Gone Broke Racing - V8 Supercars Mosport Highlights

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#1 Sun, 07/22/2012 - 20:06
Seahawks2Fan's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2010 - 23:00

Gone Broke Racing - V8 Supercars Mosport Highlights


After a bit of a delay, I bring you the highlights from Mosport.  Stinky told me if I didn't finish 'em up before the weekend, he'd lap my ass in our final race of the season at Bathurst.  :)  
I made a couple errors in the first video (says it was a 7 lap race, when we actually went 8).  Also forgot to re-size the winner banner at the end, but figured the victor wouldn't mind.
[b]Race 13[/b]
[b]Race 14[/b]

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