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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
This Sunday a few of us (me, Mattcutter, El Kochino) are heading to Mosport to watch the ALMS series. Is any one else going? If so, I was thinking we could organize a meet up.
Post here, if you're going.
I was speaking with Kurupt the other night & he mentioned that he, Kochino, & Matcutter are planning on going.
jcotter13 wrote: I was speaking with Kurupt the other night & he mentioned that he, Kochino, & Matcutter are planning on going.
Matt mentioned it last night, but I couldn't remember who it was this morning.
tis I, I have matts cell # ill give him a call when i get to the track sun!
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I was speaking with Kurupt the other night & he mentioned that he, Kochino, & Matcutter are planning on going.
Matt mentioned it last night, but I couldn't remember who it was this morning.
tis I, I have matts cell # ill give him a call when i get to the track sun!