Halo 4 dominion gameplay video.
Sun, 09/23/2012 - 12:33
Halo 4 dominion gameplay video.
Havne't seen this video posted.
Watch for the assassination and/or melee cancel at 5:28, looks like an assassination cancel. Should also say it wasn't a yoink or a showstopper as the person that was being meleed/assassinated did not fall.
Interesting. BxR back? maybe.
I think it's a different melee animation. There seem to be a lot of them now. Look at the killcam early on where the guy charges in the room where the blue guy has rockets. The melee is done with the left fist, and not with the launcher itself, for example.
It's buried in the lists of other links I've posted.
I love the colourful skins on the weapons. I hope my Canuckistan Camo looks good on the BR.
Kill Cam. Yes!!!
edit: video removed by user