I haven't been on too much due to a herniated lumbar disc or two that makes sitting suck and standing while playing blows.i pretty much play until my leg starts throbbing which can be immediately or hours later. May as well prune me if you haven't yet. I'll find a home a long the way as this heals(starting to).
I think the point being made is the inactive and infrequent players end up making the clan smaller which ends up being a smaller clan going up against larger ones. In the roster I see the same people often playing together so why stay and have inactives drag ya down. Re-group.
My back is tolerating reclined sitting so I'll be back in the game. Need to switch chairs to get up and down easier then the comfy recliner.
I think the problem was that people were treating the COD Clan module as an extension of the Freinds List. For Clan Wars that model just doesn't work. In order to win a clan war you have to have 90% of your group playing every day for multiple hours a day and willing to play every game type (even the crappy ones). At least that's been the experience so far. I think getting down to 2-3 smaller very active groups who chase clan wars will give those guys a better chance at getting a first, second or third place ranking. We should be using this forum or FoF to improve our pool of players to draw from for regular day to day gaming. If people are not interested in clan wars at all, maybe someone sets up a clan on COD for just those guys/gals then you can use the COD Clan to help augment your FL.
The way Clan Wars are made up, it puts the same size clans versus each other. A clan of 15 will be placed against other clans of 15. A clan of 90 will be placed against a clan of 90.
As of now, the Tier1 clan is down to 50+, we will be placed against oother clans on similar size. However, since about 20 people on the list do not play often, the clan is at a disadvantage, so it essentailly 25 to 30 playing against 50. Now most clans would have the same issues with people not always being available to play, but we are trying different strategies to see what works.
We could change again and bring the group back together if we felt it was the best strategy.
I saw an invite this AM and accepted. Think that made it 19. Was surprised to get it. I'll be playing at least a couple hours a day, most likely more, during clan wars. I can finally sit down and get back up without excruciating pain.
I haven't been on too much due to a herniated lumbar disc or two that makes sitting suck and standing while playing blows.i pretty much play until my leg starts throbbing which can be immediately or hours later. May as well prune me if you haven't yet. I'll find a home a long the way as this heals(starting to).
I think the point being made is the inactive and infrequent players end up making the clan smaller which ends up being a smaller clan going up against larger ones. In the roster I see the same people often playing together so why stay and have inactives drag ya down. Re-group.
My back is tolerating reclined sitting so I'll be back in the game. Need to switch chairs to get up and down easier then the comfy recliner.
I think the problem was that people were treating the COD Clan module as an extension of the Freinds List. For Clan Wars that model just doesn't work. In order to win a clan war you have to have 90% of your group playing every day for multiple hours a day and willing to play every game type (even the crappy ones). At least that's been the experience so far. I think getting down to 2-3 smaller very active groups who chase clan wars will give those guys a better chance at getting a first, second or third place ranking. We should be using this forum or FoF to improve our pool of players to draw from for regular day to day gaming. If people are not interested in clan wars at all, maybe someone sets up a clan on COD for just those guys/gals then you can use the COD Clan to help augment your FL.
The way Clan Wars are made up, it puts the same size clans versus each other. A clan of 15 will be placed against other clans of 15. A clan of 90 will be placed against a clan of 90.
As of now, the Tier1 clan is down to 50+, we will be placed against oother clans on similar size. However, since about 20 people on the list do not play often, the clan is at a disadvantage, so it essentailly 25 to 30 playing against 50. Now most clans would have the same issues with people not always being available to play, but we are trying different strategies to see what works.
We could change again and bring the group back together if we felt it was the best strategy.
There was a COD FL but I don't see it in my FL anymore. I was either deleted or the GT was retired recently.
So I have started to shave the Tier1 clan down. If I removed you by mistake let me know, but I would like to get down to 20.
I saw an invite this AM and accepted. Think that made it 19. Was surprised to get it. I'll be playing at least a couple hours a day, most likely more, during clan wars. I can finally sit down and get back up without excruciating pain.
Picked up a Xbone. I see most of tier1ops on the xbone so please friend me so I can play with y'all. I'll be sending some requests out myself
Applied. I'm running and gunning on the XBO.