Halo 4 Infinity Slayer Advanced Tactic: "The Jihad"

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#1 Sun, 11/04/2012 - 13:02
Autarch's picture
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Halo 4 Infinity Slayer Advanced Tactic: "The Jihad"

In Infinity Slayer there is no friendly fire.  You cannot harm your teammates with weapons, melee, or grenades.

The advanced tactic "The Jihad" is a method of turning your teammate into a mobile bomb for walking into a crowd filled with the enemy and then blowing up to cause maximum harm.

Here's how it works.  One person on your team acquires the Sticky Detonator, and straps Allah's cleansing holy light to his teammates chest by shooting his teammate with it.  This will not harm your teammate, but like plasmas will stick to him.  Unlike plasmas it is detonated remotely at will.  The Jihadist then wanders into the cluster of enemy spartans and the other teamate detonates it.  The Jihadist will survive and still have his [s]AK-47[/s] Battle Rifle at the ready to finish off any who survive.

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 13:31
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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But but but if friendly fire is on, Timmy will betray me for the sniper. *eyeroll*
Sun, 11/04/2012 - 14:39
Lou_Keymia's picture
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This sounds fun!
Sun, 11/04/2012 - 17:01
ks63's picture
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I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 17:33 (Reply to #4)
Autarch's picture
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ks63 wrote:

I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 

Well you'll be in the minority then.  It's the most popular playlist with double the population of the next highest, and 8x the population of third highest.

The second most popular is still infinity slayer, but big team.  The third most popular is flood.  So um have fun with grifball I guess?

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 18:04 (Reply to #5)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Autarch wrote:

ks63 wrote:

I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 

Well you'll be in the minority then.  It's the most popular playlist with double the population of the next highest, and 8x the population of third highest.

The second most popular is still infinity slayer, but big team.  The third most popular is flood.  So um have fun with grifball I guess?

All the playlists will have more than enough population such that any choice will be a good one after launch day.

I don't doubt Infinty Slayer, BTB Infinty Slayer, Flood and Grifball will be the most popular but that doesn't mean other playlist choices won't work or are less acceptable.

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 21:27 (Reply to #6)
ks63's picture
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Autarch wrote:

ks63 wrote:

I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 

Well you'll be in the minority then.  It's the most popular playlist with double the population of the next highest, and 8x the population of third highest.

The second most popular is still infinity slayer, but big team.  The third most popular is flood.  So um have fun with grifball I guess?

You obviously don't know me. I played a total of less than 10 games of Griffball. As far as your stats, how can you state that Infinity Slayer is the most popular playlist when 99.9% of the gaming population has never even played the friggen game? 

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 21:42 (Reply to #7)
Autarch's picture
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ks63 wrote:

Autarch wrote:

ks63 wrote:

I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 

Well you'll be in the minority then.  It's the most popular playlist with double the population of the next highest, and 8x the population of third highest.

The second most popular is still infinity slayer, but big team.  The third most popular is flood.  So um have fun with grifball I guess?

You obviously don't know me. I played a total of less than 10 games of Griffball. As far as your stats, how can you state that Infinity Slayer is the most popular playlist when 99.9% of the gaming population has never even played the friggen game? 

I can state those stats in the same way a poll of a population can show stats despite not all of them having taken the poll.  Thousands are playing already, and the numbers I posted are consistent across the days the people have played.  With hundreds of thousands of people playing, I would expect the numbers to be bigger in every category, but still largely the same percents of people choosing the way this subset has.

In other words, I think you are writing off the two most popular playlists based on a kneejerk reaction, without any ability to know how much fun they really are.

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 21:54 (Reply to #8)
ks63's picture
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Autarch wrote:

ks63 wrote:

Autarch wrote:

ks63 wrote:

I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 

Well you'll be in the minority then.  It's the most popular playlist with double the population of the next highest, and 8x the population of third highest.

The second most popular is still infinity slayer, but big team.  The third most popular is flood.  So um have fun with grifball I guess?

You obviously don't know me. I played a total of less than 10 games of Griffball. As far as your stats, how can you state that Infinity Slayer is the most popular playlist when 99.9% of the gaming population has never even played the friggen game? 

I can state those stats in the same way a poll of a population can show stats despite not all of them having taken the poll.  Thousands are playing already, and the numbers I posted are consistent across the days the people have played.  With hundreds of thousands of people playing, I would expect the numbers to be bigger in every category, but still largely the same percents of people choosing the way this subset has.

In other words, I think you are writing off the two most popular playlists based on a kneejerk reaction, without any ability to know how much fun they really are.

It's not a knee jerk reaction. Who on this site has been playing H4 consistently the past few days/weeks? Post up if you have. I have been playing Halo since CE and I know what type of Halo I like. If you like AA's and COD, maybe Infinity is for you. It's not for me. That's it. How many hours of H4 MM have you played? 

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 18:09 (Reply to #9)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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ks63 wrote:

I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 


Quoted for truth.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 04:19 (Reply to #10)
CBOE01's picture
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ks63 wrote:

I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 


same here.

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 00:06 (Reply to #11)
Capcom Warrior's picture
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ks63 wrote:

I'll be staying as far away from this jacked up playlist as possible. 

I agree man. No friendly fire? WTF?! Why doesn't 343i just hold everyones hand while they're at it. Ugh...

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 19:17
Double T's picture
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I've played in "leagues" with friendly fired turned off.  It takes a bit of the strategery out.  Oh, my teammate is there, I won't fire a rocket....but wait.

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 22:40
Autarch's picture
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I'm not sure exactly but according to my stats I'm guessing around 10 hours of Halo 4 matchmaking.  or 1200 kills worth.

Infinity Slayer is fun to me.  There will be Team Slayer Pro for those who are clinging to ye olde halo gameplay and denying where the series is heading at least though.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 07:08 (Reply to #14)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Autarch wrote:

I'm not sure exactly but according to my stats I'm guessing around 10 hours of Halo 4 matchmaking.  or 1200 kills worth.

Infinity Slayer is fun to me.  There will be Team Slayer Pro for those who are clinging to ye olde halo gameplay and denying where the series is heading at least though.

I'm seeing a bit of an issue with your replies Autarch. You are probably correct about the population differences between playlists but as I said above, all playlists will be active and with healthy populations. People make choices and there's nothing wrong with their choices.

While I agree Infinity Slayer playlists will likely be the most popular, it doesn't suggest it's wrong to play another playlist or that Grifball is some kind of solution.

I'm happy 343i is providing Slayer Pro. I don't agree with some of the settings but if it keeps more people playing Halo 4, that's great. It's good for all Halo lovers and the franshise.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 11:35 (Reply to #15)
Autarch's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Autarch wrote:

I'm not sure exactly but according to my stats I'm guessing around 10 hours of Halo 4 matchmaking.  or 1200 kills worth.

Infinity Slayer is fun to me.  There will be Team Slayer Pro for those who are clinging to ye olde halo gameplay and denying where the series is heading at least though.

I'm seeing a bit of an issue with your replies Autarch. You are probably correct about the population differences between playlists but as I said above, all playlists will be active and with healthy populations. People make choices and there's nothing wrong with their choices.

While I agree Infinity Slayer playlists will likely be the most popular, it doesn't suggest it's wrong to play another playlist or that Grifball is some kind of solution.

I'm happy 343i is providing Slayer Pro. I don't agree with some of the settings but if it keeps more people playing Halo 4, that's great. It's good for all Halo lovers and the franshise.

I just thought it was silly to never try a playlist because of some changes you heard about.  If people give it a reasonably decent chance, and discover/confirm they don't like it, then play whatever.  Me personally, I'm going to try every playlist.  I'll find out firsthand what I like and choose which ones to play.  I'm not such a purist that I can't be caught trying something new, I'll give it all a reasonable chance.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 12:27 (Reply to #16)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Autarch wrote:

I just thought it was silly to never try a playlist because of some changes you heard about.  If people give it a reasonably decent chance, and discover/confirm they don't like it, then play whatever.  Me personally, I'm going to try every playlist.  I'll find out firsthand what I like and choose which ones to play.  I'm not such a purist that I can't be caught trying something new, I'll give it all a reasonable chance.


I'll work on ks63. I think I can get him to play a game or two of something less, austere. ;)

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 13:12 (Reply to #17)
ks63's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Autarch wrote:

I just thought it was silly to never try a playlist because of some changes you heard about.  If people give it a reasonably decent chance, and discover/confirm they don't like it, then play whatever.  Me personally, I'm going to try every playlist.  I'll find out firsthand what I like and choose which ones to play.  I'm not such a purist that I can't be caught trying something new, I'll give it all a reasonable chance.


I'll work on ks63. I think I can get him to play a game or two of something less, austere. ;)

Deep...You'll only get me to play that List if I'm in your room and I don't have Party Lead(lol)! The deal with me is, if I have a choice, I'll play to my skill set. I suck on Maps with vehicles and AA's. Hell, I warn my teammates when I'm driving a Hog there's a good chance we won't survive! To each they're own. If my group of peeps want to play Infinity, I'll play it. 

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 13:49 (Reply to #18)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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ks63 wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

I'll work on ks63. I think I can get him to play a game or two of something less, austere. ;)

Deep...You'll only get me to play that List if I'm in your room and I don't have Party Lead(lol)! The deal with me is, if I have a choice, I'll play to my skill set. I suck on Maps with vehicles and AA's. Hell, I warn my teammates when I'm driving a Hog there's a good chance we won't survive! To each they're own. If my group of peeps want to play Infinity, I'll play it. 

Yup, that's what what I really meant. Custom Infinity Slayer on Site Wide night.smiley

Sun, 11/04/2012 - 23:11
OldnAchy's picture
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I can see this being popular in clan night customs.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 07:28 (Reply to #20)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

I can see this being popular in clan night customs.

At least I won't have to remember to turn off Betrayal Booting.smiley

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 07:30
FreeRadikal's picture
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Infection is the most popular playlist in Reach but I don't play it.  It must be fun for some but not for me. I figure the same will be true with the Halo 4 playlists, just because it's popular doesn't make it fun for everyone. I think friendly fire is a vital part of a game it annoys me to no end that it would be turned off, fun or not.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 08:03 (Reply to #22)
zombiekitten's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

Infection is the most popular playlist in Reach but I don't play it.  It must be fun for some but not for me. I figure the same will be true with the Halo 4 playlists, just because it's popular doesn't make it fun for everyone. I think friendly fire is a vital part of a game it annoys me to no end that it would be turned off, fun or not.

Good point :) Other than recently, when we were so bored with Reach we would do anything to spice it up,  my friends and I NEVER played Infection. I think I have ONE person on my full FL who I've seen play it on non clan nights. So I'm not too worried about being all alone in non-infinity games.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 08:04
Double T's picture
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I will be playing the shit out of snipers :)

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 08:06 (Reply to #24)
zombiekitten's picture
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Double T wrote:

I will be playing the shit out of snipers :)

With Med, Nunder, me...lol

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 11:10 (Reply to #25)
ks63's picture
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Double T wrote:

I will be playing the shit out of snipers :)

Hit me up, Bro! 

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 13:07
beaujared's picture
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Soooooooo, digressing alllllllllllll the way back to the first post...


Kade, YES, we must try this strategy!!!

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 13:42 (Reply to #27)
Dankinia's picture
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beaujared wrote:

Soooooooo, digressing alllllllllllll the way back to the first post...


Kade, YES, we must try this strategy!!!


And I'm guessing I'll be the one that get to run into the group of enemy.  After all, my most earned medals are "Assist" and "Distraction"

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 20:16
Shadow's picture
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wtf?  no friendly fire?  is this CoD?

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 20:19 (Reply to #29)
Autarch's picture
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Shadow wrote:

wtf?  no friendly fire?  is this CoD?

In Reach there was friendly fire in Team Slayer, but not in Infection.

In Halo 4 there is friendly fire in Flood, but not Infinity Team Slayer.


Mon, 11/05/2012 - 20:43 (Reply to #30)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Autarch wrote:

Shadow wrote:

wtf?  no friendly fire?  is this CoD?

In Reach there was friendly fire in Team Slayer, but not in Infection.

In Halo 4 there is friendly fire in Flood, but not Infinity Team Slayer.



The reason they removed friendly fire from Infection was because the pistol was dominant until you ran out of ammo.  Cue your friend to betray you so you can spawn with a new pistol.  They also removed it because zombies kept betraying each other.  As far as I know, a headshot isn't an instant kill in Flood.  Of course I'm just going off a video quote from a while back so if you can confirm or deny this, I would appreciate it.  :)

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