Halo 4 is the best Campaign Story I've ever played. (no spoilers)
Sat, 11/10/2012 - 12:57
Halo 4 is the best Campaign Story I've ever played. (no spoilers)
Just finished campaign for the first time. I ignored 343i's advice to do Heroic first and went solo on Legendary.
I enjoyed every eye popping and ear filled moment. I took my time and never had to restart a level. A couple of times I found myself with nothing but a few crappy rounds of ammo but I was always able to figure a way out. Never ran past the enemy either. I cleared every level of alien scum before moving on. 343i was kind enough to provide reasonable ammo for most situations.
The cinematics were unbelievably good.
My wife watched the last two levels and we both cried. It was very emotional.
(Maybe she was just crying because now I would do some housework.)
There is no crying in Halo!!!!?
A lot of whining, wailing, and nashing of teeth; but no crying..gif)
I haven't finished the campaign yet, but hope to this evening. So far I have been extremely pleased with it. My only slight gripe is that the Promethean knights feel more like bullet sponges than worthy adversaries (I'm playing on Heroic). Elites are good sport and can be more than a handful when you have more than two. My memory may be a bit clouded, but I seem to recall the Brute Chieftains from Halo 3 being able to f@ck you up in the blink of an eye?
Not the best SP story line ever for me, but it's in the top 5. The cutscenes are AWESOME!!! very well done.
to 343, they did a great job. I did Heroic first becuase I wanted to enjoy the story without some of the past furstrations on Legendary. I thought Heroic was too easy. Will do Legendary some time in the future, having fun with MP right now though.
It was good, but nowhere near the best. Of Halo, ODST is probably the most interesting.