Halo 4 Latest March 5, 2012 Info
Halo 4 Latest March 5, 2012 Info
I will attempt to keep this topic updated throughout the day.
I am scabbing this stuff all over the place.
Two leaked MS photos. The BR is back.
Leaked pictures on NeoGaf from other sources.
Metacafe MS Spring Showcase video. Halo 4 Beta in question.
News from joystiq. "I can tell you health packs are out, that there's still no dual-wielding"
Making of Halo 4
Gamefan Info
Waypoint Pictures
EDGE Online
IGN report.
Gametrailers video. "the next TEN years for Halo".
XBox360 location to download Making of Halo 4 vid in HD so you can look at more detail.
OXM Interview.
VQ427 (thanks Snuphy)
WAYPOINT Topic with many of the links I have above plus different ones.
XBOX Insider
You just beat me to posting this lol
Same pictures, different source.
progression system? sounds like the 343 guys have been playing too much MW3.
Tell me about it.
Beyond the typical cosmetic customization options, players will be able to augment their Spartan IV’s abilities and weapon loadouts, altering their gameplay styles for the first time.
No more health packs! I like!
I am holding my opinion on the loadout customization. I think 343 knows the Halo fans do not want COD, so I'm very curious to see what they have in mind.
Seems like there is a story behind the Read and Blue teams.
Multiplayer Armour is different than MC's too.
BR is back. fuck yeah.
I'm so excited for Halo!!
looks bad ass!!!
I find it funny that Timmies are already stating they have cancelled their pre-orders...lol
I mean, really? We still know next to nothing about the multiplayer, but people are already having rage issues based on ONE screenshot or a random statement.
It's still way too early to make judgements.
So much polish yet to be applied.
Let them cancel their pre-orders, I won't miss them.
From what I've seen so far, I think it looks really good. I however do wish they would have a beta.
Team Unicorn FTW!
Well, to be honest, I'm not particularly happy about the perk system. Unless it is extremely well balanced, I don't have the time some people have to put in 100's of hours to unlock better weapons. The great thing about Halo was that everyone started off with the same weapons, it was a level playing field. Acquiring a more powerful weapon was due to skill, teamwork, and timing, not playing a set amount of time. Either way, it's still Halo and I'll still buy it. I enjoy Reach even though I'm not happy with many aspects of it.
I agree wholeheartedly and I am REALLY interested to hear what exactly they have in mind for customization. There is still a lot to be learned. So many questions that can't be awswered in a 4 minute video.
I re-listened to one video and Frankie was noncommittal about a multiplayer Beta.
It sounded a lot like "no Beta" but that still hasn't been said.
notice how Frankie dodged the question about the pistol?
I hope they cave and give in to those who seek it while not telling them the noobs with KD < 0.8 get a metal storm automatic as a counter. Yeah, I like the ring to that.
I can't wait. I am also interested to see how they do the customization. If it is more BF3 style than COD it might not be that bad.
Two things I wanted to hear were "battle rifle" and "competitive matchmaking". So far, they're on the right track. I'm fine with the perks, so long as they balance them, which I think they're going to do. Even if they don't, it's not like you can't strip them out in custom games anyways and never see poorly implemented ideas. This is a great start to the new beginning for Halo.
These, plus "purpose designed" MP maps, and "faster" gameplay more like H2 or H3. They are certainly saying some of the right things.
I enjoyed the "making of" vid. The MP graphics look kinda cell-shaded. Did anyone else pick up on that? But the gameplay looked fluid and smooth - which matters most. Thank god for the return of the BR. We need the 1-50 true skill ranking system back. The grind to 50 kept players online and active. When I would sign into XBL on H3, there would be like 200,000 players online. I would love to see this type of participantship return to the franchise. It sort of fell off with Reach, despite it being a great game.
The best part of the video, aside from seeing the beloved BR, is when thay make the statement about NONE of the MP play spaces being recycled from SP and all are being purpose built from the ground up. I HATED so many of the MP spaces in Reach because of all the extranious junk your character could get stuck on. Forge World solved many of those issues, but a little too late for me.
you think its cell-shaded or just really unpolished?
cautiously excited.
The sound. The sound appeals to my Halo brain, and it sounds awesome.