Halo 4 Legendary pre-order - What would it take?
Sun, 03/04/2012 - 16:56
Halo 4 Legendary pre-order - What would it take?
What would it take to get you to buy into the Halo 4 equivalent of Halo 3's and REACH's Legendary pre-order package? I.E. Halo 3 Helmet and REACH Noble 6 Statue?
I am not saying there will be one. I am just saying, what if?
Like most of you, I am in the "no way, not again, I'm waiting until it's on sale or not at all" crowd.
Be honest with yourself. What would it take?
I was thinking about this today and decided, if it's good enough, I'll buy into it. If it's so-so then I'll take my chances and wait.
If it were a high quality, ~12" tall and full figure Master Chief statue striking a heroic pose, I'd buy it at full price.
Depends on their availability. In Reach's case, you could pick up a legendary edition from amazon for like $70 a few months ago. If it's something that will still be readily available a year or two after launch at a decreased price, I'll wait until then. If not, I probably won't pick one up. Armor effects and a plastic statue was a waste of my money when Reach was launched. Not happening again.
i would take something pretty special. i've never bought anything than the standard bare bones game. my budget doesn't even really leave room for something like video games, but a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.
then again, maybe a lap dance from Cortana...
^^^^This. (including lap dance...lol)
Actually, I would consider a Legendary Edition if it included a real Battle Rifle. Not a plastic toy, a real gun I could use to hunt Timmies.
This ^^^ for sure
I always get the Legendary Edition for my son. I'll get myself the Regular Edition.
I would say, make it truly limitied and available to pre orders only. I still saw a few Reach ones before Christmas.
Halo 1,2,3, Reach and 4 Soundtracks then I'm in!
Maybe a RC Warthog, MC gloves, and a year subscription to dlc/pro service like cod has. But I would want to be able to post my vids to you tube and not have to buy minutes and crap. If they want to limit it to 30 second caps that is fine, but I would hope for 45 seconds or a minute.
The truly limited thing would always entice me. I didn't enjoy shelling out a $100 for H3 and then $150 for Reach to see them on shelves for $70 4-5 months later. Give me a numbered limited edition and I would be in. It might not take more than that.
I enjoy the statues and things too, i feel I get more than a digital prize that way for going all out. Even if Reach ended up losing favor with me, the bonuses are actually pretty awesome.
A cool life size BR replica.
Or an actual fitting helmet with working HUD.
Some "Nerf" styled Guns would be kinda sweet. Needler, BR, Magnum.......
My kids would be all over this idea, but I'd actually rather buy them seperately from the game.
I bought the Limited edition for H2 but te regular version for all other games. I don't see that changing with H4 unless they do something dumb like offer more maps or better weapons in game. Statues and books don't do it for me.
A free season pass kinda thing for all the DLC, a full scale replica DMR, exclusive in game armor that stays exclusive, and a year of pro so I can upload stuff to YouTube free, and all that for $99.
^^^^ This. At least the DLC season pass and truely exclusive in-game armor items.
Nope! :D They want extra money, I want extra cool stuff. Otherwise it's standard edition for me!
I like the way you think.
I like that, but I could do the 99 bucks without the DMR. 149 with the DMR.
A Cortana A.I. that can stroke my huge........ego as I fall asleep.