can be used a few times then? I'm not sure bit I know they work more than once
well apparently from doing some more research codes can be used twice. this was Doritos way of trying to protect the consumer from people at the store just punching them in.
shout out if you were able to redeem them
used, thank you! :)
all used up
i would post mine, but my son has used them all since i told him about this. not only that, he gave all his codes to one of his buddies..gif)
Keep in mind that 343 has seen it necessary to cap the limit of xp you can earn in a day. I've got a bunch of dewxp codes loaded in, but, it's not like I'm boosting anything beyond that. Played for a total of maybe 4 hours today, and got a message that I hit the daily cap. Maybe hold off on applying the codes for when you're not going to be able to play much.
You can earn 150,000 xp a day. With double xp that can be as few as 25-30 matches. After the cap any commendations or challenges you complete are wasted.
I get about 4000 XP a game average, don't come anywhere near playing 30 matches in a day so I'm not worried. But I often wonder why they show you stuff you've unlocked at that level but can't actually use until you get to level 2 times higher.
Quick note - Fast Track's bonus XP is NOT doubled by the dewxp double XP matches. So I got Game Complete, then Victory, then Score, then Double XP, and after that, Fast Track. Over 6000 XP sure, but no 7000 :P
If you go in your redeemed codes history, it shows every single code you've used. I can probably just copy and paste them from that to here.