Halo 4 Almost done in ~6 weeks
Wed, 07/25/2012 - 16:21
Halo 4 Almost done in ~6 weeks
Notice he didn't say Gold.
Sustain and maintainance are absolutely a hugely important part of our plans for Halo 4. I realize that may not map to some folks' experience with Reach, but we have to put our resources and people in the right place for the long-term, and it will ultimately provide significant benefits. It will be a reset of sorts, with a different team and different philosophy.
We have six or so weeks until Halo 4 is (almost) done. It's all hands on deck, period.
I told you Halo 4 was suppose to be done by end of August. They said this in their last podcast...
Beta time!
that would be sweeeet!
but thought they weren't doin' a purchase or open beta.
Dixon was joking, I think.
I was.
Yes you did. I countered that with my opinion MLG will not recieve a pre-release and to me that means at least not before Gold.
6 weeks from today and almost complete. Sends to certification September 5.
Certification process took at least a week for REACH. Goes Gold September 12.
Gold till release ~7 weeks based on past titles. Release October 31
Published release date is November 6.
Were missing a week but it seems easy to see that eaten up in the other processes.
End of August? Does this mean 343 will continue to string us along providing basically useless updates about how the game actually plays until the game is finished?
Bungie never seemed this tight-lipped about their games. Well, my only experience pre-launch was with Reach since I didn't start playing Halo online until 2008. However, Bungie was giving us all kinds of in-depth details well before the launch date. Oh, and we got a Public Beta too.
343 has basically been stringing us along with video E3 builds and no real information about how the game will actually play. Hopefully after the game is gold, they will be more forthcoming with details, because this "trust us" isn't going to cut it until November...lol
Trust us and give us your money sounds like their ploy.
I really wish Frankie wasn't in charge...some of the stuff he implemented and puts focus on ruined the replay value for a lot of people :(
I am with Deep. A specific MLG branded/labeled/designated playlist will not be available at launch.
Now they might have a comp/area type of deal, but I think you will not see an MLG list for about a month.
The better question is, will there ever be an MLG specific playlist and if yes, when?
I "think" there will be "if" H4 finds a happy place with the MLG comp style of play. If it is deemed too much like Reach (which from the vids that I have seen it does not) then we might have a 50/50 chance.
I am going to give my guess of the end of January 2013.
Want to put that date in your signature too?
I could be it just seems like I would be rubbing it in to be correct, twice...
So, how is babby formed again?
You guys remember MLG Dallas is having an open H4 tourney before the game launches right?
There's going to be a MLG playlist on launch. Only basis for this is the opening event. Who knows, but I tend to thnk there will be one for some reason. 343i want the game to succeed; not saying that is dependant on MLG adoption, but it sure helps.
You know, other than your wishful thinking. There you are, at the bridge between MLG and Halo with a can of kerosene and a handful of matches...
In spite of that, it's still possible this can all work out. It's not impossible for a common ground to be found.
I'm not going to hide it though. Until lately, I couldn't find any common ground with MLG or any ultra-competitive elements of Halo. The winds are changing a bit, so I try to soften my attitude.
I'm only one guy with an an opinion. Not much I can do to actually change anything one way or another. I probably didn't plan for enough kerosene anyway.
I mean, let's be truthful, the bridge was nicer in the Halo 3 days, but it's fallen into some disrepair recently.
Yeah, it's sometimes hard to find that common ground, or find a way to accomodate both camps. There are a good chunk of more competitive-leaning pricks on this site, for example, but I'm just the outspoken one on it, it appears. It seems that, in that struggle between "casual" (for lack of a better term) and competitive, it appears that the competitive side is being asked to give up a ton more than the casual side to find that middle ground. With that being said, still, cautious optimism for Halo 4. Even if it blows and has way too much crap piled into it, which looks like more and more of a reality each day with more leaked reveals of the stuff that's in it, we can pare it down and make it better. It's not like the competitive community hasn't been doing it since Halo 2 anyways.
I think this is more of a way to hype the game even more and to give us an opportunity to see the game in action before launch. I actually applaud 343 for allowing this to happen and I look forward to watching these games.
What better way to show off your new Halo game than to have these top players do a weekend-long demo?
I do not think this will translate into a specific MLG playlist for launch. Everybody needs to have time with default Halo 4 before tinkering with the settings.
Crom crafts them in his stronghold of awesomeness?
That's one way, I suppose.