Halo 4 - Forge & Files?
Tue, 06/05/2012 - 10:47
Halo 4 - Forge & Files?
Great video coming out of E3! - I've pre-ordered.
I'm still wanting better info on the Forge options and Theater/Fileshare plans. - Anyone?
I've read several 'wish-lists' and guesses at what it may include, but no real details. Is there an anticipated tease for H4 Forge? I understand it may be based in the Infinity's star trek like-HoloDeck, ...perhaps not?
I miss the bungie.net community fileshare. I thought 343 would have had a plan for the Reach transition for fileshare, Waypoint still hasn't tackled that community feature. They may skip right past it and focus on their baby H4. ?
Any news?
I think in this case, no news is bad news. If they do something like that, I expect they'll charge for it like CoD has done.
I can't imagine that Theater will be downgraded. I suspect that the Bungie Pro equivalent will let you share your videos or upload them to YouTube for you or what not. As far as Forge goes, it'd be silly to axe that. It's got to be in there, too, but I think we're going to see an entire release nugget about the Forge, specifically.
Right, No, ...I don't expect a downgrade. I just wondered if there will be useful new features and improvements for browsing community shared files. I'll watch for that nugget.
Reach fileshare, via Waypoint on the web, is coming back "sometime this summer". They haven't been any more specific on the matter.
The return of video rendering has not been discussed to my knowledge.
What I heard about File Share. I seem to remember that 343 said there would be NO rendering capabililty. Hopefully we will be able to at least download to XBOX from Waypoint fileshare and be able to use theatre and a cap device to get films out there.