Halo 4 - Bros to the Close
Wed, 05/15/2013 - 14:47
Halo 4 - Bros to the Close
Looking for help on this achieve. You can start mid-level and still get it, but I need someone who knows their stuff in order to make sure no soldiers die. It's my last achieve except Lone Wolf.
I'm available most evenings after 10P/Central. Except this weekend I'm out of town at a wedding. Thanks :)
Same here. Definitely much more doable with 4 in co-op.
sweet thanks guys :)
My kids begged me to do this with them over the weekend... took two attempts, on our second trip one of us was assigned as babysitter and counted off 6 soldiers every few seconds. I can help if needed. It only takes a few minutes.
haha, awesome thanks. Well, maybe tonight? How late is everyone usually on?
Can stay up late as necessary. The Geezers mixer is tonight. After that maybe?
gotta hit it early tonight because I'm going into work early tomorrow. I'll write back when I know another night. Thanks guys!